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Singapore is the only country that learned the correct lessons from the British Empire.

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joined 2022 September 05 16:37:04 UTC

The neighborhood of Hampstead is just at present exercised with a series of events which seem to run on lines parallel to those of what was known to the writers of headlines and "The Kensington Horror," or "The Stabbing Woman," or "The Woman in Black." During the past two or three days several cases have occurred of young children straying from home or neglecting to return from their playing on the Heath. In all these cases the children were too young to give any properly intelligible account of themselves, but the consensus of their excuses is that they had been with a "bloofer lady." It has always been late in the evening when they have been missed, and on two occasions the children have not been found until early in the following morning. It is generally supposed in the neighborhood that, as the first child missed gave as his reason for being away that a "bloofer lady" had asked him to come for a walk, the others had picked up the phrase and used it as occasion served. This is the more natural as the favorite game of the little ones at present is luring each other away by wiles. A correspondent writes us that to see some of the tiny tots pretending to be the"bloofer lady" is supremely funny. Some of our caricaturists might, he says, take a lesson in the irony of grotesque by comparing the reality and the picture. It is only in accordance with general principles of human nature that the "bloofer lady" should be the popular role at these al fresco performances.


User ID: 628


Singapore is the only country that learned the correct lessons from the British Empire.

5 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:37:04 UTC


The neighborhood of Hampstead is just at present exercised with a series of events which seem to run on lines parallel to those of what was known to the writers of headlines and "The Kensington Horror," or "The Stabbing Woman," or "The Woman in Black." During the past two or three days several cases have occurred of young children straying from home or neglecting to return from their playing on the Heath. In all these cases the children were too young to give any properly intelligible account of themselves, but the consensus of their excuses is that they had been with a "bloofer lady." It has always been late in the evening when they have been missed, and on two occasions the children have not been found until early in the following morning. It is generally supposed in the neighborhood that, as the first child missed gave as his reason for being away that a "bloofer lady" had asked him to come for a walk, the others had picked up the phrase and used it as occasion served. This is the more natural as the favorite game of the little ones at present is luring each other away by wiles. A correspondent writes us that to see some of the tiny tots pretending to be the"bloofer lady" is supremely funny. Some of our caricaturists might, he says, take a lesson in the irony of grotesque by comparing the reality and the picture. It is only in accordance with general principles of human nature that the "bloofer lady" should be the popular role at these al fresco performances.


User ID: 628

20 APM is a bit low, but at 50 APM (reasonable for average players) the people who know the game would win 99% of the time if the 200APM people had literally never played a MOBA before (talking about DOTA here). We even have empirical proof of this because pros sometimes play on far away servers with 150ms+ ping and they still destroy average players.

If you want a real life example recently Grubby (a former WC3 pro) with excellent micro skills picked up DOTA and despite extensive coaching when he calibrated for ranked matchmaking he was put into Herald 5, roughly at the 10th percentile, and this was with hundreds of hours of play too, not "just picked the game up" noob level.

The sport example is terrible. Olympic swimming excludes pretty much all black people due to genetic factors, but we don't have an equivalent Olympic category for just "black people" with the same level of prestige as the open competition, but for some reason women get their own league...

I did not know this. Apparently black successful olympic swimmers do exist, but equally there's this really tall Chinese basketball dude while I'd say that on average the Chinese are not the best suited for Basketball due to their smaller heights.

Anyways: we don't have a special Olympic category for short (under 5'6") male rowers (lightweight rowing exists but those people are still 6'+) while we do for women. Shortness is almost as genetically determined as being female.

Lung volume for instance, Phelps was exceptional partly because of his exceptional lung volume and upper body shape.

Americans don't dominate DOTA, EG isn't even made up of Americans and the only other decent NA team is TSM.

If the land value is kept down by prospects of high taxes then the owner will pay tax on the low value, which will be managable.

House Vampire is the best house, and no, you don't have to be a neoliberal to join.

They were not particularly moral, but they didn't pretend that they were equal to the lower classes and that the lower classes could freely do what they did without suffering extra consequences. Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi is a good thing because it stops people who can't handle the consequences from doing things that will damage them with very high probability. This meant that the lower classes mostly kept to values that were better long term for someone who doesn't have a huge safety net.

One of the biggest problem with modern elite "liberals" (note they aren't really liberal) is that they treat the lower classes as equal to themselves, or at least their words say that. Then they tell the lower classes that they too can do what the upper classes do without suffering extra consequences but that is very much not true. The elite liberals have their safety net which means that even with the degeneracy they still come out fine in the end, the lower classes are not so lucky though and society slowly disintegrates.

Correct, rules are for little people. The modern rejection of this idea has lead to the "little people" suffering the most...

Humans are a monkey see, monkey do animal. Big people, especially those in positions where they are likely to be seen frequently by little people, need to have a sense of noblesse oblige and make sure they follow the rules so that the little people can imitate them. Indeed I think this loss of noblesse oblige in the west is directly hurting the little people right now.

It's basically a form of charity from the people at the top towards those at the bottom if you ask me (instead of giving them money the people at the top are are giving them direction). Big people should be strongly encouraged to follow the rules just like how little people are, but not for the same reasons, and when they don't follow the rules the charge against them should not be "you broke the rules" but rather "you set a bad example for everyone else" and if anything the punishment for this should be more severe than the punishment for "merely" breaking the rules.

What isn't good is pretending big people and little people are the same, which is what the West is doing at the moment in its mass collective delusion.

Unaccented English is the English of the wealthiest and most financially and culturally influential part of the United States,

Speaking as someone in the UK, those people have a very pronounced accent. You call it unaccented since it's what has become normalised to your ears, but there is very much a "New Englander" accent.

Generally they are all at the very least degree educated professionals (barring family members). So not an underclass, but also not super high achievers because the very strict US filter isn't there.

the Chinese who will be flat at 5% due to rapidly falling immigration, high emigration, and very low fertility.

Where are the Chinese emigrating to? Back to China?

Oh properly blind admissions would be great. Not only would they kill AA but also kill legacy and donor admissions (an even bigger travesty, at least AA has noble though misguided goals). The schadenfreude when Daddy finds out his $2 million donation led to zilch since anything on his children's applications that connected them to him got scrubbed out by a minimum wage worker before they even got delivered to the admissions officers is so great even imagining it fills my heart with warmth, pride and childlike joy.

What did they ever do to deserve becoming a bong?

Jokes aside yes the lack of bidets is a big problem, every time you go to the toilet you basically have to assault your ass afterwards...

It's not too much of a problem to get installed once you find your own place, but still any public toilets you use like at work or in shopping centres etc. still won't have them.

And yes, people in the west, even at the very bottom of the food chain still have it pretty good in global terms. Merely having nationality of a western country sets a pretty high floor on how shitty your life can get as long as you don't try and actively harm yourself.

You'd be surprised how often firms leave free money on the ground. There's a metric called the efficiency ratio which measures (your expenses/your income). The lower this number is the less you need to put in per dollar that you make and it's an indicator that influences your business's valuation when you're looking for further funding.

Releasing a new profitable product can actually reduce this ratio, e.g. before if you had a product where it cost you 20c to make a dollar and you release a new product in parallel that costs 80c to make a dollar you make more money in total after releasing the product but your efficiency ratio has gone up from 0.2 to 0.5 (assuming you do same amount of sales for both products) which can hurt your company valuation when you're looking for new investors.

Not the person you replied to but I honestly respect prostitutes more than I respect "independent" women who sleep around for free. At least the former know their worth...

This here. Back home I come from a culture that most westerners would call patriarchal (I scoff at the association but lets humour them for a second) . That doesn't mean I could just mistreat my future wife with no consequence. I was specifically raised by my parents to always respect women and put their needs before my own (what counts as "their needs" naturally varies between cultures) and if I were to mistreat my wife I would run the risk of my own family disowning me both for moral and honour reasons as well as because were they not to do this it would jeopardise my brother's ability to find a good high status wife for himself.

Plus family bonds are very important for us so being disowned isn't like the western "never talk to your family again but otherwise live your life as you were doing before" where you can still live a fulfilling life but rather a serious and highly damaging event, it's more like the ancient exile from your city state (almost as bad as execution, as Socrates showed by his actions in the Apology) compared to a modern hypothetical exile from a city (just go to a new city and find a job there).

The freedom to live any life, as long as it's the Taliban's life.

No. It's freedom to live any life that does not go against Taliban rules, not forced to live the Taliban life. It's a blacklist system, not a whitelist one. In return for the blacklisting of certain practices you get a strong social structure that over centuries has been tweaked and optimised to fit at least decently well with the human condition, I would say unless a person is at least IQ 120+ they would on average do better under it (assuming same economic situations etc. which is manifestly not the case in the real Afghanistan) than living under rootless modernity where "anything goes" and short term convenience without regard to long term social costs is the name of the game.

Also: from a western point of view from far away it looks like there is only one "way of life" of the people of Afghanistan or the Taliban, that is manifestly not true even amongst just the Pashtun people...

In October 1966, Ceaușescu banned abortion and contraception and brought in one of the world's harshest anti-abortion laws, leading to a large spike in the number of Romanian infants abandoned to the country's orphanages.

Funnily enough given the large shortage of babies to adopt this would not be an issue nowadays in the west.

Yes, I am referring to Afghanistan. The system worked decently well before the western intervention that destroyed the country, as evidenced by the fact that the same system continues to work well in the western parts of Pakistan (where it is still the way of life for the Pathan people) that didn't have a western military invasion; instead if anything those parts got western aid flowing in in return for right of access to Afghanistan.

united by a belief in the superiority of their bloodline

Would you say this belief is wrong?

for a good illustration, see @BurdensomeCount here. Due to all people nominally having the same rights and obligations, there is no notion of noblesse oblige either,

I very strongly believe in noblesse oblige and perform it when in the midst of my own people. Back home people can basically tell at a glance that I am better than them simply based on my dress (even when I'm wearing local dress my clothes have higher quality fabric are crisper and fit me better due to having been specifically tailored for me) and in such a case I even go out of my way to e.g. at the airport lift my own baggage rather than getting a porter as that is demonstrating the virtue of self sufficiency to others around me. Also when praying I have no qualms to standing next to janitors and ditch diggers, reflecting the fact that while in Earthly matters people have different ranks, in the eyes of God we have all been created equal (and infinitely beneath Him) and that we will be judged for our sins in the same way on the Day of Resurrection regardless of whether one was a prince or a pauper.

When talking to people in my language no matter how low they may be I always use the formal, polite way of referring to them and in conversation always treat them like an equal (because it is possible to tell from my dress, manner of walking, height etc. that I am their superior, I don't need to articulate it). They know they are beneath me, I know I am above them but treating them like dirt beneath my feet isn't going to get us anywhere in relation to the reason I'm talking to them, instead I have a duty of care towards them similar to a parent's duty of care towards their children and I try and make sure that what I'm asking of these people doesn't cross the line over into exploitation (equally I would never ask someone to do something I wouldn't be willing to do myself, I've cleaned plenty of toilets and even once dug a ditch to find out what it was like).

In the west though I don't do any of it, because the proles here believe themselves to be equal in worldly matters to me (lol, lmao even) and so I treat them like equals; much like how my job is focused on figuring out ways to make money off of other market participants in the west these people get to deal with a version of me that only looks after my own self interest, and naturally since they are beneath me they lose out more often.

Once I made close to £500 off a student acquaintance of mine who was making wildly overconfident claims about the probabilities of certain events, I challenged him to trade on it and he accepted, despite knowing I work in quant finance and him being a history & politics student who stopped studying maths at 16. I even pushed to do a big sized trade given how confident he seemed by dangling the carrot of potentially winning £2000 in front of him. Naturally he was wrong, I was right and suddenly he had lost a month's worth of discretionary expenses for him. Had this been back home I would never have proposed the bet in the first place, seeing it as exploitation of those below me in this domain, and even after I had won would probably have returned the money along with a life lesson in being less confident in your assertions but here in the West I was perfectly happy to take the cash as I had rightfully won it from an equal, never mind that it was supposed to be his food money for the rest of the term while it was something I wouldn't even notice (you can probably tell I didn't really like him).

I agree, and the reason I won't use a porter is to demonstrate that relying on servants to do small menial tasks is not necessary (as pretty much everybody back home does, even we have a live in cook) and there is virtue in doing these things yourselves. I don't have anything against using a porter when I have lots of luggage (and do use them) but plenty of people back home with the means hire a porter even when all they have is 1 carry on bag and 1 suitcase, both of which they could easily have moved themselves together because they see the small pittance handed to the porter to be worth less than the effort expended in rolling a single bag along.

I will pray for you.

Thank you, and I will remember to pray for you too.

The son of God rode in on a donkey and never expected anybody to 'tell at a glance that he was better than them'.

While I believe in Jesus and respect him as a prophet bringing the word of god to mankind I'm not a Christian but rather a Muslim. There is an Authentic Hadith that goes:

Abu Huraira reported: I have not seen anyone more graceful than the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, as if the sunlight emanated from his face. I have not seen anyone quicker in his walking than the Prophet, as if the earth was folded for him. We would exert ourselves, while he would not endure any difficulty.

As well as others like (this is one of the miracles attributed to Muhammad);

Imam Ibn Abi Khaythamah has recorded the following narration on the authority of Sayyidah ‘Aaishah : “None who was regarded to be tall would walk alongside him, except that Muhammad would be taller. At times two tall men would stand on either side of him and he would still be taller than them. When they would go away, they would once again be described as being tall and Muhammad as moderate”

In Islam it's pretty well established that Muhammad from his appearance stood out and displayed nobility in everything he did. There is also a Hadith that says:

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Noble character is among the deeds of Paradise.”

Islam is rather more of a warrior's religion than Christianity. I find the latter very much reflects a slave mentality that (in my opinion) isn't the best for individuals to hold, for example from the Sermon on the Mount there are statements like “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." and things like "You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". To me this reflects a warped viewpoint of the world and in this case I identify more strongly with the Confucian doctrine of "treating your enemy the same way you treat your friend is an insult to your friend" (I suppose this provides an example of fundamental differences in the basic beliefs that Western/Eastern cultures were built on that then went on to cause the cultures to diverge further and further as they developed, a bit like different starting conditions in a chaotic system).

Those who believed in him created the civilisation that lucky people like you get to visit and 'work in quant finance' in.

True, but those people have gone now and western society is trending towards godless heathenism, that culture is slowly going extinct even though the genes are still there, basically in inverse of how the Magyars strongly contributed to modern Hungarian culture, but very little to their genes. A modern Hungarian saying Magyars were his genetic ancestors would elicit a scoff from me, much like how a modern non-believing westerner would do if they said that the believers in Christ who built the West were their memetic ancestors.

You didn't choose your job? Who forced you to 'only look after your own self interest'? I pray that we all find the alternative version of ourselves that treats others better than ourselves.

Nobody. I actually always try to treat people I know better than myself, it's just that in the West without noblesse oblige I don't really give a shit about providing direction and being a good role model towards low class people I don't personally know or have relationships at at least the level of "friendly acquaintance". Back home I do indeed look out for others, even random strangers before caring for myself to an extent. It's considered bad form to say how much you give to charity but I give freely to the poor and always have done so, this being a value instilled in me by my parents from an early age. In fact I consider my high paying finance job as sort of a reward from God for freely giving to the poor and needy, indeed I didn't keep that £500 I won from that overconfident western idiot but instead donated it to the Edhi Foundation which provides hospital and ambulance services to the extremely poor back home and saves countless lives a year (Edhi himself was a great man, in Islam it's generally frowned upon to donate organs but even then shortly before he died he asked his doctors if any parts of his body might be of use to patients and they replied that while most of them wouldn't - he was 88 at the time - his eyes could still be implanted so he gave those up too when he passed away, one final act of charity towards those who need it).

I too hope we all find the ability to put others before ourselves.