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Doubly Afraid of Change

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joined 2022 October 23 18:45:23 UTC

I am actively attempting to deradicalize myself. I dislike puritanism and intolerance. DM me if you want my Discord, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

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User ID: 1719


Doubly Afraid of Change

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 October 23 18:45:23 UTC


I am actively attempting to deradicalize myself. I dislike puritanism and intolerance. DM me if you want my Discord, Twitter, Reddit, etc.


User ID: 1719

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That makes sense. I still think his book is significantly more important than any other anti-woke book, though, so it's too bad he's gotten in the way of his own success.

Good argument. Now tell me what to read instead.

I love the quokka post, but Zero HP Lovecraft blocked me on Twitter so I can't see it anymore.

Your critique of my behavior is a strong one. I don't have evidence because I'm spouting conjecture in these instances, some of which is wild (the bullying thing) and some of which I think is reasonable (what we're talking about now). If conjecture is against the rules, then I'll stop out of a desire not to get banned.

You make a good point. But it's almost inconceivable to me that intelligent people would do things that provoke anti-Semitism when the anti-Semites literally say "You are making us anti-Semitic by doing this." Maybe they are as unwilling to believe that anti-Semites tell the truth about their own motivations as I am that the ADL tells the truth about theirs. Maybe their internal monologue is "Don't believe the anti-Semites, for they are using Jewish goyish trickery!"

Look at that, I'm still speaking of the ADL as though it's a single mind and not a bunch of minds working together.

The logic of the anti-Semitic strongman ("we dislike you because you are censorious and hypocritical") is just so much more reasonable to me than that of the ADL activist weakmen ("they dislike us Just Because, and any explanation they give is a lie, Just Because") that I have to assume the latter is aware of the discrepancy on some level. Maybe I'm being insufficiently charitable to the latter, but that is how I perceive them.

As for the point you and others have made about how these people couldn't have cynical motivations without being caught, they could just be using coded language that only they understand, and refuse to let in anyone who says the quiet part out loud. Nobody ever says "get rid of cishet white men" they say "increase diversity". Nobody ever says "be racist", they say "be anti-racist". That sort of thing.

Thank you so much. I wish I had more to say than that, but you have been a huge help.

I mean, sure, it can exist outside time. But I thought the multiverse was just a trope in fiction, like time travel.

Thank you for the links, and it's too bad that you dislike me.

They didn't ban me for not being a leftist, bro. They banned me because of my significant personality problems that made me impossible for the management to deal with. They had a number of right-wingers there as of the last time I checked (which is admittedly over 3 years ago), and I hear the new admin is an anti-woke libertarian (so basically right-wing).

I just want to be challenged more.

Yeah, the reason is that the people paying him (the Kochs) tell him to care.

I know that you're implying it's because he's Jewish, but no smart person will believe that embodying all of the negative stereotypes about Jews is less likely to encourage anti-Semitism than allowing white people to have the same level of racial consciousness as Jews. I don't think most progressive Jews or cuckservative Jews no better, but Ben Shapiro and Jonathan Greenblatt do. That they behave in this manner anyway makes them a bigger threat to the Jewish people than to the white race, not that they're friendly to either. They care about their own career and nothing more.

You should start one, but only staff it with people who are anti-woke, just to be safe.

(cue Idubbz speech about Sam Hyde and post-irony)

I agree with all of this, but I think you can agree two things are linked while still having separate words for them, thereby acknowledging that they are two different things.

I do understand the difference, and I do believe I'm capable of sympathy, but not empathy.

Also, on this topic, is there a meaningful difference between empathy and theory of mind? To me, they seem like the same concept and both are things that I lack, but "empathy" is the word people usually use when shaming.

Right. I'm not making a moral argument here, but I am making a taxonomical one. Even if one thinks that locker rooms and domestic abuse shelters should discriminate on the basis of gender and not on the basis of sex, the two are obviously different. If normies don't distinguish between the two, then either they're all bisexual or have strong cognitive dissonance.

I love this post and am going to reread it whenever I need to remind myself to not judge people by their worst behaviors. Thank you.

Again: if the audience isn't bothered by Chappelle's trans stuff, then what could possibly bother them about Elon?

Interesting. But do they have doctrines that are equivalent to disparate impact or hostile workplace environment?

I didn't know about those. Were they unable to open lines of credit because the law prohibited them, or was this something banks chose to do?

I'm lost. I thought the IDF was telling civilians in the northern Gaza to move south so they could bomb outposts in the north, but apparently people who fled south are getting killed in air strikes too. How often are civilians supposed to move? Do they always get advanced warning?

Wait, why would being seen as EA he bad? If anything, wouldn't it be good? Or are people still kvetching over the Bankman-Fried stuff?

This is a worthwhile post, but it doesn't relate to what I'm talking about and would better fit in the Gaza megathread.

You're assuming I'm the one hosting all of my own content, and that's a crazy assumption.

I didn't know about the curfews, or the freedom of movement. Could you tell me more about the freedom of movement? Are they not allowed to move throughout Gaza, or do you just mean that they can't leave Gaza? Because the latter is just sensible border policy.

Believe me, I'd read about this if I knew where to find reliable information.

Wasn't there a lengthy period without Hamas-organized terror attacks before this one?

Someone should run the numbers and figure out how much is spent over a 40 year period maintaining the Palestinian territories. Then we divide that number by the number of Palestinians. That's a reasonable upper bound for paying them to leave. It might be well under a million, though.