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joined 2022 September 10 00:31:51 UTC


User ID: 1088



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 10 00:31:51 UTC


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User ID: 1088

So here's the part I can't figure out:

Was one of the kids literally sitting on the bike at the moment she scanned it? (Most people are acting as if this is a known fact. Is it? How do we know that?)

If so, how did she come to be riding it? Is she supposed to have physically pushed him off of it (before he then physically pushed her and the bike back into the dock?) That doesn't pass the smell test.

Did he get off the bike for some other reason, or because he was agitated for moment and didn't think what he was doing, and then she promptly hopped on? I suppose that's believable, though it's a bit weird. In any case, I just want to be clear what the story is.

Indeed. And in the race-flipped version, right-wingers wouldn't be indignant about teenage thugs bullying a pregnant nurse.

There's an interesting asymmetry here that I'd like you to acknowledge (no hard feelings if you don't): the only real world consequences in either the actual or race-flipped version would see the white participants punished (suspended from their jobs, or severely harming their prospects of getting a place in higher education) whereas no punishment of any kind of would come to the black participants.

Another interesting asymmetry is that we never actually see the race-flipped version.