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User ID: 2398



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User ID: 2398

I guess the idea is that if you lay enough mines, nobody will be dumb enough to try to cross the border, and then (almost) nobody will die.

As opposed to the current situation, in which lots of people are dying while crossing the border, by drowning or dehydration or starvation.

But I'm guessing this would require an insane amount of mines to achieve. And it would render large amounts of land on both sides of the border unusable. There has to be a better way.

I doubt these crime statistics about immigrants. I've lived around these communities in the past, and the immigrants and their communities simply don't report a lot of the crimes which happen in them and near them.

And sometimes, even when a crime is reported, nothing is done about it. An elderly relative of mine was the victim of a huge theft from an immigrant caregiver, and despite overwhelming documentation from accountants, the police in the overwhelmingly liberal jurisdiction refused to do anything.

And honestly, I get it. Why would the police bother, if they were being rational? The thief could have easily fled the country if they needed to, because they still had roots back in their old country. The money never would have been recovered, and the thief would have never gone to jail.

I recently found a simple (albeit tedious) way to dramatically improve my experience of using Twitter, to filter out the specific topics which I hate, and I want to share this method.

It's simple: just keep identifying key words which you associate with below-average tweets being shown to you (according to your personal standards), and then keep adding those words to your muted words list. (Not just key words from top-level tweets, but also key words you associate with mediocre reply tweets as well).

This is mathematically guaranteed to make your life better, as long as those key words really are commonly found in your least-favorite tweets.

I have tried repeatedly letting Twitter know about specific tweets which I am not interested in, and over time it helps, but Twitter's algorithm seems to be very determined to "push" certain kinds of tweets (probably because those tweets are associated with higher overall engagement). The only absolute way to block these tweets is to block every single plausible unique word associated with those types of tweets.

To mute words on desktop browser, go to: Home > 3 dots (...) > Settings & Support > Settings & Privacy > Privacy & Safety > Mute & Block > Muted Words > "+"

Or set up a bookmark directing to https://twitter.com/settings/muted_keywords

(In the app it is a similar sequence of steps.)

Then decide how long you want to mute the word. (I usually mute words forever.) If you want to block a phrase, use quotation marks "". You can also choose to not mute tweets which are replying to your own tweets.

I know it's tedious to do this, but it will save you from reading thousands of awful tweets. It pays for itself in a massive way.

Also, Twitter will tell you which reply tweets have been muted, and you can display them if you want, to double-check that you are in fact muting tweets which aren't worth reading.

This is my list of muted words so far, in case you also want to block any of the tweets with these words, or just to see what this might look like. (One annoying aspect is that you have to mute literally every single permutation of certain words and topics.)

Muted words:

"#thread" savetonotion @savetonotion @threadreaderapp threadreaderapp @rattibha @readwise readwise "action shooter" fps santos shit insurrection j6 "gaming session" "ass up" rattibha unroll "my dude" misgender misgendering "biological woman" "biological female" TERF "gender critical" mutilate mutilation "biological male" "biological man" demons demon cucked cuck carroll doge "bitcoin prize" "exclusive content" puberty transitioning transition chevy "sexual harassment" "michael obama" michelle "IRA" hexican Litecoin cryptocurrency crypto bitcoin dysphoric dysphoria cdc flu "identifies as" pedo "minor attracted" pedophile "turning points" "charlie kirk" "vaccineinjuries" "vaccineinjured" "vaccineinjury" "james cameron" mtg "january6" "january 6" "jan6" "january 6th" avatar "sexual orientation" lindell pillow mypillow espn football basketball nba nfl crapper lgbwithoutthet fauci gates schwab WEF vaccines mrna gender tran troon trans covid vax unvaccinated vaccine "prince harry" markle incel trump impeachment impeached impeach hamlin damar aella Andrew Tate Kari Lake kari Kari's tates Tate's "Tate" Cobratate cobra tate "andrew tate" "andrewtate" repukkklican Hitler nazi "p e l o s i" nigga nigger "n word" hammering hammered hammers hammer bolsonaro bolsanaro lula qanon "piece of shit" truss underwear catturd2 catturd "name is david" berkeley nudist "body counts" "body count" "jake paul" prostitute's prostitute depape's depape "peter mccullough" ligma "gave the order" pelosi's pelosi vagina penis paul pelosi "paul pelosi" wordle shapecel wordcel autogolpe

One might think I was a liberal from reading this list, but actually I am a (mostly) conservative who is just tired of certain topics and would prefer to see other things now.

Also, some of these words do sometimes show up in great tweets, but not often enough for me to put up with all the worse tweets which contain those words.

I hope this is helpful!

I agree, White people already did a huge amount which IMO should have earned the lasting goodwill of Jews.

This is why I wrote so much about our failures to brag about what we have done, and to convert our past generosity into concrete commitments to friendship or at least non-enmity.

If we don't extensively brag about our aid, not only do we ourselves mostly remain ignorant (making it easier for others to browbeat us into moral submission), we also seem like enemies, since friends normally value their gifts to their other friends. "Look at how much I care about you, I made this just for you!" (Which is why Jews would ideally brag more about their contributions, too, to show that they care about us.)

I would also even suggest that more White identitarians should start bragging about Jewish achievements as our own. (This also solves the social faux pas of bragging about yourself- it always looks better when someone else brags about you. I bet vast numbers of Jews would be quite chuffed to see their achievements and generosity given more publicity, especially by White identitarians whom they currently fear.

And vice versa- imagine what would happen to the heads of White identitarians if Jews started doing a good job of reminding the world of the billions of lives White people have saved, and so on!)

If we behave like their success is not our success, then it creates a psychological schism. But if we treat their success as our mutual success, and expect them to treat all White success as their own as well, it creates a group identification which would be to our mutual benefit.

(This was the wisdom behind why so many clever operatives liked to talk about "Judeo-Christian civilization" and all that. It was an attempt to create a mutually-beneficial group identification, which many smart Goys and Jews of past generations recognized as valuable.)

Ideally, you would not want there to be any more of a sense of schism between the average Jew and the average White Goy, than between an ancestrally French person and an ancestral German, Brit, Pole, etc.

After all, all of these other White ethnicities have warred against each other plenty of times in history, and yet they can be friends today.

Thank you, I will check out Quanta, and thank you for reminding me about Matt Lakeman :). (The others I already followed, luckily... convergent interests!)

Creatine makes me feel irritable, and it's the most ADHD I ever get, which is weird, since it does't seem to have that effect on most other people. I just literally can't seem to control my attention when I use creatine, and my working memory becomes terrible.

And because it doesn't seem to affect other people that way, I can't copy other peoples' research on what to do to balance out the negative side effects. I love the increase in physical stamina from creatine, and the positive effects of more exercise do help somewhat.

Thank you for probably the most informative reply comment I've ever gotten online!

These reasons satisfactorily explain to me why it is so hard to become more intelligent, thank you.

Thank you very much for sharing your follows, and I understand your desire to preserve free-spirited anonymity :).

Those are a great list of follows. I follow most of them already. I will add the remaining ones, too.

Yes, I also have "crippling insight porn addiction", but there's "insight", and then there's.... INSIGHT. I would guess you have more of the latter, than most purveyors of "insight" have.

What were some of your favorite sources of INSIGHT? Favorite books or websites or... whatever.

What "performance-enhancing drugs" have helped you the most overall? I apologize if you've already written about this before and I missed it. I am doing better recently with repeated small dosings of nutritional yeast and NALT (for the dopamine boost). But I like to try new things!

I mentioned "aspects of your persona" in my other reply comment to you.

I realize I was possibly overly vague about the specific ways I admire you, vectors along which I would welcome tips from you at any time, if you cared to share them-

-You seem to be more perceptive & appreciative of a wider array of cultures, than most

-You seem to be less limited by any conventional forms of identity, and more open to transformation

-You seem quite smart, and you're a very good writer

-You seem quite friendly and happy

Tips always welcome! I am sure I am not the only person here who appreciates your influence a lot.


This could still work for you, too! You could check if any key words correlate with your less-favorite tweets, and even though those words might be a lot "nicer" than the words in my list, muting those words should still improve your feed!

I wade into some culture war waters, and those tend to be foul, or foul-adjacent enough for the Twitter algorithm to assume that I am interested in this kind of stuff. I am very glad to learn that other people aren't being subjected to the same stuff I have indirectly subjected myself to.

Also, I (truly) believe that you are a better person than me, dear self_made_human, so it doesn't surprise me that your feed is better than my feed :D. Do you have a Twitter account you feel comfortable sharing? I could see who you are following.

Actually, since I am feeling "carpe diemish" and might have a bit of your attention- do you have any tips on becoming a more evolved and self-made human? :) (No worries if you don't feel like answering such a big question asked by a lurker, haha.)

On the assumption they'd be used to destroy Nazi Germany. And the funding for implementation came from Europeans, without which Jewish physics expertise is useless.

Sure, the Jews thought it would also be in their overall interests of the time (not only as Jews, but also as Americans and pacifists like Einstein) to create the atom bomb.

But I still think it was a big deal to entrust such a destructive weapon to people who were not so ethnically or culturally dissimilar from the Nazis.

And, perhaps most relevantly for White identitarians, by creating such a destructive weapon, they perhaps created the conditions to never have another massively destructive war among White people. ("Brother wars" being one of our chief and regular mistakes for so many centuries.)

It may have even been unintentional, but how many White Goy lives have been saved by the fear of nuclear war? (Quite a lot of human progress has come from unintended discoveries and indirect effects... sort of an anti-fragile effect, I think, the natural tendency of humans to try to turn everything into a positive.)

And what have Jews given in return? Just what are these cultural contributions we're talking about?

I personally value the cultural contributions of Jews the least of their contributions. Very little of their culture is the culture I like most. (I hate Seinfeld, I hate Mindgeek, I hate Tinder, I hate...)

But almost zero White people (including White identitarians) don't have some favorite movies or music or other culture which had major Jewish contributions.

One of the culturally "Whitest" and most wholesome movies of all time, imo, "It's A Wonderful Life", was made by a Jew, for example.

Hollywood may have been largely run by (often nepotistic) Jews for over a century (https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-dec-19-oe-stein19-story.html), and yet those Jews turned a profit from White audiences. If Jews did a better job of giving White audiences culture they were willing to pay for, than we ourselves were able to do, whose fault is that? Nepotism can only explain so much...

We got multiculturalism,

This had already happened, and was going to keep happening, even if no Jews had ever been let in the country.

mass immigration,

The Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 passed overwhelmingly, Jews were not necessary for it.

"voted 320 to 70 in favor of the act, while the United States Senate passed the bill by a vote of 76 to 18.[28] In the Senate, 52 Democrats voted yes, 14 no, and 1 abstained. Among Senate Republicans, 24 voted yes, 3 voted no, and 1 abstained.[29] In the House, 202 Democrats voted yes, 60 voted no, and 12 abstained, 118 Republicans voted yes, 10 voted no, and 11 abstained.[30] In total, 74% of Democrats and 85% of Republicans voted for passage of this bill"

And Reagan naturalized huge numbers of illegal aliens.

I think America and other countries have done a terrible job with how they have managed immigration, but us White people should take responsibility for our part in them. (And if we were partly persuaded by Jews into these mistakes, we should take responsibility for that, too. We have to be smart enough to not push the blade into our own heart, no matter how persuasive some messages might be.)

No doubt commercial and pro-immigration Jews helped accelerate this, but probably much of this would have happened anyway, due to capitalist and migratory pressures. We need to take responsibility for our choices, along with acknowledging the environment we were operating in. Once we created so many nice countries, and being so capitalist, mass immigration was almost inevitable.

MindGeek and Tinder. We get Blackrock promoting ESG, we get the NYT and media broadly stoking anti-white hatred (with their wildly diverging treatment of white-on-black vs black-on-white killings), we have Disney pushing everything but white men. We have the ADL shamelessly promoting Jewish nationalism and denigrating white nationalism.

"Jewish nationalism" and "Jewish identitarianism" are great phrases. Instead of saying "Zionist" (which most people don't understand), just always refer to it as "Jewish nationalism/identitarianism", so people understand that White nationalism and Jewish nationalism are the same thing.

Outside the hard sciences, where they provided a lot of useful work - polio vaccines for instance, Jews have had profoundly negative effects on the West. They comprehensively work to transform the Western World to fit their preferences of an open, cosmopolitan society and snaffle up most of the elite positions in said society, while playing a divide-and-conquer game with newly imported minorities and the old majority. This is not advantageous to Europeans, who lose the benefits of homogenous, high trust communities and a good chunk of elite positions. Consider how many people weren't born due to ideas like feminism which was heavily promoted by Jews or 'overpopulation' circulated by people like Ehrlich.

I think that several groups of people are VERY BAD at bragging about how much they have helped the rest of the planet.

These groups include (but are not limited to):

.men of all races

.White Goys


.nerds in general

Anyway, Jews need to do a better job of bragging about every great contribution they have made, just like White Goys need to brag more, and men need to brag more, and so on.

It's possible that one single Jew- Fritz Haber- saved more lives with one single invention, than the sum of all lives lost to every single "bad Jew" on the planet.


(One thing I love about the Fritz Haber example is that he also helped to kill a lot of people, so it shows the dichotomy of Jews, which is similar to the dichotomy of White Goys & the dichotomy of men & of technology in general- sometimes they do bad things, and sometimes they do good things. But the Good usually heavily outweighs the Bad.)

White people had the least need for help, but I bet the White population could expand by over 100 million extra people due to that one Jew.

Every other invention and scientific discovery is basically gravy on top, for its benefits for White people. And Jews are massive contributors in these areas.

A meaningful portion of White wealth is directly and indirectly based on Jewish ingenuity & investment. (Just like most Jewish wealth is built on top of White foundations.)

And in a civilizational conflict with, say, China, Jews would be crucial allies. Just like their help in ending the war with Japan.

It seems particularly insane to me in the present moment for any White identitarians to dare to make themselves seem like a threat to Jews, when so many Jews are playing crucial roles in AI development. There are an almost infinite number of ways in which unnecessary enmity could turn out horribly for White anti-Semites during this phase of history!

(And likewise, there are so many White Goys playing crucial roles in AI development, and Chinese people, and Indians, and so on, that the risk of Jews or anyone else being negatively racist towards any of these other groups seems off-the-charts insane.)

I'll give the standard 'not all Jews are working to undermine to remain the remnants of Western Civilization'. But consider that not all whites participated in pogroms, Crusades or Nazism. Sweden isn't going to be spared its 'inevitable cultural transformation', despite hardly ever doing anything to anger Jews. These large-scale conflicts are totalizing, they do not suffer nuance. Consider what happened to the whites who were sympathetic to Dessalines and remained in Haiti after he won the war.

I bet some Jews have the exact same rationalization for why it's ok to screw over lots of White societies. "Sure, most White people are nice, but some of them did MASSIVE damage to us...", and use that to justify their selfishness and racism against all of us.

And BTW, I never doubted that some Jews have had a truly horrible (and often misinformed) attitude towards us. I am just exploring how the dynamic could eventually become lastingly better.

Ending the negative cycle is the key thing. Or at least reducing it. Both sides need better communication/persuasion, and more creative pragmatism.

This and the rest of your comment did a good job of exploring reasons to A) fear the power of Jews (in other words, try to convert them to friends and allies, by whatever creative and reasonable means we can do so), and B) "if you can't beat them, join them".

I applaud your research tenacity.

In response to the Twitter replies to the tweet, and stepping back to look at a larger view, it seems plain that modern White identitarians (who are the main people making these (partly accurate) "observations" about the Jewish White House staffers, in the replies to that tweet) are making the same exact core mistake which many past White identitarians made.

The mistake is simple: they unnecessarily make enemies of Jews, instead of trying to encourage friendship and alliance. (In some situations enmity is absolutely necessary- like an imminent threat of death- but almost all enmity with Jews is quite unnecessary, because there are better options.)

(And I think there can be no mistake that most Jews reading that thread, even when they might think that all of the accusations are true and fair (and most won't think that) will become more fearful and opposed to White identitarians, not less opposed).

(This is a funny thing I have often observed- many people are more afraid and vengeful when faced with a completely true accusation, than with a false accusation. Accusing someone of something true won't protect you from their fearful lashing out!!! "The truth is an absolute defense" is only a legal doctrine, not a reliable social doctrine.)

If White identitarians really do believe that Jews are extremely powerful and ruthless (and some Jews can fairly be described this way, every group has members like this, and the powerful and ruthless Jews are perhaps particularly impressive), then those Jews are a dangerous enemy.

This is the core paradox at the heart of the anti-Semitic wing of White identitarianism (and also anti-Semitic Black Hebrews other anti-Semitic groups)- they claim that the Jews are incredibly powerful and dangerous, but then behave in a way which tends to maximize the threat from the Jews.

This creates the worst of all worlds, in which some Jews are encouraged to feel under threat (and they are a tiny minority group, so it takes less of a threat before they feel afraid enough to act on their fear), which tends to encourage their worst selfish and paranoid tendencies, which only makes the original problem worse.

(On an even broader level, this is the biggest mistake the Nazis made: making too few deep friends and allies, while also making too many enemies. And modern White identitarians seem to be sadly prone to making the same exact mistake. Not enough friends, and too many enemies.

It is possible to win while having some enemies, but you almost always need to have stronger friends than enemies. And long-term enmity from enemies tends to have a perpetually draining effect, it cannot be tolerated well long-term.)

If there is any chance whatsoever that the would-be dangerous Jews can be converted to friends instead of enemies, then that is obviously a much safer environment for the White Goys, is it not?


So, what approaches could White identitarians conceivably attempt, to gain more benefit from Jews, and less danger and aggravation?

It is hard to forecast in advance which approaches will work, so I feel it's important to first identify every single option with even the slightest chance of success.

These would be some of the options I would suggest to the White identitarians, to minimize the danger from the Jews and maximize the positive benefits.

-Stop treating Jews like a monolith. Hell, a lot of the Jews which cause White people the most grief, also cause the most grief to other Jews.

Quite a lot of the Jews which are the most damaging to "White" societies, are also highly damaging to Jewish communities, with their-

.financial exploitation and greed (on the ruthless capitalist side, like Bernie Madoff at the worst, scamming Holocaust survivors out of their nest eggs)

.promoting communism and socialism (draining the hard-working and rich Jews of their wealth)

.promoting pornography (some Jews hate that stuff)

.promotion of anti-racism & affirmative action, undermining Jewish group cohesion

.promoting pro-crime DAs

.promotion of affirmative action, which Jews have not been able to entirely escape even with all of their academic donations and high test scores

.some of the most effective anti-Israel people are Jewish, ironically

.media products with moral values many Jews disagree with

.Jews bringing embarrassment (e.g. Jeffrey Epstein), or starting wars and fights which bring danger to the broader Jewish community

... and so on

(This is an overall basis for why many Jews are actually more allied already with subsets of the White community, than with their fellow Jews. Like, many socially conservative Jews have more in common with socially conservative Whites, than they have with the peak secular Jews.)

Some of the best critiquers of Jews that I have ever known, were Jews themselves! Many of the most admirable Jews in history have spent centuries bearing the danger and burdens galvanized by their worst cousins. (Much like some of the most brave and beautiful Germans in history were raped and killed because of the greed and hatred and stupidity of key Nazis.)

-White identitarians should do more to appreciate and put front and center the Jews that are substantially on their side. A huge percentage of the most effective anti-Woke and pro-HBD communicators and political donors are Jewish.

It is hard to win friends and allies, if you fail to fully appreciate the friendship and alliance of the friends you already have. Don't make this mistake!

Off the top of my head, the following Jews are examples of those at least partially allied to you already (just to show it's possible): Chaya Raichik (libs of tiktok), Ben Shapiro, Mickey Kaus (immigration), Bill Maher has had some nice anti-Woke rants, Ron Unz, and so on.

Trump's biggest political donor, by FAR, was a Jew, Sheldon Adelson.

-Encourage as many Jews as possible to truly identify as White (in addition to identifying as Jewish, or even in place of identifying as Jewish, if they would prefer that, as some often have in the past).

With the incredibly high inter-marriage rates Jews have, most of their children and grandchildren will be even more European and less Jewish in their ancestry than they already are. They are already doing the work for you! Embrace it!

-I know that some White identitarians are opposed to "interracial" marriages, but if a White identitarian believes that Jews are the biggest enemy, and also believes that interracial marriages weaken the powerful, then perhaps the best way to weaken the powerful enemy Jews is to marry with them?

-Many White identitarians seem to glorify the conquests and kingdoms of the past, while failing to study them in any meaningful way and see just how many hard sacrifices and "marriages solely for alliance", even, which it took to build those kingdoms.

They simply need to study their history, and learn its lessons, to get some great ideas for the present.

-As many White identitarians as possible should make it clear that they have a group identity with Jews as a subset of White people, or at least "close enough".

We know that almost all of the founding mothers of the Ashkenazi Jews were genetically indigenous European Goys, for example. https://archive.is/kd9F0

When an ancestry test shows someone as "100% Ashkenazi Jewish", that just means they have the genetic markers of a particular ancestral population. It doesn't mean that 100% of their ancestors for all of time were Jewish, that wouldn't even be possible.

Ashkenazi Jews are almost all less than 60% Jewish in their ancestry, and due to later intermarriage, most are even less genetically "Jewish" than that.

And Sephardic Jews are genetically more closely related to European Goys, than nearly any other population on the planet. They are distant cousins on the human family tree.

-Recognize that because of the history of the Jewish Diaspora, there simply is no path to getting rid of all of the Jews. They live and thrive in too many places, to be completely killed off, even if there were a way to attempt it (which there isn't, realistically speaking).

-Make it clear that Jews are safer by identifying and acting as White, in addition to Jewish.

(This is the one positive possibility of suspicion of the Jews, like in that Twitter thread- if Jews feel fear of White identitarians, but no hope of safety, then they will lash out.

But if they are afraid, but also see a glide path to mutual happiness and success, most of them will be inclined to take it. But there MUST be a genuinely positive option for Jews to take, in order for this dangerous strategy to work.)

My assessment is that White identitarians and Jewish identitarians have done a fair amount to make the other side afraid, but not nearly enough to offer constructive alternatives and reasons to hope.

-Do more as White identitarians, specifically, to pointedly appreciate and admire any Jews which you can find admirable. People feel safer when they are appreciated and admired, and certainly more inclined towards friendship.

-White identitarians should do more to learn about the overall Jewish community, Jewish history, and Jewish culture. Jews appreciate that.

White identitarians should do this even simply as a way to "know the enemy" better, if they are convinced that Jews are indeed an enemy (or might become an enemy).

And if it turns out that White identitarians who study Jewish history and culture realize that some of their hatred isn't justified, that would save them immense amounts of energy and avoid them creating unnecessary danger for themselves.

(I've hit the character limit, this comment continues in my reply to myself)...

We are very lucky to have you in the West! I hope you will always be well-treated.

I dislike the lack of nuance most Westerners bring to immigration. Every person is different. There are some native Westerners I wish we would kick out, and some immigrants I would bribe to bring in. But almost nobody else wants to take things on a completely case-by-case basis.

Maybe we are both grass-is-always-greener-on-the-other-side types. I don't like the USA very much, but I hope it will do well for the sake of my loved ones. And for the sake of my Indian friends, I hope India will do well, too!

Ever since I realized the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel

Powerful words!

You could try psychedelics if you want to try and boost your openness to experience, but that has its own risks and downsides like becoming more susceptible to woo. As a doctor, while I consider the human body as a marvel, I can also see it as the machine it is, with obvious design flaws.

Nice perspective :).

I pride myself on my writing, and being significantly smarter than average, even if it's gauche to celebrate the latter.

It shouldn't be considered gauche, IMO. A lot of high-IQ people aren't actually smart enough to celebrate it, because if it were more celebrated, it would change the culture towards encouraging people to develop their intelligence more. This would benefit society at large, and it would especially benefit the high-IQ types.

This seems to be one of many perverse tradeoffs I have observed with high IQ. High IQ people should by a narrow theory be utterly dominant, especially in an age like ours, and yet they aren't, for a variety of strange reasons like this self-abnegating tendency (including having so few children, although perhaps in the future that won't matter).

Unfortunately, there's no real way, easy or hard, to significantly boost your intelligence at all; and humans have been trying for a good while.

I mostly agree with you, yet I also think it's strange and can't really be true... How is it that we can change our muscular strength so much, but our intelligence so little??? What evolutionary purpose does that serve?

Not only does it seem so hard to improve overall intelligence, it seems quite hard to even change our type of intelligence.

If you want your kids to be smart, suppress the urge to marry hot bimbos, and choose a smart partner. Rich dudes who marry trophy wives with an empty display case in their skulls are doing their kids a disservice.

Haha, amusing advice, and probably good advice!

Now, you can also use GPT-4 as a writing aid, albeit for me it's often not worth the hindrance since I still think I can write better than it can if I care to.

I would need the help a lot more than you do, so I will try it :).

my parents inculcated a great deal of politeness in me, and in my adulthood I've noticed you can get quite far by being kind and considerate.

Good for you & for everyone else.

Unfortunately, I am anything but happy IRL, even if my efforts to be more expressive and enthusiastic than most give that impression. I'm pretty depressed, to the point that I'm mostly just holding on till I can find a definitive cure, perhaps ketamine therapy in the UK, or electroconvulsive therapy, albeit the latter scares me due to memory loss.

Oh no! I truly wouldn't have guessed that. I am so sorry.

I was once very depressed for many years, over a decade ago. Eventually, with enough changes to diet, sleep, exercise, beliefs, and social circles, I became much happier (but barely any smarter, which frustrates me).

My general suggestion is to keep trying new things, but to first maximize your trials with safe and highly varied experiments.

Only once you have tried all of the safe herbs, supplements, diets, beliefs, meditations, sleep aids, exercises, sunlight exposure, hobbies, people, environments, etc., should you try something like ECT, IMO. (Although maybe ECT has been improved since the version used by a highly intelligent friend of mine, which had a horrible long-term effect on her mind and didn't even make her feel any better.)

(Maybe ketamine, especially starting with a low dose, might be quite safe, I never researched it. But it seems like a weird idea to use an anesthetic to become a better person.)

Also, my experience is that lots of 0.1%-3% improvements will add up to a huge and resilient overall improvement. Small improvements really are enough, and a more diverse set of experiments and solutions yields far more self-awareness.

Unless I have a severe accident, I doubt I could ever be severely depressed again. For other people, if their pill stops working they are SOL, and they won't understand themselves any better than they did before.

I do try to be nice, and mostly avoid descending into bitterness in my interpersonal relationships.

That is admirable. It shows you still have fight in you, and standards.

My guess is that if the Israeli government & certain key Jews in the USA had not wanted the USA to go to war with Iraq, then the Iraq war would not only have not happened, it wouldn't have even been seriously considered as an option. And if Israel had actively opposed the war, there is a ~0% chance that it would have occurred.

Roughly half of the key people with the Project for a New American Century were Jews, and they were advocating for regime change in Iraq at least as early as 1998- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century

Far more important, the Israeli government wanted the USA to go to war with Iraq- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/aug/17/iraq.israel1

(They were nearly the only government which wanted the USA to go to war in Iraq.)

The Israeli government represented the interests of way more powerful Jews than a handful of neocon Jews in Washington DC.

Also, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy". by John Mearsheimer & Stephen Walt, covers many aspects of how Zionists sometimes twisted America's foreign policy against our own interests, as happened in Iraq. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Israel_Lobby_and_U.S._Foreign_Policy

(And, the authors argue, those Zionists often hurt Israel's interests as well).

Bush/Cheney and their other staffers also played their own absolutely crucial role. (I always thought that their main motivation for war in Iraq was to make money, and that's even more corrupt than any Jewish neocon's motivation).

And I think that most of the USA bears responsibility for buying into the lies & twisted associations used to sell the Iraq war to the American public (and many of those peddlers of lies were not Jews). The eagerness for vengeance among so many Americans, and their gullibility, made them pay a huge price, in blood and treasure.

Exploitative people generally need gullible people to go along with their schemes, and sadly most Americans are gullible and don't do their due diligence. And it seems like gullible people normally pay a larger price than exploitative people pay for their schemes.

-White identitarians should copy more of what works so well for the Jews. "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", and it is wise to copy things which are already proven to work.

If Jews are so rich and powerful and good at working in their own ethnic interests, then surely White identitarians would be wise to learn from them?

-One strategy which is proven to work: buy off politicians. It is still quite cheap to buy politicians; AIPAC and other rich Jews do it all the time, with very little money compared to the size of the American economy. (One key part of the strategy is to buy off politicians in BOTH parties.)

The total amount of money spent on political donations at the federal level in the USA in 2020 was $14 billion.

If 4% of Americans are White identitarians willing to spend less than $1000 per year to get everything they want, they could blow all other political donations out of the water with more than $15 billion in donations each election.

Of course, you don't need to outdonate literally all other donors in order to buy politicians. White identitarians could spend wayyyyyy less than that and still gain as much in benefits as AIPAC and friends get for their donations.

I know some White identitarians are willing to die to get what they want. But are they smart enough and pragmatic enough to simply spend $100 per year to bribe politicians in both parties to work for the interests of a majority of Americans???

-Quite frankly, if the most pro-Jewish group on the planet were the White identitarians, do you think that the danger from the Jews would be high? No.

Many Jews do in fact reward those who are kind to them. Focus on them.

-Do more to brag about all you have done for Jews in the past, but frame it like you are their friend.

Instead of framing it like "Look at how much money we give to our enemies", frame it as "Can't you see that we are your friends, after all we have given to you?".

In other words, behave no worse than a Jewish mother using guilt to encourage better behavior.

And what have White Goys given to Jews?:

.massive amounts of foreign aid

.military aid

.promises of protection in the event of a war

.fighting wars partly on the behalf of Israel, at the behest of the neocons and the like

.votes on their behalf in the UN etc.


.letting Jews immigrate to countries we controlled, and even generously letting them control many of our powerful institutions

.liberating concentration camps (Yes, some goys killed Jews. But even the Nazis knew that they had to mostly hide what they were doing, because most White people would not support it, even in an era of intense anti-Semitism.)

.paying reparations and making amends https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/10/27/slavery-reparations-holocaust-restitution-negotiations-229881/

.White-created educational institutions, laws, colonies, and social norms were the launching pad for much of Jewish wealth and success

.it is possible that some of the genetic basis for Ashkenazi success came from those European mothers, perhaps even more than the Jewish fathers

.just as White technologies saved the lives of most of the people on the planet, they helped to save the lives of many Jewish people

In general, it frustrates me to no end that so many White people are so amazingly generous to others, and then do such a terrible job of taking credit for it or getting friendship or concrete value in exchange.

And then many White identitarians make the situation even worse, somehow turning the past White generosity into a basis for hatred and enmity, instead of converting the historical generosity into a basis for friendship.

-Do more to appreciate Jewish contributions to White people, including massive life-saving technologies like the Haber nitrogen process.

Jews have made major contributions in every category listed above, as well as:

.academic contributions

.humanitarian contributions

.paying high taxes which subsidized welfare for White people and others

.political contributions (great statesmen)

.mathematical contributions

.scientific contributions

.cultural contributions

.legal contributions

.weapons (Nuclear weapons were basically a Jewish science project which were given to White Goys to control. Talk about trust!)

.genetic contributions (many mostly-White geniuses are part Jewish)

-Get better at identifying areas of mutual interest, where there is natural pragmatic alliance to be had, or friendship to be had by mutual enjoyment.

-Get better at identifying things which can be negotiated to mutual advantage.

The main principle of negotiation seems to be to find things you would easily part with which are of great value to others, while identifying things which others would easily part with which are of great value to YOU.

Some Jews are amazingly good at negotiation (of either the win/win variety, or the win/lose variety), and are great training partners in pragmatism.

-At every turn, employ "White" persuasion techniques, like the Dale Carnegie technique of defining a high standard for others to live up to. Keep referring to Jews as our friends, not our enemies. Defining someone as an enemy tends to make them one!