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User ID: 832



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User ID: 832

I think that the internet really has democratised media. Consider the kind of niche subjects you can find youtube videos, podcasts or blogs about. These are things that simply could not exist pre-internet. Today, you can listed to a podcast about pens (Pen Addict - Relay FM) that has been running for over ten years and has over 500 episodes. Pre-internet, there's no way that something like this could exist on radio or television.

By definition, the most popular stuff on the internet will appeal to the most people and so will be similar to what we had before. The difference is that now we have the niche, obscure stuff as well.

If you're looking for right-wing examples, replace 'Nazi' with 'socialist' or 'communist'.

Interestingly, both shows have gone with ham-fisted diversity casting, but only Rings of Power is talking about the 'racist backlash'. I suspect that Amazon is using criticism of the casting as a shield against what is really just criticism of a bad show.

Having seen Rings of Power, I would say I dislike the diversity casting, but I dislike it much less than I dislike the clunky dialogue, wooden acting and characters that are hard to care about.

I suspect it was a decision by Amazon, but I would love to see the specifics if there is such a rule.

Are you referring to legal immigrants or illegal immigrants? I notice that a lot of American rhetoric simply uses 'immigrants', and since the topic of discussion is specifically illegal immigration in this case, it would helpful to be specific about what you're arguing.

In a hypothetical Caplanian utopia with one billion Americans, sure. But as it stands now, illegal immigrants are a category of person. Muddying the waters by referring to Chinese international students, Indian H1Bs and Central American border-jumpers as 'immigrants' is very misleading.

It's akin to referring to both squatters and law-abiding tenants who pay their rent on time as 'residents', and then talking about being 'pro-resident' or 'anti-resident' when the 'anti-resident' side are really just against squatters and the 'pro-resident' side thinks charging rent is immoral.

I love the idea of thousandyear old elves doing menial manual labor for low wages for the purpose of...sending the wages back to Valinor??

I'm not too shocked. It's just confirmation bias. If you have a belief, you'll search out information that confirms it in order to feel justified.

If I hate a film, I'll look for reviews that also rated it poorly. I already know what I believe, what joy do I get from reading stuff that disagrees with me?

Putin famously hardly uses the internet. He doesn't own a smartphone and thinks the web is controlled by the CIA.

Apparently he gets most of his news from spy agency briefings. These have the problem so common in dictatorships that nobody wants to give the boss bad news.

Good to hear that you're doing well. I'm not religious myself but I can see how it can really be life-changing for some people. Best of luck.

This may be an annoyingly vague question, but is there any consensus in the running/fitness world as to what the 'minimum viable distance' per week for running is, in terms of improved mood, better sleep and other health benefits?

At the moment I'm managing to fit in around 3km on a treadmill 2-3 times per week after my resistance workout, and I'm wondering if this is enough.

I tried it for a few months. It gave me more energy but also insomnia, to the extent that I had to stop using it.

These classifications seem so bizarre. Like, I get why the term 'white' replaced English, German, French etc in the new world as the settler groups admixed. But if you define white as a literal skin colour, them surely you don't need to classify different ethnic groups, you can just look at them?

And if 'white' means European, then in what world are the French somehow more European than the Italians?

If you're trying to classify European ethnic groups, it would be better to think like a European and not an American. 'White' is not a meaningful category in this context.

Your certainly right, but to classify people north of the hajnal line as 'more white' doesn't make any more sense than classifying them as 'more redheaded'.

'More outbred' would be more accurate, and actually hint to what you are taking about.

Although I doubt OP was talking about outbreeding, nuclear families and manorialism. I'm pretty sure they were awkwardly trying to apply idiosyncratic American ethnic terms to a world where the terms make no sense.

'White is the minimum number of ethnic groups needed to do racial oppression' does not seem like it would pass the ideological Turing test, at all.

How about 'white' means 'assimilated into Anglo-American culture'?

You may be thinking of the Astral Codex Ten link roundup for October:


I think you're right that minority kids mostly don't care. But if colleges start requiring this stuff, then they (and the non-minority students) will be forced to care. DEI initiatives will become the new sports and charity work to pad an application.

Of course, the question is then what will the colleges do this proves not to be a good way to indirectly implement AA. I don't know what it will be, but I'm sure they'll try. It's not as if AA was mandatory before, and yet all the big colleges did it by choice.

I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss cardio (and I say that as a gym-bro who much prefers lifting).

Lifting is fundamentally about vanity, whereas cardio has objective benefits for wellbeing (better mood, better sleep, improved cognitive function). I wish I had the willpower to do more cardio.

I wouldn't say it's true that 'lifting has the benefits as well'. Sure, you can make your resistance workout intense enough that you get indirect cardio, and therefore get (a very small amount of) the benefits of cardio. But if you're wanting to maximise growth, then a slower workout with longer rest periods is much better.

Optimising each workout for it's goal (bigger muscles or taxing the cardiovascular system) is better than doing a faster resistance session which is worse for both goals.


Well, Israel **does ** have the highest number of tech startups per capita in the world. With a population of 9 million, it has 97 unicorns compared to the UK's 65 million people and only 43 unicorns. And that's notwithstanding the UK's advantage in being an English-speaking country.

You also have to consider that an increasingly large share of the Israeli population (12.9% at the moment) are economically-draining Haredim, whose menfolk would rather spend all day studying the Torah rather than working. That shrink the economically active Ashkenazi population down a fair bit.

But I wonder if it's simply a case of time. Israel is a young country, and while there's a great deal of ruin in a nation, the corrolary of that is that it takes a long time to build a rich country. Given that it is only 74 years old, maybe Israel's future is a far richer one. Given their high birth rates, I certainly think it's a possibility.

I don't think any other country has a large population of very intelligent, conscientious people who have huge numbers of children and whose menfolk are ideologically opposed to work.

Like sure, every country has an underclass (by definition, almost), but OP was asking why, in spite of high IQ Ashkenazim, the country isn't richer. I think the Haredim are part of that.

I think the explanation is simpler. The chattering classes want a black and/or female Bond. We've had black Bond girls for decades but Bond himself has always been played by a European man.

Of course, the actual fans are ambivalent about Bond being black (the only racial minority, thanks America!) and aren't interested in a female Bond for obvious reasons of the character being a male power fantasy. Lynch's character was a compromise.

I did DNB for a while during university. I didn't notice any difference in my cognition, except a slightly better ability to remember strings of numbers (library book numbers, in my case).

I gave up after reading Gwern's meta-analysis where he attributes the majority of the effects found to the use of passive vs active control groups.

12/20, hardly better than chance.

The quiz might be more revealing if it's demographics were a bit more limited (eg just men or just women).

Can you explain the joke to me? Are they the same guy or something?