@3b1UFGce0q70hH's banner p




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joined 2022 September 08 16:48:31 UTC


User ID: 1021



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 08 16:48:31 UTC


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User ID: 1021

To assume that such behavior was indicative of a violent tendency was unreasonable

Is it unreasonable? In my experience, I have observed two flavors of schizophrenic ranting: "untargeted" and "targeted". Untargeted being when someone is yelling at the air, or at inanimate objects. "Targeted" when they are getting in specific people's faces.

I don't know which Neely was doing but I actually suspect that P( engaging in targeted ranting | no history of violence ) < 0.05, making it reasonable to assume.