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joined 2023 April 25 08:56:13 UTC


User ID: 2362



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User ID: 2362

overinflated wages

Do you even hear yourself? How long has real wage growth been stagnant in the United States? Workers need to get paid more, even if it affects the shareholders or C-suite compensation packages.

I'm from the south. Not really a fan of the "sad folk" style of music, so personally I wouldn't say that I like that song.

However, the message of "fuck the government" has appealed to all humans throughout history. And I'm happy whenever an unknown musician suddenly gets a hit, so congrats to this guy for his burgeoning success.

In Dan Carlin's Hardcore History series King of Kings, he recalls that his college professor once asked "What influence has magic had upon history?" Meaning that, while we know today that magic doesn't exist, the ancients thought it may have existed. Due to this, the ancient Persians disseminated propaganda boasting about their powerful mages, which may have scared their enemies such that the Persians had an edge on the battlefield.

I think the USA's handling of alien technology is similar. It's designed to scare our potential enemies (foreign or domestic) into thinking we may have alien military technology, or at least to create enough public doubt such that our enemies need to waste time considering whether or not we have alien technologies. If this is the case, the U.S. military would have an incentive to cultivate this belief, which they could accomplish by releasing doctored footage of mysterious spaceships or by having ex-military guys claim that they saw alien technology.

Just saw the movie tonight in Phoenix, AZ. You're right about the audience, at my theater it was about 50% female and almost entirely Hispanic. Very big crowd for a film that released ten days ago.

I thought the film was okay -- some nice camera work despite most of the film being shot with a very shallow depth of field (what's up with this? why are films doing this all of a sudden? it's a terrible stylistic choice). The first hour seemed to drag at times, but the second half was pretty exciting.

People are calling the film "politicized" but there is literally zero politics in the plot, or even the undertone. The only message is a plea to pay more attention to child trafficking.

Some parts of South America like to make up names as well. I've met plenty of "Juan Pablo"s but also a lot like "Gleidis", "Griselda", and stuff like this.

Are there any similarities between Trump's arrest and the arrest of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny?