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Resident Normie

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joined 2022 September 04 22:40:19 UTC


User ID: 224


Resident Normie

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:40:19 UTC


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User ID: 224

Go back and watch media from the 2000s, you'll notice it's absolutely full of pot shots at religion. Different culture war, but it was absolutely a thing back then. But now it's your ox being gored/the Overton window has changed and you haven't.

I don't quite understand your reasoning here. What quality of crypto voting secures it? It's still software running on a client or server, yeah?

These models don't work like computers, they work like brains. To solve that kind of problem you want Prolog which would solve it instantly. You similarly wouldn't hand it an unsorted list and expect it to invent Quicksort.

Well, some AI-fearers definitely do, but I remain unimpressed.

What gets me the most is that he prescribes to family members in emergencies. This pisses me off pretty severely. For people who don't know a doctor, getting the drugs they need can be a huge struggle. Rather than try to fix the amount of red tape in the system, doctors what, make sure that it never affects the people they care about, and let the rest of us just deal with it? this ability to avoid the consequences of their own inaction is typical of doctors and part of why the US healthcare system's problems aren't just caused by faceless bureaucrats.

Isn't that a common argument?

Not a particularly compelling one. I don't know any women who would settle for being part of a harem in favor of being married to a comparatively lower status man.

I think there's this imagination that all the instances of Man not having sex have been replaced 1:1 with woman having sex with Chad.

I think reality is more like: both the man and the woman in the equation are picking a more convenient way to pass the time and unwilling to make themselves uncomfortable to find a partner.

Your competition isn't Chad, it's Netflix.

they could have made their own universe

We live in Sequel world now, no further universes are allowed.

Also, you're not allowed to not care.

If he'd gone after 9/11 cops the way he went after Sandy Hook families he'd be dead by now. He chose his victims wisely.

Of course, but if we're going to count 'defensive gun use' as 'any time a gun made its owner feel safe' we're getting dangerously close to making policy based on feelings. Should we count every time the presence of a gun made someone feel unsafe as an offensive gun use? I don't think police departments would support that sort of standard.

I'm confused about the purpose of non -CW things pre-move. If something isn't CW-radioactive, why post it on TheMotte?

Of course now, I suppose we may develop a unique community that wants to discuss all matter of things.

How about NATO countries invaded by Syria / Libya / Iraq / Afghanistan etc?

Redefining invasion.

Which Libyans consented to a coalition of NATO countries and Qatar to come in and murder their leader?

The Libyans who bayoneted him and shot him dead.

I liked Ancillary Justice. The premise is fun once you know what the author is doing. The ship can't properly identify as a human and understand gender distinctions for the same reason the empire folks (or whatever they were called) couldn't understand the native culture of the swamp planet enough to anticipate the brewing shitshow there. And why the ship didn't initially understand the plot. That disinterested misunderstanding was a big theme in the book.

Good to see that I'm back to disagreeing with Musk. Banning journos who report on you isn't the same thing as banning vigilantes who stalk you.

I was waiting for it to happen. The way she gives a defeated little arm raise in the sun... I really thought that was going to be it. But they ended it on a hopeful note; David may have died for nothing, but Lucy still has her second chance.

There's a real chance our elites would try t snuff that revolution out rather than let every ideal they ever scorned coalesce there.

Our elietes aren't going to look a gift horse like 'China unironically embracing The West' in the mouth. It would be a huge vindication for liberal values. It would be a geopolitical upset.

remember all the glowing new york times pieces on how China was a model for how the us should run its economy back in the 2010s

That was off the back of more liberal Hu Jintao. Xi has proven to be more authoritarian and more inclined to sabre rattle.

You see a pothole in the road. If you believe that the government has left it there intentionally to punish your community because it's too white, you're unlikely to call 411. If you believe it's because the public works department just didn't know about it because they're mortal, you call 411.

None of what you said will stop folks from trying, and some poor mutants who had no say in the matter will live with the consequences.

He didn't ask why you think he cares now.

Nor did I?

And I think that answer is an easy way to dismiss people who talk about principles

I wasn't dismissing that, I was pointing out that his principle of 'keep politics out of movies' or however he formulated it was never really a principle in the first place

It's a little silly to suggest that people woud look at the data and say 'ahh well, it's fine that a.man was choked to death because statistically he had 15 lower IQ points and was thus slightly more predisposed to criminality. I guess we'll just accept our lot.' The blank slate argument is just giving voice to an already held belief.

Ok, but merely securing the wire isn't impressive or going to solve the problem.

NYT probably made the wrong call on doxing Scott, however I think there's a significant difference between an org that makes an occasional mistake versus an org which practices something as a matter of course.

Or: just because NTY doxed one guy does not mean Kiwi's use of doxing knowing full well the level of IRL harassment it tends to invite on its targets is ok.

I suppose it's not just the doxing that makes KF distasteful, but the doxing is a line they could opt not to cross and they'd have a lot more friends.

Is there a functional difference between hp for sustained sounds (ie lawnmower) vs overpressure? Shooting earmuffs I see tend to be much thinner than earmuffs you see at the hardware store.

Is ANC for that level of protection hokum? I see some electronic earbuds that claim (to me) unbelievable NRRs.

Winning elections is the reward?

We regard car crimes as an acceptable cost for a lifestyle enabled by cars, so few people clamor to ban cars in the wake of car attacks. Guns are regarded by the left as chiefly a nuisance and not a critical tool that enables our way of life. Cars don't need a second amendment to protect them; the benefits are obvious.

Maybe it's a circumcision thing too, if you're uncut you require no lube and can get real far focusing pressure on the frenulum.

Does he have credibility left to lose after weeks of own-goals?