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Singapore is the only country that learned the correct lessons from the British Empire.

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joined 2022 September 05 16:37:04 UTC

The neighborhood of Hampstead is just at present exercised with a series of events which seem to run on lines parallel to those of what was known to the writers of headlines and "The Kensington Horror," or "The Stabbing Woman," or "The Woman in Black." During the past two or three days several cases have occurred of young children straying from home or neglecting to return from their playing on the Heath. In all these cases the children were too young to give any properly intelligible account of themselves, but the consensus of their excuses is that they had been with a "bloofer lady." It has always been late in the evening when they have been missed, and on two occasions the children have not been found until early in the following morning. It is generally supposed in the neighborhood that, as the first child missed gave as his reason for being away that a "bloofer lady" had asked him to come for a walk, the others had picked up the phrase and used it as occasion served. This is the more natural as the favorite game of the little ones at present is luring each other away by wiles. A correspondent writes us that to see some of the tiny tots pretending to be the"bloofer lady" is supremely funny. Some of our caricaturists might, he says, take a lesson in the irony of grotesque by comparing the reality and the picture. It is only in accordance with general principles of human nature that the "bloofer lady" should be the popular role at these al fresco performances.


User ID: 628


Singapore is the only country that learned the correct lessons from the British Empire.

5 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:37:04 UTC


The neighborhood of Hampstead is just at present exercised with a series of events which seem to run on lines parallel to those of what was known to the writers of headlines and "The Kensington Horror," or "The Stabbing Woman," or "The Woman in Black." During the past two or three days several cases have occurred of young children straying from home or neglecting to return from their playing on the Heath. In all these cases the children were too young to give any properly intelligible account of themselves, but the consensus of their excuses is that they had been with a "bloofer lady." It has always been late in the evening when they have been missed, and on two occasions the children have not been found until early in the following morning. It is generally supposed in the neighborhood that, as the first child missed gave as his reason for being away that a "bloofer lady" had asked him to come for a walk, the others had picked up the phrase and used it as occasion served. This is the more natural as the favorite game of the little ones at present is luring each other away by wiles. A correspondent writes us that to see some of the tiny tots pretending to be the"bloofer lady" is supremely funny. Some of our caricaturists might, he says, take a lesson in the irony of grotesque by comparing the reality and the picture. It is only in accordance with general principles of human nature that the "bloofer lady" should be the popular role at these al fresco performances.


User ID: 628

Hate and resentment are strong words. I give freely to those I consider beneath me, conditional on them accepting their place in life. These are not the actions of someone who hates the lower classes. Indeed it is said that it is better to give than to recieve.

(Ok, I don't actually give very much to lower classes of the UK, but this is not because of resentment or anything, it's because the same amount of money can be much more effectively spent on lower classes in the third world, which is where I sent my chairtable donations instead, what would you rather do, have a veteran put up in a hotel in London for the night or cure 1 person of river blindness in DRC?)

I don't even think western lower classes are all that bad, especially the white lower classes. They have some of the best stock of all lower classes in the world. The problem is pretty much 100% cultural.

I don't feel any noblesse oblige towards lower class westerners, my taxes already go a long long way towards funding their bad habits, and then they have zero respect for their betters, freely biting the hand that feeds them and openly talking about biting it even more.

Noblesse Oblige is one part of a two way system. I am willing to forgive and forget, but the other end of the bargain requiring a certain amuont of obeiscance from those who take out more than they put in is also necessary before we can return to that point.

Sure, I agree it is voluntary, doesn't mean the migrants are doing something bad if they try and mitigate the impact of the culture shift on themselves, or that they should not come if they aren't happy with the culture shift.

Eating pasta at a certain restaurant is completely voluntary, but if their pasta comes with rocket on top and you really really hate it then you can freely move it to the side or onto a different plate. You're not a bad person for not accepting the rocket on your pasta and taking steps to get rid of it vs not even visiting the restaurant, maybe the rest of the meal is really good and you like it very much.

Same with migration, migrants are not and should not be expected to accept literally every cultural thing about their new host country and should be completely free to take steps making their experience more pleasant for them, it's no different to removing the rocket from your meal. We would scoff at anyone who said "If you don't like the rocket then don't eat at this restaurant, if you continue coming here you should be expected to consume everything on the pasta", we should do the same for people who make the analogous argument for immigration.

Or when their political future is now determined by the flood of migrants which repopulates the region, as opposed to their coethnics in Moscow.

Bold of you to assume that the plan isn't to repopulate both Ukraine and Russia once their mutual destruction is complete. Imagine the glory of taking over both the ancient Slavic "center of the world" Kiev as well as the modern one, Moscow. And the best part of it all will be how bloodless and peaceful our conquest will be, nay it will be even better, it will be done with the full consent of the conquered. Much like Rurik's original arrival into Novgorod back in 862, they are going to invite us to come over and rule over them. Could you ask for anything better?

Sometimes I ask myself: "Are we Gog and Magog?"; but nah, that's too farfetched and fantastical...

The other explanation for it is that the Indians are just so much better than the alternatives that they were still kept on despite the negative AA against them. That, or nepotism (which I openly agree is bad).

Being a male from the subcontinent is the least desirable gender/race combo for "gibs" purposes in the modern day USA. Barring nepotism everything we achieve we do so on our own merit and then some. You know that meme about "I needed to be twice as good as everyone else here to get this job"? That actually applies to us.

Trump can also not take office due to legitimately losing the election.

If the plebes want noblesse oblige they better start showing some obeiscence. The UMC class is already funding your continued existence, start showing some gratitude instead of "Eat the rich" (sidenote: it's much more efficient to eat the poor instead, but that's a digestion digression for a different day) and then we can talk.

Was in agreement with the author until this:

sustained immigration of high IQ and ethnically nepotist immigrants from India into highly paid tech jobs, blocking the sons of the American middle class from the possibility of upward social advancement and leaving them stranded in five figure wagecuck hell

I am reminded of the quote misattributed to Gandhi: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”

We have reached the stage where right wing westerners are fighting against us after not caring about us and then laughing at us. But we are no laughing matter as the more astute westerners are now seeing. We will be taken seriously. By simple virtue of being better than them we will eventually win if given a level playing field. I agree ethnic nepotism is bad and should be discouraged, but more high IQ people is straight up good. The US can extend its worldwide hegemony by another two generations if it just replaced its immigration criteria with an IQ test where anybody IQ 125+ was welcomed.

All we want is the same thing that you want: better living standards for us and ours.

The life script is still present and unless you are the type of human being that requires society to nudge you into doing stuff (i.e. minimal self initiative, little internal locus of control) it is easier to follow than ever with greater rewards than ever.

The one exception to this might be the part about finding a good partner, but that's only completely broken because society doesn't nudge people into being prosocial so partners who in a different world may have been good turn out to be disposable cutlery tier instead and hence you have a harder deal finding a good person as there are fewer of them around. But even then there are things like regularly going to religious congregations and having parents who maintained strong community networks that help you out here (and if your parents didn't that's their fault, you can hardly blame society for your parents failing at a key social role they should play for their children).

If you have it in you to reject the modern day Satan's insidious messaging you can still make something decent and respectable out of yourself and leave a positive legacy on the world after living a satisfied and fulfilling life. The fact that most people don't have it in them to do this doesn't says stuff about them, not about you or the script.

For Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen.

- Matthew 2:14

Sure, I'm fine with that. Cultural appropriation as an idea is absolute BS, it's only use is getting self hating whites to pay us gibs. All whites have to do to stop it is give up on the idea themselves completely, but instead they prefer to use it as a weapon in intra-white people conflicts, and we merely collect the fees that it generates every time the idea is invoked and heeded to.

Yes, please do. My job as a quant is sort of like software engineering (in some aspects) and I wouldn't give a single shit if every country on earth could send over quants to the developed world. In fact that's basically what the situation is like now where companies will bend over backwards to arrange your visa and everything if you can convince them you'll be a positive addition to the team.

Competent quants who really understand what they are doing are quite rare, it's already basically a global market for us and we're doing more than fine regardless. Why can't other jobs also handle the heat? Are you scared that you'll be outdone by third worlders who had and have none of the advantage you were handed on a silver platter by being born in a first world country?

Trying to protect your job by limiting freedom of movement is a system of economic rent extraction and nothing more. Westerners who were born in high wage countries use their borders to prevent firms from getting their labour from the most efficient source possible. This imposes a (very large, when you integrate over the whole world) deadweight loss upon humanity as a whole. I am in favour of smashing them down just like how I am always in favour of smashing down rent seeking.

Content warnings are unironically a good thing. They're no different to allergy warnings on food you get from a supermarket.

I don’t think Jesus should be quoted in a post* reminiscent of the prayer of the Pharisee

Christianity has always been my least favourite of the three Abrahamic religions. I thank myself (and God) that I am a follower of Muhammad the Conqueror instead of Christ the Redeemer.

”God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.

I try to say some variant of this prayer every day. It's an expression of gratitude towards God for pairing my ka with the ba I have (If you'll excuse the Ancient Egyptian terms). I don't think this is a bad thing but rather, in a world with a severe paucity of gratitude for what it has, something that marks me out from people. I recommend other people to be regularly thankful of their station in life too and recognise that it isn't (after a point) our own deeds that got us here but rather the blessing of God smiling down upon us (long may it continue). Of course this doesn't mean we shouldn't recognise that we are all sinners and also repent for that.

I could have been born a few hospitals over and right now would be tilling fields by hand to earn a meagre amount just enough feed myself twice a day but by grace of God I was born me, and I will always be thankful for that.

EDIT: Although you can argue just how possible it is for me (the person I am today) to have been born as an IQ 80 minimally literate farmer. Just like how a human consciousness can never be born in a C. Elegans and experience such a life (because such creatures don't have the neural architecture to support something as complex as a human conscious), I wonder just how possible it would be for the consciousness I have today to have developed in an IQ 80 person (of course the differences between me and the farmer are far far smaller than the differences between humans and nematode worms but I wonder where the cutoff is). But regardless, I should still be extremely grateful, if not for that then for the fact that I got to experience reality at all because just the right sperm combined with just the right egg.

That's a problem with a welfare state, not a problem with open borders.

So basically, if you hit that mark on the first try, be grateful because you saved yourself a whole lot of trouble.

Or alternatively stick with her while you secretly search for someone who is a good person as well as is good for you. Now this is not an honourable thing to do, but there is no honour left in the modern west and I would not judge a man additionally for doing this beyond what I would judge any normal man who accepts and lives by the modern western belief system uncritically.

I don't blame them for offering me the job, I blame them for taxing me a shit load (also note that the people offering me the job were not the same as the people who tax me a shitload).

Your comment reminds me of this comic: https://iea.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/mister-gotcha-4-9faefa-1.jpg

Just like how the peasant is saying "we should improve society somewhat", I am saying "we should tax people like me a lot less" and am being given the same "and yet you participate in society, curious" response. Now the peasant can very well go live in the wild under the law of the jungle, just like how I can go to a different country, but that is even worse for the peasant (and for me) than the present situation. However that does not at all mean the peasant is not entitled to complain that the current state of affairs is not very good, or to agitate for them to be changed until they are more pleasant, while continuing to live his peasant life. Same with me.

That's all well and good, but it's not bringing my money back is it?

There is no common future for them and me, and I rate my chances of survival on the same level as an Indian after Columbus.

I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. You are absolutely right that these EA types basically prey on people like you. But equally there is a large and growing Post-Rationalist contingent (e/acc, d/acc etc. are just some examples) where people take many of the implication of rationalism to their logical conclusion in all domains, which then destroys the EA normie Bay Area-esque Rationalists who are above all a social group with all the taboos such groups must have to function, precisely because we turn their own professed values against them in much the same fashion as they turn their values against ordinary people.

You can think of it as you being like a piece of grass that a deer eats (here the deer are EA normie rats), while we post rats are like facultative predator tigers who gladly eat the deer but completely ignore the grass.

As a piece of grass you are safer in a world with a lot of tigers than you are in a world with a lot of deer. As Post-Rationalist label continues to grow, normie EA types are going to end up losing power and prestige and the ability to influence things, leading to the rejoicing of grass everywhere.

Come to rDrama, we have fun over there.

Yeah, right now we have Donkey Kong December going on too so there's extra special flavour (yes, I know it's April, don't ask).

I don't get the joke, what letters are you supposed to replace and where to make it funny?

Without black people, the success of modern day America would not have been possible

Downthread there is a comment from @RandomRanger where he talks about how high income blacks are still just as criminal as low income whites, using this to argue that we shouldn't treat poor people of all races the same and that the negative effects of the black population today are so bad that putting them in the USA leads to social dysfunction as bad as that in modern day Russia.

It's quite heavily implied that blacks are a problem and their presence leads to a worse USA compared to a hypothetical counterfactual where they weren't there. I don't think this is quite right, I actually think an even stronger argument can be made for the exact opposite belief, namely that it is a direct consequence of having so many blacks that the USA is as advanced and developed as it is today and that a USA which never had them would be one where everyone (including whites) was much poorer today.

The argument itself is simple. Today the USA is much richer than other peer countries in Europe etc. because it has and has had for a long time significantly lower taxes and a much weaker redistributive welfare state compared to places like Sweden and the UK. This comparative lack of "democratic socialism" and a much lighter touch of the government on private enterprise has paid off in spades for the US which has gone from being only slightly more prosperous than the UK/France/Germany etc. to being significantly more so over the last few decades.

One perfectly valid question to ask is why did the USA not follow in the same footsteps as Europe when it came to implementing a very high tax and spend redistributive economy, which consequently lead to it becoming significantly richer per capita as the virtuous cycle paid off. My answer is simple: the US had too many black people for this sort of redistribution to be palatable to the ruling white classes. Hence the US escaped the economic havoc and destruction (compared to the counterfactual) such policies lead to in the long term and was able to grow and expand unshackled which eventually lead to everyone's living standards improving massively. Indeed as the tastes of the ruling class have changed and become more accepting of the sorts of behaviours displayed by low class black Americans so too have we heard louder and louder calls to redirect more and more money to the poor from those who might do something useful with it.

By now it's very well established empirically (just look at Europe) that when white people as a class get governmental power and there aren't too many lower class people around who have a very dissimilar modus vivendi that your average high status white would find disagreeable to fund they introduce "democratic socialism" and start taxing people/companies/transactions (discouraging innovation and hard work) and use the money to set up a welfare state (discouraging innovation and hard work). This predictably leads to less innovation and growth, which leads to large scale economic welfare loss for the population as a whole. The final result of this is that everyone ends up poorer and worse off, little different from the purported negative impact blacks have of the population as a whole.

Just like how blacks (as a class) have a direct negative impact on societal welfare through their elevated crime rate etc. wherever they are, whites (as a class) have a direct negative impact on societal welfare through their very high propensity to introduce "democratic socialism" wherever they are. Now of course there are lots of whites that don't think this way and are honest to goodness capitalists, but equally lots of blacks never steal or otherwise commit crimes. Just like the existance of such blacks doesn't mean blacks as a class don't cause large scale social damage through elevated crime incidences, the existance of such whites doesn't mean whites as a class don't cause large scale social damage through promoting bad economic policy.

Indeed because economic growth is contagious and spreads its boons all over the world, it's not just Americans who would be worse off if there were no blacks and consequently American whites had fallen to their instinctive impulses of taxing the productive to give to the unproductive. A lot of the high living standards around Europe and the rest of the world are due to techonologies that were developed and matured and brought to market due to substantial efffort from Americans safe in the knowledge that they would stand to personally benefit from its successes. Without this engine of growth and productivity in America it is well possible that the developed world in this alternate universe 2024 would still have living standards no higher than our world managed in the 1960s.

Many white nationalists are perfectly at home with noticing the bad consequences of black people as a class on the sum economic welfare of the USA. However they fail to notice the more pernicious but potentially even worse consequences of letting white people with their "lets minimise harm, even if it scuttles the economy" approach run rampant over the country like it would have done had there not been a large class of black people 100 years ago the whites were less happy to redistribute money towards.

I would think they are a typical westerner and not much more about it, par for the course, as they say. In fact doing so shows they are risk taking, which is a quality I personally admire, so probably slightly positively predisposed towards them.

Yes, that something is the tabula rasa insanity believed by the left leaning sorts who are in power in Detroit and Chicago; nothing more, nothing less. It's like believing E. faecalis is no different from H. pylori and treating both of them in the same way.

Interesting, I thought the case against him was based on the whole "inciting his supporters to go shit up the capitol" thing.

Also, something about that old Scott post about trading off sacred and profane values.

The modern day west is basically 100% profane. It does not get to claim anything is sacred any more after its behaviour over the past 60 years, any such claims are just hypocrisy at this point and deserve to be called out.

Westerners have killed God, and now they deserve all the consequences of that, good and hard.