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joined 2022 September 07 21:47:22 UTC


User ID: 947



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 07 21:47:22 UTC


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User ID: 947

I think there probably is a way to provide substantially cheaper goods and some services by consolidating retailers, wholesalers and domestic logistics into not-for-profit cooperatives who sell staple goods on an annual subscription model, and who use automation wherever they can. Currently, this entity would have to socially reward (exploit?) many intense thinking and working eccentric people who choose to perform free labor instead of pure compensation.


Scoredle 3/6*


⬜🟨🟩🟨⬜ ARISE (29)

🟩⬜🟩🟩⬜ SWIRL (15)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 SKIRT

I'll try SKIRT as an opener tomorrow and see how it goes.

Typical third automatic guess is GLYPH (because I also do quordle and things get tight!).


🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ ARISE (379)

🟩🟩⬜⬜⬜ MOUNT (9)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 MOLAR

9 guesses are moral molar mogar morah moray mohar morra mogra mowra, if I attempted GLYPH it would be reduced to MOLAR and MORAL


🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ ARISE (1,010)

🟩⬜⬜🟨⬜ MOUNT (9)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 MANLY

9 guesses are mangy manly manky manga mandy mayan makan maban mynah, if I attempted GLYPH it would be reduced to only MANLY

Just remember he's doing all programming, art and music alone for this one too (or at least that's the current plan, with porting and translation help).

Wealthy Indians are accustomed to tragedy of the commons in every sphere of public life. Immense wealth will buy you a lovely mansion, but nothing will get you a clean city outside.

Have y'all tried home owners associations for general upkeep, and getting a specifically funded unit of local cops to fine anyone littering or otherwise dirtying the place? (or mob to harass...)

I start off with ARISE, MOUNT and if necessary GLYPH.

Scoredle 5/6


🟨🟨⬜⬜🟨 ARISE (242)

⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 MOUNT (32)

🟨🟨⬜🟨🟨 TAKER (5)

🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜ REACH (1)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 EXTRA

I tried wording it as a humorous direct response more than pure joke, and apparently I bought into an unfounded rumor regarding the beatles landing, but you've put it better than I could in terms of preselection being a strong attractive factor (at least initially).

Below, someone mentioned American Episcopalians, but I'd add there are Methodists and American Anglican (split from American Episcopal to be more conservative mostly within the past 20 years). A larger American Anglican church or Methodist or Episcopal might have a more formal morning service and casual evening service that hits the middle you're looking for. If you find a particularly liberal Methodist or Episcopal church, liturgy usage might decline though.

Coffee-caramel ice cream can be pretty good, but frankly it makes more sense to put caramel sauce on coffee. I'm probably going to go to a different shop and get a sprite + sherbet freeze though.

I don't think I opted out of the automatic nitter conversion when I created account, entirely possible I did.

I don't think one exists, searched for a fair bit. Maybe contact someone at the American University of Central Asia? Either in the television cinema media arts department https://auca.kg/en/tcma_faculty_staff/ or the late film director's son who is a vice president of the university https://www.auca.kg/en/auca_news/5254/

For what it's worth, here's a translation of the book version https://archive.org/details/whiteship00aitm/mode/1up

I hadn't even considered the possibility of yet-born kids being added for credit purposes (I have contemplated descendant trusts at length). Dunno about authorized users requiring SSN or not.

Probably start there. I don't know Chinese and have never made an earnest attempt at learning it. Depending on how distracted you are on your computer (or mobile) over several hours, get an intro to Chinese physical book from your local library and start using that. If there are several, look online and see if one has free premade flashcards for mobile use. Perhaps also make physical flashcards, because https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leitner_system is a good way to get results via spaced repetition. Since it will be a slow buildup to learning all the characters, https://www.fluentu.com/blog/chinese/pinyin-subtitles/ may be a good idea for watching Chinese language entertainment.

Sure! Caveat: Previous online D&D experience is limited to 2002 NWN+Vent and more recently Roll20+Discord. I'm only really used to 5e but it's DM's choice.

It's mentioned in the description of this youtube video which will presumably have dialog over it. https://youtube.com/watch?v=5HGJ05oSeYw

If you want to figure out why, I guess you could compare Zoolander (mocking fashion) vs Seventh Horcrux (IMO best HP parody https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10677106/1/Seventh-Horcrux ) vs Wizard People Dear Reader (more outlandish HP satire)?

With some texts, you can still just google "$Title $Author pdf" (or epub) and get a clean copy without torrenting. This is the case with what you just mentioned.

There's also the formally abolished class/caste of Burakumin as far as Japan is concerned. They are allegedly a supermajority of yakuza.

About me: The time I publicly humiliated a guy who was mean-spiritedly teasing a girl when we were all teenagers, multiple girls there later flirted with me about it. (she has a stronger and more regional rural southern US accent vs more generic suburban southern US accent for me and the asshole and everyone else there).

About another: She knew the rules of sudoku a few weeks before but hadn't fully internalized the actual methods of the puzzle to progress past easy/medium. I explained the logic carefully as well as some tricks and seeing her realize it and internalize made for a neat connection.

Retain current apartment, set aside the entire increased budget as "Increased Motivation" to be split between therapy if necessary, social events with other entrepreneurs, gym budget, and some for credit improvement/condo down payment in a year or a few to avoid fickle landlords increasing your rent indefinitely.

If somehow Chrome granted a page access to the entire filesystem, obviously that would be very bad.

Spoof it as just another accept/reject cookies. Tech illiterate can't tell.

Not a real programmer but... Aren't your question parameters too wide? If someone has a perfect (presumably zero day) exploit then the link question is just how much can come over bandwidth before user wizens up, and with a modern connection, that's a lot. Granted the only huge hacking op involving zero day exploits I've ever read about was Stuxnet, and that was USB shenanigans not anything protected by https or modern browsers but still.

US Anglicans do not see the King as the head of their church in particular, but of the specific Church of England and other Anglican countries where he is king.

Forces outside my control or understanding can determine my entire life- my parents certainly did when I was little! But if I have no actual agency ever then I'd like to petition a higher power to turn my consciousness off forever.

I don't believe any of them have joined, but I privately send links to high quality posts (and sometimes rough drafts of my relatively low quality responses for proofing/critique, almost all of which were never posted) to thoughtful friends and family. Usually the links are related their profession/philosophy or a description of a culture war flareup in their area.