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insufferable blowhard

1 follower   follows 12 users  
joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC

The things you lean on / are things that don't last

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User ID: 107


insufferable blowhard

1 follower   follows 12 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC


The things you lean on / are things that don't last


User ID: 107

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Yo, since you're calling me out: A) What post are you talking about where you "explained what the problem was"? I didn't see it or read it. Perhaps you're right that I could have or even should have. I didn't. You're assuming.

You're apparently pattern-matching me to someone who denies there's a problem with media. I do not deny this, as my post history indicates.

The initial post by @FaibleEstimeDeSoi was about video games and a black/white pairing, which didn't and still does not strike me as odd. The issue is not with one game. The issue is larger, as with the tide that goes out--it lowers all boats. For whatever reason I did not make that connection to the post and I felt the issue was with the interracial pairing in and of itself, not a symptom of a larger issue (i.e. focusing on one boat instead of the tide.)

Dase decided to go for it and get personal. That's what I take issue with--well, that and his general writing style, which I find tedious but not because I think he's a liar or cretin. I don't think either of those and he seems quite intelligent. He was also rude and thus far in his interactions with me does not seem to be interested in changing that tack. So be it.

I'm not blind and I'm not lying. I spent three years in Africa and most of my life in Alabama--black men with white women is a thing. That is the issue I was bringing up. I am not Gillitrut.

Strange to think that in a few years this space, too, will be a memory for most, possibly all of us. We'll move on to whatever (if we are lucky) and The Motte may or may not continue in some form, but not like this.

(edit: by "if we are lucky" I mean if we continue to live and have fulfilling lives where we interact socially)