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joined 2022 September 05 17:06:37 UTC
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User ID: 643



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 17:06:37 UTC


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User ID: 643

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In knife vs. bat, knife wins by charging in—sacrificing their offhand arm as a shield—and stabbing the vitals. An experienced fighter can do all that. An inexperienced fighter? They'll dance around looking for an opening that lets them stab without getting hit themselves. But time is on the side of the person with the bat. Reach gives them far more openings; sooner or later one will pay off.

That wasn't a picture of Alf. I'm deeply disappointed.

It's hard to say, since it's been almost two decades since I read it. I do recall it was a slow burn. Also, I've never found Stirling to be as engaging as Gibson. But he is one of cyberpunk's definitive authors.

For the first, check out Islands in the Net by Bruce Sterling.

"somewhere between 15% to 30% of plastics turn to ash when incinerated, which is far less efficient than coal."

My gut check says that this makes sense. We started using coal precisely because it burned so well. It does seem likely that plastic wouldn't burn nearly as thoroughly.


Yeah, it blew me away when I first read it. So many of the WWII histories I've read painted the struggle as a near thing but, when the economics are laid bare, it's clear that, if the war dragged on, the Axis were doomed.

Is this the one you're thinking of: http://www.combinedfleet.com/economic.htm?