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It is indeed very good, but if you have not read the next two threads you should. People who would like a different, but equally positive, view will find it in my most recent substack post:https://daviddfriedman.substack.com/p/the-web-of-story

I don't think you can assume that lintemande's Golarion is identical to the Pathfinder version, although it is based on it.

Iomedae and Alfirin learn about vaccination in America and I think it is one of the technologies that they attempt to introduce to Golarion in a later thread in the series.

Iomedae's first experience of Earth was living with illegal immigrant migrant workers, very poor people who treated her well. After she has been discovered by the authorities and made a foster child there is an INS raid on the immigrants and, from what she is told, the result is the adults being sent out of the country and the children being seized. I don't think that makes sense in terms of INS policy, but it is what happens in the story or at least what Iomedae believes happens. Prior to that, all she knows about immigration enforcement is that there is some evil thing called "La Migra" which the people she is living with are afraid of.

Aroden is not trans but Alfirin, in a later thread, very briefly is, using Alter Self to make herself male for a few minutes. For why she does so you will have to read the threads.

According to Iomedae, in a later thread following from the one being discussed where she is back in Golarion, germ theory is true in Golarion. Her basis is having learned about it in America, but nothing in the story implies that she is wrong.

The world she comes from isn't medieval Europe, it is a world with multiple real gods and roughly medieval technology (plus magic) and standard of living. Iomedae's first contact with people in that world is with illegal immigrant migrant workers who take her in. They are Catholics, what they say about Jesus has some bits that are similar to the background of Aroden, the god she is a paladin of, and she incorrectly assumes they are the same. There is no reason to expect her to have the attitudes of someone from medieval Europe.

Iomedae is fluent in her own language. Her imperfect speech is due to the fact that, having learned Spanish with the migrant workers she is now learning English.

There is nothing wrong with discussing literature, but the discussion would be more interesting if people would read the story before confidently announcing what is wrong with it.

Your comments would have more to do with the story if you had read it. There is no suggestion that "women are property, they can get raped freely, and can never say no to sex." When someone tries to rape Iomedae (off stage, at the beginning) she stabs him with a sword then carries him to somewhere so he won't die — I think the church, since in her world priests have healing magic and she doesn't yet realize that she is in a different world where they don't. That is how she comes to the attention of the authorities.

You are wildly wrong, not surprising since you are commenting on a work you have not read and are reading stuff into it from your own imagination. When someone tries to rape Iomedae, at the beginning of the story, she stabs him with a sword. That is how she comes to the attention of the authorities.

It matters to other people whether the evidence shows that the defendant is innocent or fails to show that he is guilty. We don't want to imprison someone accused of rape unless we are reasonably sure he is guilty, but a woman might want to avoid being alone with him unless she is pretty sure he is innocent. Similarly for many other crimes.

One example is the effects of climate change. In my view the consequences, positive and negative, are sufficiently uncertain that one cannot sign the summed effect. That doesn't mean I don't believe that climate change is bad, it means I don't know — and suspect nobody knows, although obviously many people think they do.

Wouldn't you think it inappropriate to ask states to approve the course before releasing the curriculum?