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joined 2022 September 05 08:56:17 UTC


User ID: 511



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 08:56:17 UTC


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User ID: 511

Assuming this is not just a troll, and so taking an opportunity to stand on a soapbox.

What is true is already so.

Owning up to it doesn’t make it worse.

Not being open about it doesn’t make it go away.

And because it’s true, it is what is there to be interacted with.

Anything untrue isn’t there to be lived.

People can stand what is true,

for they are already enduring it.

If it is true, it does not mean it has to continue to be true, and knowing it is true is the fastest way to fix it. That's how you deal with it without becoming nihilistic.

Further, racial differences in IQ, if true, really shouldn't impact your (or anyones) assessment of you. Maybe you're top 1/1000 in iq, maybe you're top 1/100, but either way your actual intelligence is what it is. The ball you drew is red, regardless of it it came from a bag with 99% red balls or 1% red balls.

It's not obvious to me at all. Once we conquer the stars I don't see any difficulty in having a few thousand meadows for cows to graze in. Nor do I see forcing every human to go vegan to be the destruction of everything we care about (even though I think it would be a cruel and tyrannical act).

It is also not entirely obvious to me that humans have the same moral hardwiring (serial killers, sociopaths). I could also easily see someone making a similar argument about black slaves a few hundred years ago. Oh sure, I'll agree to abolish slavery if you can prove that blacks have the same moral value as whites! But it's hard to take the seriously when you (presumably) have no clear definition or test in mind that could be proven.

To be clear, I agree that current neural nets have negligible moral weight, but the field seems to be moving really fast so I am not highly confident this will remain true during my lifetime.

On the one hand, I am deeply disturbed by the possibility of AIs having moral weight and no one caring, creating an artificial slave caste (that aren't even optimized to enjoy their slavery). On the other hand, animals do have moral weight, certainly more than current LLMs, and while I don't like factory farming it does not particularly disturb me. Not sure if status quo bias or a sign I should care less about future AIs.

(The best future is one where we don't factory farm or enslave sentient beings)