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joined 2024 March 24 22:25:04 UTC


User ID: 2951



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User ID: 2951

My sister-in-law takes her daughters (ages 2 and 11 months) to the children’s museum about once a week. I think their yearly family membership costs less than $200 and the museum changes the “exhibits” up every few months. I’ve been to two different museums with them now and have been impressed by both of them. Jungle gyms, arts and crafts, water tables, instruments, microscopes, light tables, the last one even had bunnies and chickens.

Also libraries often have children’s programming like weekly story times where they read to and do activities with the kids. Typically free.

You might have already come across this but we found this website to be reassuring regarding the risk of miscarriage: https://datayze.com/miscarriage-chart

Congratulations and I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for your wife in her pregnancy!

How have you/your partner been handling the pregnancy so far? I’m nearly through the first trimester with my first and it’s honestly been a lot more challenging than I was expecting. Due to a myriad of symptoms I’m struggling with some of the basics like hydration, good nutrition, keeping my prenatal down, and exercise, let alone optimizing for higher IQ.

My husband and I skimmed through Emily Oster’s Expecting Better but didn’t find it particularly enlightening (though better than the average What to Expect When You’re Expecting type book). If I find anything better I’ll let you know.