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joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


User ID: 885



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 06 20:46:10 UTC


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User ID: 885

Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs were very good. Hannibal - not so much.

Edit: physical books specifically.

The Zulu were a faction in 3.

He’s a solid 300 years before anything discussed in detail by Gibbon.

English is much less conducive to good lyrics in the first place. Weird Al Yankovic is the only example that comes to mind (but he sometimes does a fantastic job): https://youtube.com/watch?v=lOfZLb33uCg&pp=ygUOYW1pc2ggcGFyYWRpc2U%3D

Why are dandelions so prevalent in cities, in absolute terms as well as in comparison to other weeds?

TIL that Goatse killed Gandhi, and we know all too well that Marat was slain by Tubgirl.

I don’t know who assassinated Pupienus, but there’s probably a fitting meme somewhere…