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joined 2022 September 25 10:16:45 UTC


User ID: 1346



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User ID: 1346

I think the very top of the food chain is just not online in the traditional sense. My father has a doctorate in history and is a pretty successfull lawyer with some measure of political influence, and he doesn't care about the public internet at all, unless he can get information from it for his cases. Some of his clients are very much the elite of the elite, and I don't think they ever used a forum in their lifes.

He is however in an email circle for certain historical topics where only recognised academics in a non-anonymous fashion share sources and new essays and such, I don't think the top brass of human intelligence cares for anonymity much, as due to Pareto distribution the higher you put the standards the smaller the circle of possible subjects becomes to the point where it becomes reasonable to just know everyone by name.

Interestingly enough 4chan itself is also increasily becoming whitepill affiliated. I don't lurk /pol/ because I value my sanity, but across /lit/ /fit/ /int/ and some of the video game boards there is a notable uptick in christian clean living as counterculture towards modern woke consumerism. Raw Egg Nationalism, Bronce Age Mindset, Harassment Architecture, Which Way Modern Man, you are my best soldier, if there was no hope their propaganda would be futile are all memes, books or buzzwords becoming more mainstream across all boards. Most notable is goyslop, which encapsulates the general disdain for modern society and the garbage it feeds it's citizenship, which is bordering on spilling over into the mainstream.

I think the whitepill is the successor microtribe to the redpill, because it is way more fit from an evolutionary psychology standpoint. A redpiller may find himself ostracised from society and become a complete loser through his tribal affiliation, while a whitepiller may even increase his standing among other tribes through it just by becoming rich, handsome etc. etc. How beneficial a tribe is for the tribesmen long term is imo the strongest parameter for it's staying power.

Philosophers are actually really high, and have programmers beat, they are in the highest tier with maths and physics aswell.


4chan's /sci/ and /lit/ could theoretically be smarter than the rationalist bubble when you take the median, on average they would definitly be lower because next to the gigabrains logically dissecting Kant and contrasting him with Hegel you have culture war retards who never read a book in their lifes.

As long as it is spinning fast enough noone can tell what colour it is from the outside haha

The grey tribe is definitly more red-accomodating than the wider blue tribe. I am a Christian, and rationalist-adjacent spaces are pretty much the only space where I sometimes feel like fencing against atheists and doing a very mild form of proselytising, in other blue tribe circles that would be pearls before swine. (Matthew 7:6)

take a look at the subredditoverlaps for SSC.

Yes, samharris and redscarepod have strong blue tribe identity at x63.78 and x17.64 respectively. But there is also truechristian (right wing christian sub) at x10.67, jordanpeterson at x8.58 and catholicism at x6.52. For not explicity Christian red tribe associated subs there are lockdownscepticism at x10.42 and goldandblack at x7.20. Also stuff like menslib at x11.54 and moderatepolitics at x8.54. Neoliberal at x10.00. Classical right wing reactionaries are underreprestented, but there seem to be quite a few conservative Christians, classical liberals, neoliberals and centrists around next to the blue tribers in the grey tribe (although neoliberals are probably blue tribe, hard to tell since left wingers hate them so much).

If you want to you can get digging in the NJW (Neue Juristische Wochenzeitschrift) archives, given that that is the premier magazine that every law related academic reads and wants to be published in irregardless of field. It usually has a strong libertarian slant, although there are a few CDU and Greens aspected articles aswell. Be warned however, the magazine is entirely formulated within technical jargon and is thus near incrompehensible for a layman, and it carries a pricetag of 25€/month at least.

If you want some work alleviated here is an univeristy website which has also an article by a professor who published one of his NJW articles about the constitutionality of the Corona regulations freely accessible in pdf format, it is "Der demokratische Rechtsstaat in der Corona-Pandemie, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) 2021, 2766-2771". I scanned that one and it seemed very archetypical for the stance of the NJW towards the constitutionality of the corona regulations, the other articles linked on that website, judging from the headlines, share similar stances.

Also since I just realised that technically does not answer your question of "why can my rights be reduced despite the lawyers saying this is unconstitutional", that is because in Germany lawyers do not actually hold any political power. The power of the lawyers can be summed up as the "Herschende Meinung in der Literatur". The only way the literature opinion has actual effect on the interpretation of the law is when the courts take it over, and make it "Rechtsprechung", thus entering the judicative. As long as the courts disagree with the common lawyers opinion in the literature, that opinion is mostly worthless, all political power is with judicative, executive and legislative in Germany. And the courts were extremely loyal to the state in the corona pandemic, the BVerfG, the constitutional court and technically the highest court in the country routinely sides with the state in these decisions.

This is mostly the result of Germany using their "refugees welcome" strategy to attract hordes of migrants with sometimes also questionable motives, and then completely refusing to actually take responsibility, stranding all of these refugees in Italy and Greece. Then the EU kept nagging Italy about the refugee camps, while at the same time nagging them about their economy and refusing to help them much at all. It doesn't really surprise me that right wing sentiments across Europe are surging, with the refugee crisis as the embers, and then the corona crisis as a catalysator we had two crisis in succession where the popular opinion is identical with the right wing opinion (the majority of Europeans in most countries is both against taking in more refugees and against corona restrictions).

I don't think Italy will be the Fulcrum, France is. The population wants a right wing government, it is just that Le Pen and Zemmour split the right under them, and Macron has more charisma than all of the competition combined. If a charismatic young right wing leader emerges, France will get a far right government aswell. The only real left wing anchor in Europe right now is Germany, and it itself is firmly left-leaning or at least moderate, with a very recent historic victory of the SPD over the CDU, but it is running out of allies in Europe.

However the current Russia Crisis will most likely be a force in the opposite direction, and weld the EU stronger together against a common enemy. I think it will end in a victory for the West, which will rally unity in the Western world and symbollically show the superiority of the Western ways, it's drawbacks in globohomo, critical race theory and especially complete hypersensitation to human deaths which lead to complete lockdowns just to prevent miniscule increases in mortality rates nonwithstanding it crushes other systems into the dust when push comes to shove.

https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2022/08/11/partisanship-colors-views-of-covid-19-handling-across-advanced-economies/, huh I guess I was fooled by my filter bubble. I am a German law student, and most law related discussion unequivocally opposes the corona handling as it is plainly unconstitutional.

Do tell me what you think of it when you read it, I wonder how all of the political shock factor and hyperviolence comes across when one isn't as in tune with chan culture.

That one is a book by Mike Ma. Kind of infamous on /lit/, given that Mike Ma pilfered in style from Behead All Satans, which was written on /lit/ itself. Quite archetypical for the 4chanesque interpretation whitepill in a way, it is sort of like an amphetamine fueled trip through a world of paranoid delusions and various forms of extreme racism and mysigony, all coalescing in a general dislike of industrialisation and a call to hit the gym as hard as possible. It is a wild read, side splittingly hilarious at times when Mike Ma goes off on semi self-aware rants about poison in the tapwater and estrogenic chemicals in cashier receipts.

I use bookmarks sequestered down into different bookmark folders. I don't really save so much that I would need a keyword search system for it, given that I am generally of the philosophy that the internet should be searched, not indexed, but the death of the search machine with all competitors becoming worse in a race to the bottom certainly makes some degree of archival more attractive.

A private wiki would be the nonplusultra for that, but the work required to build one never exceeded the use I would get from it for me yet.

heh, that's actually pretty funny

kind of interesting how fast reddit culture spills over to here

German wikipedia traces it back to Hegel and Feuerbach, which sounds accurate to me, given that that matches with the timeline of being a term coined ~1850.

Also how the fuck do I create cool masked hyperlinks on that website, is that supported yet? Have an ugly dump of a bunch of links instead:



This website particularily traces back first mentions to 1860 in Germany, although I couldn't figure out how to search it as to actually get WHO used it first in 1860. https://www.dwds.de/wb/Verdinglichung

I found a mention in a court document of the Reichstag from 1874 as oldest mention, probably unrelated tho. https://www.dwds.de/r/?q=Verdinglichung&corpus=dtaxl&date-start=1465&date-end=1998&sc=avh-bern&sc=bruedergemeine&sc=dibilit&sc=dingler&sc=dsdk&sc=dtae&sc=dtak&sc=gartenlaube&sc=gei_digital&sc=grenzboten&sc=jean_paul&sc=pitaval&sc=reichstag&sc=soldatenbriefe&sc=textberg_hist&format=full&sort=date_asc&limit=10


It being a legal term that Marx picked up somewhere randomly and recoined philosophically would also make sense, given that he studied law and had to read a fuckton of Reichsgerichtsurteile.

As a sidenote, Verdinglichung is a fairly intuitive word for a German. You can just do that in the language, take the substantive "ding" for thing, and make a verb from it, "verdinglichen", then take the verb and substantivate it again to make "the process of making something into a thing", "verdinglichung".

You have a wrong perspective on things. Lawyers are not the same class as judges. Taking your analogy of a priestly class, judges are salaried by the state, lawyers get paid on a contract basis by clients. Judges are knights in service of the crown, lawyers are mercenaries who do whatever they are paid to do. If the peasants wonder why the mercenaries didn't do enough, the answer is usually because they weren't paid enough. Although a considerably amount of Verfassungsbeschwerden came before the court, so even that is a dodgy perspective.

Let's make a distinction here. Are you arguing that lawyers were not opposed to the corona regulations, or that the lawyers opposed to the decision had a moral duty to make themselves heard more?

There are definitely low-effort sneers and very silly comments full of uncharitable takes and extreme nonsense. I try to ignore those, but sometimes they do suck me in and I end up arguing for 3 hours over whether 6,000,000 +- 1,500,000 people dying in gas chambers and hard labor camps is still a genocide. It is.

This is what lends the critique of The Motte it's validity, I don't really enter the culture war roundup thread here, just check what the self posts have to say, because whenever I enter the culture war thread I get bogged down by someone who ardently holds a very controversial opinion, and lacks the eloquence or intelligence to properly defend that argument.

The smartest red tribe enclave on the internet still has a reason to exist, as someone on reddit said: "I would still go there just to see what the intelligent right-wing position on this issue is." The current Motte fails to live up to that standard.

  • -15

Well just look how genuinly retarded the other two answers to my post are. I wrote that I no longer enter the culture war thread, because too often there are low quality shitflingers inside, i.e. the density of people who do not contribute to the discussion yet engage with it anyway is too high for my tastes. The two critiques to that? "The existance of low quality contributors does not exclude the existance of high quality contributors" (no shit, it is about how proportional they are, every page will have both) and "As I don't use the website my criticism of it is irrelevant." (I stopped using the bulk of the website because of the criticism...). In the spirit of good grace I have to add here that the second response is vastly more retarded than the first one.

I am not actually sure where I go nowadays if I want a smart right wing perspective, I used to lurk another forum where a few full blown nazis were around due to extremely lax moderation, but some of them were wicked smart, but I don't go there anymore for various reasons, mainly that it was too addicting. I guess I just read books of individual conservatives I respect now, I havn't found a place where their wheat accumulates, too much chaff everywhere.

Westernman.org is an interesting rabbithole I found on 4chan's /lit/, kind of a Platoist/Aristotelean new coat of paint for the alt right, but they don't seem to have a forum yet.

  • -22