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joined 2023 December 19 03:31:51 UTC


User ID: 2802



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User ID: 2802

I'm doing thing this awkwardly on my phone from an alt account, but I wanted to draw attention to Peter Santenello's excellent work as an independent video journalist. He is relatively politically neutral and let's his subjects talk and share their views with little comment.

He has two videos in particular about this subject:

One on the US Mexico border with a county sherrif.

One with a recently retired police officer in Chicago.

Those two officers are in a unique position to speak their own views without political interference from above due to being in an elected role and being retired.

Its worth a look. Also i highly recommend Peter's other videos on subjects which mainstream media ignores.

The sherrif looks to be comfortable in his role as hes been consistently reelected for many years. Beyond that he seems to be allroaching retirement.

Based off of lopsided ratios in some colleges it would lead to a lack of commited relationships and other downstream factors.

And he'd better make sure that he's resolved this issue before he puts a ring on it.

The manosphere was pretty much a loose knit movement for the promotion of men's interests that rose in reaction to the dominance of feminism in the social and political zeitgeist.

The knowledge was spread around the internet but didnt really reach critical mass until the Eternal Summer brought enough normies online to create larger communities. It coalesced around forums and blog comments and sometimes branched out into real life meetups (although this was largely only a PUA thing with the rise of 'lairs' in major cities).

The manosphere acknowledged modern female behaviour (and its facilitating cultural attitudes and legislation) as a problem, but the answer to the problem is where they differed.

Mens rights activists wanted the rights of men renegotiated in light of the new deal that feminism had negotiated for women. Things like creating a presumption of shared custody of children in the event of a divorce, legal paternal surrender and the end of alimony.

The PUAs wanted to exploit the sexual revolution to extract sex and companionship from women, generally (but not always) without engaging in relationships which would expose them to feminist laws (like defacto relationship laws splitting wealth after a period of cohabitation)

The Men Go Their Own Way crowd generally just shrugged their shoulders and wanted to minimise their engagement with women. This group was made up of sour grape incels, but also men thay had legitimately had horrible experiences with women and the legal system (divorce raped of assets and child custody for instance).

On top of this there were trad men (eg Dalrock's blog) promoting traditional relationships, as well as the rise of The Red Pill which promoted a 'realist' approach to modern female behaviour.

The manosphere eventually declined for a variety of reasons as others have said. For instance, PUA generally died a slow death as dating apps tòok hold of the sexual marketplace and live venues declined as a place women went to be available for casual sex.

Many of the manosphere ideologies remain perrenial though and will continue to be repackaged by modern influencers (eg Andrew Tate pushing Red Pill ideology).

I cant wait to see what comes out of newly freed IP.

People are probably aware of the terrible Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey movie, but less aware of other creative uses of the story.

How are you finding it? Is this just like the trackball fad all over again?

Thanks for this. I can nope out early.

I seem to recall there were more than a few fairy tales/fables that started with barren couples that went out for a walk one day and found a baby abandoned on their path.

It seems to be called both a contraceptive and aphrodisiac which is interesting.

I could see how pregnancy risk free sex would be an aphrodisiac in certain circumstances.

I recently moved from a modern apartment building with decent soundproofing to a single family home out in the suburbs.

My stress levels instantly plummeted and I regret not having done this much sooner. The occasional bark or lawnmower is nothing compared to what I was putting up before whenever I opened a door or window.

Also I don't think Dominos drivers get armored suits or rail guns. Yet.

It would probably solve their recruitment problem at the very least.

I own a cardigan. Basically clothes like cardigans amd leather jackets can be used to soften or harden an outfit.

Feminine women wearing a leather jacket over a dress doesnt have anyone bat an eyelid. Conversely i dont get strange looks with the cardigan due to the rest of my appearence (an behaviour) being very masculine.

Maybe its an example of people showing what they can get away with like that fad for pretty girls ro dye their hair grey.

I dont really have anything to add to this except I'm also a huge fan of Uniqlo. Just amazing at wardrobe basics and staples of high quality for a reasonable price.

You'd think they would test it on a sheep or something during commissioning.

Laughing all the way to the bank, golden ticket, got in at the ground floor.

Today I learned about shrimp eyestalk ablation and guess what? I don't care.

Those gruesome scenes with the pregnant women at the end of Bone Tomahawk make a lot more sense now.

Karen Straughn aka GirlWritesWhat has some good antifeminist videos on youtube, but they often lean into rhetoric so might not be what you are after. Her older stuff was pretty good anyway.

Was this a deliberate department decision? To make this clearly non workable even though it was 'still available'?

No one will pay 30k to follow the rules for an au pair. If you're in the right state im sure that would be the salary.