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User ID: 858



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User ID: 858

Because as soon as something become profitable, men take it over and pretend women didn't contribute anything.

I honestly don't understand the weird outrage towards these ad campaigns. People getting angry over "woke" ads just don't understand that not all ads are aimed at them. The drag queen Bud Light endorsement was a short instagram reel and it was aimed at that person's followers, not conservatives or rednecks. It's real main character syndrome energy to get mad because an ad campaign doesn't reflect your own individual or group likes/dislikes/personae.

Jones aside (I am in her district and she's...interesting.) there is some fishiness involving Florida's Covid reporting in particular. They haven't supplied data to the CDC, for example, for a few weeks: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#county-view?list_select_state=Florida&data-type=CommunityLevels (there are NOT zero cases or deaths). The state surgeon general, Joseph Lapado, also has a...questionable record of statements and actions during the pandemic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Ladapo.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but DeSantis loves Lapado playing down Covid for tourism reasons and attracting the kinds of residents who feel the same way. No one in FL is interested in lockdowns, but playing down vaccination and failure to encourage vaccination in a state full of old people is just poor leadership. Failure to update Covid data with the CDC makes it difficult for residents to determine risk. And there have been issues with Florida's leadership throughout the pandemic.

It appears that in response to this the same media that gave him a platform for years and cheered on his lifestyle started calling up every one of his "1000 women" in order to get dirt on him.

Orrrr, Brand knew the allegations would surface at some point and cultivated a following that believes in conspiracy theories and doesn't condemn men for sexual misconduct.

Suburbia is poorly-planned in the US. It SHOULD be based on the European village model: centered around a school, post office, pub, playing field/park, church/community hall, local small grocery, so it's walkable for most leisure activities and for kids, even if the parents have to drive somewhere for work. Modern suburbs are just houses without community, though there may be a school tucked here and there. Part of the reason is that people don't want to pay taxes for parks, and part of it is that suburbs don't have community leadership to address zoning. The "leadership" is some developer who doesn't care about anything but selling 500 houses.

If I need to go and it’s not happening naturally, I’d probably opt to wander into a snowy forest wined-up, but these people are using protocols set up for weak and terminal cancer (or other terminal illness) patients who want to spare their spouse and kids the sight of their brain splatter or red bathtub full of bloat and don’t want to mess up and end up somehow still alive but worse off. These people are physically weak.

Can’t say how the Navy works, but people who wash out from some Air Force specialties end up in jobs like postal worker or supply staff, and I suspect this might have to do with the time and budget allotted for training and what other technical school is located near the first training option. Postal was adjacent to my school, thus, washouts went right to postal.

“Running a snack bar” seems weird, since that’s usually a civilian position for local staff or military spouses/teen kids.

For what it's worth as an over-50, nearly all of the gay men and lesbians I know (from work, from high school, from college, from my military years) are with long-term partners or married. The few who aren't are partiers/drinkers/a bit nuts, like a fair number of the single/divorced straight people I know in this cohort.

Genetics testing companies use ethnicity to refer to descent.


I don’t watch SNL anymore, but the spread is via clips on social media. It has 13 million YouTube subs to KillTony’s 300k.

Numbers don’t indicate actual quality or which is funnier week over week, obviously, and SNL is def hit-or-miss, but who’s sponsoring your guys and is it all products aimed at that demo?

Having more comedy content and opportunities for up and comers is always good. Maybe I’ll add them like I did Desus and Mero.

That flub made me realize that Halle Berry would have been a much better Tinkerbell than Julia Roberts.

The Doctor Strange movies?

Isn't she a sex worker/former sex worker, though? Whore is a bit of a strong word, but "whorelord" is on her Twitter profile.

I don't have anything against this person, but I guess her following is mostly based on the fact that she's literate and pretty and a libertarian?

And a lot of people, including me, use a browser extension that reveals if the checkmark is legacy or paid. There's another toggle on the extension to hide paid checkmarks completely, which is very funny to me. You can also opt to show them in comic sans font.

I actually think the For You option (versus just showing your followed accounts) is where I find a ton of interesting tweets and new people to follow. I see people complain about "horrible politics" on their For You feed, but surely that's related to what they interact with?

The workaround for anyone who dislikes changes to Twitter is to use lists to follow only the people you find interesting and use the 8 Dollars extension. Then it's just like old Twitter.

Olives are peerless as a snack with drinks and they make martinis fun!

Yes, sorry, Billy. Billy isn’t Woody Allen ugly either, but Call Me By Your Name did well for two reasons.

Harry Styles should have been in this instead of that weird Stepford Wives remake.

SNL averages about 4.6 million viewers + whatever is spread online. I have never heard of Kill Tony until I read this comment, and I’ve listened to about 15 minutes of Joe Rogan, total.

The thing is, entertainment is all niche now.

this tomboy erasure is frustrating. It's as if they're saying, "you can't be a tomboy, you have to be a transgender man or a butch lesbian." I wish they wouldn't do that.

I agree with this. A fair number of butch lesbians also hate this trend. Like no, they don't want to be guys, they want to be butch lesbians.

All I see are DeSantis ads, given where I live. I haven’t seen a single pro-choice ad, and I look at makeup tutorials. (Actually, all I keep hearing is that he’s leading, but he’s certainly spending a ton.)

But I’m the opposite when it comes to my vote, and I think women who share my sentiments already know not to vote for any Republicans.

Well, from the person's report about what happened:

Recently, she's been more open than usual, getting closer to me when we're working on a problem together and being more chatty/flirty. She and I are both single and have been for a while. I thought that she was interested in me and I decided to take a shot in the dark. I pulled her aside after a study session last week and once everyone else had left I brought up how we're both single and asked if she wanted to be friends with benefits.

It could actually be inferred that she MIGHT possibly have been interested in this guy if he'd just...asked her to go on a date instead of proposing this no-strings sex arrangement.

As a woman, it would imply, to me, that 1.) the guy only wanted me for sex and didn't want to do romantic stuff because...? 2.) he's embarrassed to be seen with me or something?

It comes off like he regarded her as good enough for sex but not good enough to actually be his girlfriend. I'm not sure why the guy thought she'd be more amenable to banging him than to dating him.