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insufferable blowhard

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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC

The things you lean on / are things that don't last

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User ID: 107


insufferable blowhard

1 follower   follows 12 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC


The things you lean on / are things that don't last


User ID: 107

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Ha, exactly. I get to ride for once on film and they pollute the ad with some douchebag.

Truth be told I've never owned an Iphone.

I'd argue against bullet point 1, or at least ratchet it back a bit. I read Robert Lustig's book Metabolical and he is clearly wrong about a number of things. Sugar (sucrose, fructose, etc.) is obviously not great to eat constantly and vigilance and curating one's consumption of it can only help, but Lustig calls it a "toxin." It's not a toxin. Or, rather, it's not a toxin in small enough doses. I'd also flag "processed" food as overly vague. There are lots of meanings to the word processed and again just being processed doesn't necessarily make a food harmful to eat. Another point against Lustig (and I realize I'm the one mentioning him, not you, but he has been my most recent exposure to these same claims you're making) is he bangs the drum about "organic" food, a thing which always makes me immediately hold whoever's doing it suspect. Organic farms are arguably less sustainable than non-organic farms, and are not pesticide-free.. (Once again I realize you have not pushed organic food.)

I personally agree with your view on protein, as well as the importance of sleep and hydration.

Hiking, interesting. I'm reading stuck as trapped not just "lowered down into the area gently to hike or whatever." I imagine the distinction and how people understand this may affect their answer.

My Wicked, wicked ways the autobiography of Errol Flynn. Was loaned to me with a stack of other books. Dude had an interesting writing style, presuming it was him writing it. And a pretty impossible-to-live now life.

I can't speak for all love hotels, obviously. Emergency exits I believe are always available on each floor, but rooms themselves are locked. I presume in a fire the rooms would auto unlock and the exits are right there. Love hotels typically have no windows or very small ones and so there are no fire escapes of that sort.

Theft and arson here do occur, but crime in general isn't as common as the US at least. Arsons are particularly egregious because it is impossible to contain fire in densely populated areas. When they are perpetrated here the arsonists are usually found to be mentally ill.

Probably it was I who was channeling my experience into your own. That is very young for your mother to have died, you yourself must have been quite young also.

Trade-off. For us the money and lifestyle to which we were accustomed was here, plus safety, cleanliness, and a degree of what for lack of a better term I'll call culture. My home in Alabama had giant yards, lakes, ski boats, big Golden retrievers, and all the high protein meals one could ask for, and of course family, but beyond my parents I don't miss my extended family to any real degree with only two exceptions, and was happy to be far from them. My very close friends are still in touch, some daily thanks to LINE and Whatsapp

I think for many reasons women who have children benefit from their mother nearby, in ways that are not immediately apparent for men. My wife's family is also a plane or bullet train ride away, but that's quite close in modern terms. I mean there's no time zone difference or significant financial hit to connect. Currently flying internationally feels like being robbed at gunpoint.

And presumably naginata, which was, yes, used by women, presumably because of its reach which would cancel out size issues.

Probably I'm not badass enough, or partake in a budo that will be scoffed at, but the head of my Aikido ryu/dojo 's big boss is a (Japanese) woman, and although she's no spring chicken any more, she could throw the hell out of you. My point is that it's toing to depend on the martial art. BJJ is probably going to be more man-centric. You'll find girls at kickboxing and aikido.

Thanks for the recommendation. Mind sharing why? I have deliberately avoided all of the modern re-envisionings of the series, and the ads for this one don't at all convince me to abandon this strategy.

Arrival is worth watching. Don't look anything up about it before watching, assuming that's one you haven't seen.

What is the "it" here? Maybe you made a top level comment instead of a reply?

Ibuprofen inhibits enzymes that produce prostaglandins, and this can, long-term at the doses you describe, cause the problems in the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys that you allude to as well as increasing the chance of blood clots and the associated risks of those (including atherosclerosis and all that baggage, e.g. heart attack). The ACE inhibitors increase potassium, which also isn't good for the kidneys if they're already working harder than necessary (ppl with kidney issues are told to avoid potassium-rich foods for this reason).

In short, long-term, not so great. Short-term probably fine. Presumably the ACE inhibitors are for blood pressure?

Edit: As usual this is not my wheelhouse, not an MD, just this stuff is what I read all the time for work.

It reminds me of women who say all men are rapists waiting to be rapey. Now sure maybe in the right circumstances, Mr Gittes, men are capable of anything, that doesn't mean the same thing. Taking an observed behavioral phenomenon and applying it wholesale as typical is shoddier than even the usual shoddy social science.

I would suggest supplements are largely unproven and bordering on s snake oil, but you seem to know this. Without plunging into impossible goals there are always apps that will not only adjust any workout to your own level with incrementally increasing difficulty, but also make suggestions about what you should be eating. I'd also offer that the mindset of trying to supplement one's way to health and forego the hard work will very likely not produce satisfactory results.

Is this or are these interactions where it's all been online in the set-up phase?

My Wicked, Wicked Ways: The Autobiography of Errol Flynn

There's insertion and then there's insertion.

Not I. But I'm far. Of possible interest .

I agree, it's like somebody picked up his phone and started messaging, like a completely different person.

No idea the truth to Altman's claim that it was a voice actress, but it definitely sounded like Johansson. I quite liked it and it's really odd how when I heard a different voice (the new one they put up) I was like who TF are you?

Yes I am very proud of that move. I am realizing I resemble a lot of people I didn't know were out there. I am about Patton's age apparently.

I took

This is why I stay away from veggies

to mean you avoid vegetables. Maybe just those in a can? Although you should know canned and frozen vegetables often retain many of their nutrients just fine, this is particularly true of frozen vegetables. I dislike making such statements without a good source though. Probably you already know this and are avoiding the added sugars/sodium etc.

I would need to look him up. Not so far no.