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Resident Normie

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joined 2022 September 04 22:40:19 UTC


User ID: 224


Resident Normie

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:40:19 UTC


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User ID: 224

I liked Ancillary Justice. The premise is fun once you know what the author is doing. The ship can't properly identify as a human and understand gender distinctions for the same reason the empire folks (or whatever they were called) couldn't understand the native culture of the swamp planet enough to anticipate the brewing shitshow there. And why the ship didn't initially understand the plot. That disinterested misunderstanding was a big theme in the book.

I'm not a chess pro but if I'm playing chess or any other game against you and you're letting an ai pick your moves, I'd consider that cheating. Compare aimbotting.

Good to see that I'm back to disagreeing with Musk. Banning journos who report on you isn't the same thing as banning vigilantes who stalk you.

I don't think it's so much an indictment of Elon as it is of the position of 'free speech absolutism'

For me it is hard to believe that people were so stupid for such a long time and wasted time and resources doing it just for fun.

You may be underestimating just how much people enjoy cruelty.

If HBD was an explanation for the distribution of wealth and power, for one thing, I would expect people with wealth and positions of power to be significantly smarter than they are.

This is where I'd smugly point out that there's one big difference between the war in Ukraine and the Standard War Template: the aggression is Russians (the goddamn Russians!) and they're blowing up white people (the horror!)

It's the elephant in the room. Pictures of white people suffering sells clicks. It's very powerful in the attention economy. Pair that with a stock villian that everyone who remembers the cold war can point to on a map (it's quite large) and you get lots of engagement.

Was this what it was like in 2002-2003 when Afghanistan and Iraq were starting? Did every remotely public intellectual drop their standards this quickly? I remember the Anti-war movement being more prominent at the time... Was that only after the fact?

I don't have an exact recollection (I was very small), but I don't remember serious opposition to the war really coalescing until 2003 (I remember Al Franken's book from that year being huge) leading into the 2004 election cycle. Bur Kerry of course voted for the Iraq war and didn't promise a withdrawal during his campaign. Also, he lost.

Or is the Anti-war movement silent because this is Putin and he's now coded pro-trump and Anti-gay... (yet somehow everyone else in central Eurasia isn't)

You'd have to be very much a quokka indeed to be so anti-war as to oppose bleeding out someone who you're still in a nuclear stalemate with. As an American, every day I open my eyes with a Russian warhead pointed me, ready to slaughter my family. So pardon me if I cheer on Ukraine's humiliation of Russia's armed forces.

So just to be clear, the gun was never actually used except to make you secure in the knowledge that you could use it?

At what point does justice cross into thirst for revenge?

Justice is the formalized, civilized version of the impulse for revenge. Jones goes to court instead of being paraded around the streets of Hartford on a rail.

I'll chime in here that I'm one of the few libs to have stuck it out on TheMotte and, yeah, it does feel like it's taken a bit of an echoey turn with the site switch. I do think it's a mix of people finally being able to go mask off and rdrama folks trolling.

I don't think Joe Average Liberal will have the same experience I'm having, since I've spent most of my life enjoying back and forth with Cons and have my own weird ideosyncretic takes I like to ride around hobby-horse style.

I also don't have a great fix for this. Are there things libs want to say that they can't say on reddit? Abso-goddamn-lutely, but they're also things that left-wing spaces discourage saying as a taboo, so even unleashed in a place like this we hold our tongues.

Lockdowns made... some kind of sense in 2019/early 2020 when we had few other tools and the pandemic could have still turned out to be deadlier based on the reports coming out of China. In the past four-odd years conditions have changed. And anyway, Zero Covid has been a much more unhinged regime than the US lockdown ever was.

Where is the red/grey team version of George Soros? Peter Thiel?

When Gawker outed Thiel he did a damn good job of deplatforming them. I do not think Thiel & Co have any interest in supporting KF. And KF has too much of a tendency to go after Autistic people for the Gray tribe to really feel comfortable with them.

Are there any options for a completely legal (in the United States) site like KF to stay online

While strictly speaking 'legal' they encouraged and enabled illegal acts. Also, again while not a matter of US law, doxing is the closest thing the anglophone internet has to a prohibition by law. Since TheMotte isn't... about that life, I doubt we have anything to worry about.

A version of KF that scrubbed information that could be used to track down the individuals would probably still be online. Also, private harassment and doxing IRC channels will continue to exist. KF was a unique combination of both, trading private information for internet clout. Devil's bargain and all that.

Is there a serious value add for male sex toys? there's no anatomical analogy to a Hitachi, but a hand can curl around a dick just fine. No batteries, no plug, and I'm carrying it around anyway. The hell I need a toy for?

I mean I hear about it on NPR every day and it was on the front page of the new york times recently.

That would require movies that aren't sequels to be made which, of course, appears to be impossible.

If you can't tell the difference between George Washington and a suicidal school shooter kid, we're going to have difficulty finding any common ground.

Imagine having so little sense of self worth that a sword and someone having to mop seems an undue expense.

Hey give me some credit here, I didn't go for the obvious mess argument and instead injected a fun fact about Samurai swords.

You're dying, subjectively the outcome is no different than if the world itself ended...

People who only care about their own subjective experience and not at all about the future others experience are either not going to worry themselves into a suicidal state, or are the same nihilistic problem individuals that we need to solve for. Unfortunately most do not choose the honorable way out.

the spree killer, as dystopian as they are is at least still recognizably human...

Eh, recognizably mammalian perhaps. From humans I expect more; I expect a human to profit from its acts of violence, even if only to make sure you think twice before fucking with the next human you encounter. Going out in a pointless blaze of glory against unwitting strangers is the type of nihilistic destruction I instead expect from housecat.

The willing submission even in death to the biomedical security state...

Or the triumph of the individual against an inhuman healthcare monstrosity to force the beast to do the one against its decrepit programming: allow the patient to die peacefully.

I mean, consider the number of people who still argue about Donald Trump even though he's no longer president, or how long people were obsessed with 9/11 after the fact. The world changes faster than people can update their interests.

There probably also a rarely heard take:

Delegating our most important speech to private platforms was a mistake.

Uplifting predators is a bad idea generally; we're on track to destroy this pathetic biosphere and we're not the hyper-optomized obligate carnivores that some species are. If housecats had access to modern technology we'd all be atomized by now.

I just can't rationalize the idea of people being wiped out when their line will continue for generations to come. I don't understand what's being 'lost' if my kids were mixed race instead of white. They're still mine and isn't that what's important?

I really don't want to do women dirty like this but, I have yet to come across a "good" female programmer

I know a few. One is one of the best system designers I know, the other is the kind of get-your-hands-dirty fix-anything learn-any-stack type that any company with legacy code needs.

All three of your points seem to miss a key aspect of the show: it's a tragedy. The characters don't 'level up' in a tragedy, they write their endings. Do people complain that Macbeth lacks 'character progression' or that Reservoir Dogs has 'meaningless deaths?' Each character earns their brutal ending by the way they conduct themselves.

'Hopper Invented Cobol' is a smear; Cobol is perhaps the most hated programming language and she didn't invent it, but Sammit et al who did invent Cobol heavily reference Hopper's work.

This seems to be written from the curious perspective that white people can only have white children. I assure you, this is not the case.