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joined 2022 September 05 16:22:28 UTC


User ID: 623



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User ID: 623

I agree with the other comments.

It's an interesting thread and a straight up ban on first offense with that hostile wording seems very excessive.

Same here, in my case I go as far back as gamergate.

It was a harrowing experience to have all my lefty heroes seemingly turn into irrational monsters overnight who simply refused to listen and circled the wagons around a handful of clearly corrupt people.

That's when I got intimately familiar with the typical lefty 1-2 punch: first they silence you, and then they lie about what you said.

The couple years after gamergate was an experience of getting repeatedly caught off-guard and surprised by the sheer pettiness and malice of people I had respected and admired. We used to have a saying back in those days: you don't join GG, you get thrown in the pit with the rest of us; and, boy, was that the case for me.

Alright, that actually makes sense.

I don't see how it's a problem, anyone taken to the camps would "disappear" when they were imprisoned, not when they died.

I'm not too well versed in the revisionist position, I just know stuff I've seen on 4chan's politics board over the years, but wasn't the argument against the holocaust that Jews did die in camps, but they weren't gassed or purposely executed? From what I recall, they claimed that Jews died from starvation and typhus after supplies to the camps got cut when the Germans started losing the war, and that the gas was used to try to stop the spread of typhus by delousing clothes.