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Doubly Afraid of Change

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joined 2022 October 23 18:45:23 UTC

I am actively attempting to deradicalize myself. I dislike puritanism and intolerance. DM me if you want my Discord, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

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User ID: 1719


Doubly Afraid of Change

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 October 23 18:45:23 UTC


I am actively attempting to deradicalize myself. I dislike puritanism and intolerance. DM me if you want my Discord, Twitter, Reddit, etc.


User ID: 1719

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They are a mostly peaceful group of activists who oppose the presence of black people in their community. They mostly hold marches which are mostly non-violent. They hide their faces for safety reasons.

Sometimes they burn crosses, sure, but you're the weird one for taking that as some kind of threat. After all, they're mostly peaceful. Only a small minority of Klan members are violent, and the ones who aren't violent.. well, they're not legally required to turn the ones who are violent in to the authorities, are they? You can't even prove they know anything about it! They could all be autonomous agents. The burden of proof is on you to prove there's coordination.

Your country is perpetually blockaded by a neighboring country's government that doesn't want you to import anything without them first inspecting it. They cannot be persuaded by words alone to stop doing this. Therefore, you must attack them so hard that they beg for mercy.

(I'm sure there are other things Israel does to Gaza, but my understanding is that aside from imports, they do actually have sovereignty.)

You're singing my song. I've had to deal with this over, and over, and over, and over. It's tiresome. The most common incarnation is when they're not sure they can enjoy the work of this celebrity or that celebrity anymore because they did something that was insensitive to this group or that group.

You ask "how certain people can go through life with so little perspective that they feel so put upon by people with different viewpoints, yet cannot fathom that they may make others feel that way with their own, and that maybe they're wrong to do so." (I'm tired and so I'm using direct quotes.) The answer is that.. "it's just different". People who reason emotionally will use their emotions as a justification, and if you can get them to verbalize it, they'll say "it's just different."

All people see themselves as the center of their universe, but only a minority recognize that they do. If you see yourself as the center of the universe and have no cause to correct for that assumption, decisions of "right" and "wrong" will be based entirely on emotion, all the time. No meta level reasoning necessary, because it's not like your feelings can be wrong.

I'm not rational. But I admire rationalists. And that so many people flagrantly disregard the need to be less biased irritates me to no end.

Someone should run the numbers and figure out how much is spent over a 40 year period maintaining the Palestinian territories. Then we divide that number by the number of Palestinians. That's a reasonable upper bound for paying them to leave. It might be well under a million, though.

Canada loves refugees, hardy har har.

But in all seriousness, this is strictly a hypothetical I'm using to prove that peace is technically possible. Once we know a peaceful solution is technically possible, then we figure out the logistics.

The difference is that the KKK could theoretically convert new members at any time. Palestinians aren't merely an ideological group. They're a group bonded by, pardon the expression, blood and soil. Finding a way to remove them from their territory without pissing them or the rest of the world off would solve the problem permanently.

If every Palestinian was relocated to Canada with the equivalent of 1 million USD in their pocket, might they be satisfied?

I'm sure a few of them would resent forced relocation, but maybe the majority of them would be cool with it.

You make a good point.

The issue isn't simply that they don't have access to other land. As I understand, the issue is that the only land they have access to isn't actually governed by them, and they're limited in what they're allowed to do. Like, they can't receive packages without going through a long waiting period as it's inspected by the Israeli officials.

I don't know how much of their poor standard of living is due to not having statehood and how much is due to just them being bad at building a society. I'm not even arguing for any specific policy. I just mean that I feel sorry for them, and I have a moral impulse to help them, which I acknowledge.

A lot of these people were born after the war. Punishing them for the sins of their ancestors feels wrong. I wish there was an Arab country willing to take them in. Then I would feel comfortable letting the ones who refuse to leave suffer in poverty.

God, I love this place. I should start paying people in crypto for replies that make me think in new ways or something.

The suitable comparison would not be all marxism-related ideologically motivated killings/mass deaths vs the Holocaust, it would be all marxism-related ideologically motivated killings vs all ethnically/racially motivated killings/mass deaths. That's probably going to come down on the side of racism, if only because it's got a ten thousand year head start.

Okay, I feel stupid now. D'oh. I guess I should've compared the Nazis and the Soviets, but you still would've broadened it to a larger scope and I'd still feel stupid, just slightly less so. Good job.

I'm not sure I understand. The West is a religion?

Racism is saying “actually, I chiefly identify as my bloodline and not as an American citizen” I see your point, but c'mon, that's what anti-racism is now.

Smart take. I feel the other way around, which explains my own reactions. Thank you.

I think this idea you're applying of 'social acceptability of an ideology is/should be primarily determined by how many people it historically killed' is something you made up just now, and is neither how society ussually determines such things nor a good decision criteria to use abstractly.

I don't think it's necessarily a good idea, but it's what I assume most people use, because if you ask them why racism is bad, they'll say it leads to human rights abuses.

Should I have edited the original post instead? Or should I have replied to it directly?

Great post, but Argument #2 can be made equally well about, say, Jared Taylor's belief system, whatever you call it. "The bad men who perpetrated Jim Crow weren't holding true to my ideas. Real freedom of association hasn't been tried."

I guess the point isn't that the argument is literally true, but rather, whether the argument can be used to justify taking other people's stuff and giving it to you. Which is extremely uncharitable of me to say, I'll admit, but that's the only way to look at this.

Why would the programmer friend bring any more shame than the Marxist, assuming they have similar energy levels and manner of speaking?

Good argument. Thank you.

Yes, another top level comment about The Origins of Woke from me, in the same thread on the same week. But this is about something else. I had an epiphany while reading the book.

I've wondered for many years why Marxism is more socially acceptable than racism when it's responsible for even more deaths than the Holocaust. It's because companies are (de facto) legally required to fire racists, but they're not required to fire Marxists. In fact, firing a Marxist for merely being Marxist would be illegal in California.

California has a state law against firing people for their political beliefs, but it didn't protect James Damore, who was fired in compliance with the law against creating a hostile work environment for protected groups.

It all adds up.

Are the regular rat meetups not doing it for ya?

You don't think it was law?

I just learned about What's Our Problem by Tim Urban in the Culture War thread. Scott Alexander reviewed it, buy unfortunately his review is paywalled. Can anyone tell me what he thinks of the book? Is it worth reading?

10/10 post. This is why I come here. Thank you. I would also like to add that if conservatives won't forgive former racists, they're conceding that the only path to salvation is to become a full-on leftist. That's already what leftists believe, but it's sad that the right is giving in.

Also, who are the Bundies?

Why does the establishment right do this? Because they have a deep-seated need to believe they're good people, and aren't willing to risk an existential crisis?

Bari Weiss was willing to do an event with Anna Khachiyan, who, from what I can tell, is almost as controversial as Hanania now (despite being super mainstream a few years ago).