@EdgeCityRed's banner p




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joined 2022 September 06 14:23:00 UTC


User ID: 858



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 14:23:00 UTC


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User ID: 858

For what it's worth as an over-50, nearly all of the gay men and lesbians I know (from work, from high school, from college, from my military years) are with long-term partners or married. The few who aren't are partiers/drinkers/a bit nuts, like a fair number of the single/divorced straight people I know in this cohort.

It appears that in response to this the same media that gave him a platform for years and cheered on his lifestyle started calling up every one of his "1000 women" in order to get dirt on him.

Orrrr, Brand knew the allegations would surface at some point and cultivated a following that believes in conspiracy theories and doesn't condemn men for sexual misconduct.

Because as soon as something become profitable, men take it over and pretend women didn't contribute anything.

I honestly don't understand the weird outrage towards these ad campaigns. People getting angry over "woke" ads just don't understand that not all ads are aimed at them. The drag queen Bud Light endorsement was a short instagram reel and it was aimed at that person's followers, not conservatives or rednecks. It's real main character syndrome energy to get mad because an ad campaign doesn't reflect your own individual or group likes/dislikes/personae.