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User ID: 1187



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User ID: 1187

Alternating between Democracy In America and Prometheus Bound

Just wanted to say hear-hear to this sentiment. I'm not sure what the practical solution is to trying to maintain a stream of fresh blood, but I think this community exists to fill a real need; as long as that need exists, people will find their way here.

I'd definitely read the piece if you ever get around to it.

Sliders always strikes me as a great premise that was largely wasted in execution. Seriously, reboot that instead of the 18th Batman movie.

Been a minute since I logged in here, but I wanted to respond that I'd be interested to read that. What technologies exemplify this trend?

I'd be interested in an english version, if available. I do agree that the techno-capitalists may be form the kernel of a rival elite to our current one. The very fact that they attract so much vitriol these days is a testament to this.

Re: your last point. If someone does devise a true grand vision along "the full range of possible action", we'll find out about it soon enough.

I'm gonna be that guy and suggest you mean "guerilla" warfare

I'd just like to say how much I enjoyed this series. Rarely have I seen fascism discussed in anything like a scholarly fashion, let alone on the internet. I found this whole sequence very informative and look forward to your next post.

Wanted to reiterate what others have already said, that I appreciate you taking the time to post this review and I will likely add the book to my ever-growing TBR list. If I could ask a follow up question - does the author posit a reason emotions were running so high? I get that there was a climate of fear and paranoia which contributed to the Terror, but what was the mechanism by which this climate emerged?

My working theory is that a really strong sense of local identity tends to be correlated with lower socioeconomic status. To be cosmopolitan requires education and the freedom and economic security to travel, all of which are correlated with wealth. I can't imagine someone who went to Groton penning this song

Thanks, appreciate it.

My question is: what defines a civilization? Is it language? Religion? Some vaguer set of shared cultural norms? I think it's precisely the fuzziness of defining "civilization" that makes it hard to use as an effective behavioral model. I'll grant you that there has been increasing pushback on the western progressive narrative, but I'm not sure anyone has a clear idea what will replace it in the global south

To me that just sounds like the good ol' urban-rural divide. Dunking on those dirty country-folk goes back at least to what, ancient Rome? If not further.

Thanks for the clarification

For Adult, I'm gonna go in a different direction and say Tolkien's "The Tale of Turin Turambar." Tolkien had a lot more range than he gets credit for, and Turin Turambar would let you use the Tolkien name to tell a story that's a lot closer in tone to his Germanic inspiration than LOTR proper. Turin is a grim-and-gritty antihero who lives and dies by the sword; perfectly in keeping with modern prestige drama norms.

For family friendly: Lord of Light. Obscure sci-fantasy novel from the 60s, loved it when I read it in my early twenties.