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User ID: 1469



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User ID: 1469

If they didn't want to give up that bike (not theirs), then they should have paid for it.

If you believe in this legalistic tripe then the whole edifice of decorum collapses, and I think decorum is good. If someone was standing at a bus stop in the rain, person A asked if they could stand under person B's umbrella would 'if they wanted an umbrella they can pay for their own' be an appropriate response? It's ironic that people complain a lot about low-trust society here but as soon as it's black teens and a white woman it's all 'well technically she paid for the bike so she has zero obligation to act in polite and accommodating manner'.

  • -28

Contrasting this anti-white conspiracy with last years report that China was "luring" UK pilots to train its pilots, what exactly does a white person owe a state that actively discriminates against them?

This is completely pathetic. A pilot feels, perhaps not unreasonably, disadvantaged by this one policy, so that's grounds on which to throw your toys out of the pram and work for a state which, for most RAF pilots one imagines, behaves in a manner completely antithetical to your values?

  • -23

but actual dislike and disgust toward whites and specifically white males

This is so terminally online. Are you British? I have literally no idea where you have picked this idea up.

  • -22

This seems a very bizarre conception of decorum. Ok, they hadn't technically rented it and she in theory was able to, but recognising that good manners require you to refrain from doing things you are 'entitled' to do is the most basic and foundational rule of social grace.

  • -21

If you have returned something it's not yours it's available to anyone again. If you want to keep it the app has a simple method to do so, you just have to pay for it. He had returned the bike making it available to all and was wrong to prevent someone else from using it.

People keep saying this but what these rules are is completely irrelevant to the discussion of whether it was good form to take the bike anyway. I know it was available to everyone when they docked it, but that has no bearing on questions of manners.

  • -20

her life ruined

They shouldn't have posted the video, but let's not exaggerate. In a week this falls out of the news cycle, no-one hears about it ever again and she goes back to nursing.

  • -19

Because people who are not petty children don't stoop to that level. They were misbehaving in gaming the system, maybe, but that doesn't make it a mature response to try to take it after they have clearly indicate that they are about to use it again. Much as in a library, if someone was keeping out longer by returning and loaning it again, and if you asked that person whether the book they had placed on the table was going to be taken out and they said yes, it would still be an absurd and unbecoming response to snatch it up and take it to loan it yourself to forestall them.

  • -19

"shall not be infringed"

Well there are other words in the amendment. Words like 'bear arms', the meaning of which is pretty clearly up for debate even if you come down on the side of a broad interpretation.

  • -16

I suggest you become a little less sensitive if a razor advert constitutes an 'attack' on you. An ad executive ploy should not be able to bother you to that extent

  • -15

And don't "Jan 6th!" at me, this kind of hysteria was in full flow before ever that happened

His contempt for democracy was already pretty evident before Jan 6th. Pre-Jan 6th anti-Trump feeling wasn't unjustified because Jan 6 hadn't happened yet; Jan 6 was Trump 'hysteria' being proven right! To embrace Godwin's law, this is the equivalent of saying that anti-Hitler sentiment was baseless before 1933 because it was only then that he was able to make any effective attack on democracy. People warned that Trump had no respect for democracy, and they were right. This was 2016;

First of all, it’s rigged and I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, to be honest

I have had to come to the conclusion that the rage was all over It's Her Turn Now

This is trivially disproved by the number of people who hate Trump who also dislike Clinton, from the Democratic left to the Never Trump Republicans. The former is obvious but it's also true in the case of the latter; McMullin called Hillary 'terrible' in 2016, French wrote a piece in July 2016 harshly critical of Clinton on the emails and saying Comey should charge her etc. etc.

  • -14

Yes. His evidence for a sweeping assertion about British society was one bad email. I think we would need a little more evidence than that to make an assertion as broad as he did.

  • -14

you don't really get to "call dibs" on a bike you are not currently renting

Don't you? I don't live in New York, but if someone was doing this I would think extremely bad form to try and take one they were obviously just about to take out, especially if you've already asked and they've said no. Indeed, the very fact that she asked surely implies she recognises they do have some sort of 'dibs' on it.

  • -14

, what's the point?"

Concern for your fellow man? Maybe family and friends would be less critical if you looked just a little further than the end of your own nose. Hardly a terrible imposition being asked of you.

  • -14

Are we still doing the pretending this isn’t happening bit

Can't speak for anyone else but I sure am.

  • -13

Not really relevant as that's not what the comment said. I agree the kids should have given the bike up (though I think the woman was still in the wrong for her subsequent actions), given that she is pregnant, but not on the grounds that the comment above suggested.

  • -13

I agree they are defecting against the system, but that still doesn't mean it's a mature response to go very far in trying to stop him. In manners if not in politics, 'they go low, we go high' pretty much always applies.

  • -13

Two things here. Firstly, I am told by New Yorkers that this is common practice, in which case it seems hard to place much blame on the kids in that regard, if it's a widely accepted norm. Secondly, even if they are wrong in that regard, it doesn't exonerate the woman. Her actions were still petty even if one shouldn't try to 'reserve' bikes in that way.

  • -12

Perhaps there are other norms in the bikes but my first prior as a capitalistic American is the one with the cash is in the right.

I'm not American, but I am in the Anglosphere and this seems entirely alien to me.

And I believe this is one of the benefits of being an adult. Being a kid has a lot of benefits (lack of responsibilities) but the negative is waiting for adults time schedule.

I think this is one reason why it was also rude of the kids not to let a pregnant nurse just have the bike, they are in the wrong too, but if they were breaking a social rule in keeping the bike the answer to that is not break some social rules yourself but to act graciously and move on. You do have an obligation to be, within reason, polite to the impolite.

  • -12

I would agree with this were it not for the fact that, so I am told, such behaviour is a widely accepted part of New York bike culture. If a rule like that (i.e. a 'first come first served' principle where if you get a bike out you can keep redocking as you like until you're finished) has been broadly established among most users, as it seems, conversely, it has not in the place you cite, then it seems perverse to lay blame on anyone conforming to the widely accepted rule. This also doesn't seem nearly as bad as the stuff you cite, since those people are clearly trying to just keep the bike for themselves semi-permanently even when they're not using it, whereas these chaps it seems were just keeping it for the time they were using it, albeit longer that the technical limit.

  • -11

a website with numerous sub-communities each enforcing their own specific orthodoxy on their members, or a website in which the members of every community have to adhere to exactly one orthodoxy?

Well we can make this argument one stage removed no? Reddit is simply one of many websites enforcing certain values, if you don't like them you can go to another website - it is itself a 'sub-community' of all websites.

  • -10

the tiniest hint of bias against certain races (blacks and jews in the US) is massively dangerous and a slippery slope to literal genocide

I don't think you see much of that in mainstream circles, seems a very online sort of thing, but where you do see it I agree that it is hyperbolic and unhelpful.

well they're not literally sending you to death camps yet so what are you whining about?

Much more than 'not literally sending you to death camps' there isn't that much serious bias against whites, not in the UK anyway. There is some 'diversity hiring' (but the available evidence seems to suggest that there are strong effects of in-group bias in hiring, which mostly of course favours whites, so on net even in the direct hiring process I think whites do fine, before one even considers broader questions of socio-economic inequality etc.) but it's hardly sufficient as to constitute a major or even minor concern for any aspiring professional in Britain. This RAF stuff has been newsworthy precisely because it is unusual for such vigorous policies to be in place.

  • -10

Literally one email does not substantiate a grand declarative statement about the condition of the nation. Did you miss the part where they were paying thousands in compensation to those adversely affected by the scheme?

  • -10

I don't think voting against the people who want to systematically discriminate you in education and hiring is voting against your economic interests

Do you seriously think that affirmative action poses any genuine threat to the material condition of the average working class person? Maybe there are some outliers at the margins, but there are tens or even hundreds of more compelling issues at the moment.

  • -10


Hard to be at all sympathetic given that they banned any criticism of Trump. Hard to complain about being banned for 'contradicting woke orthodoxy' (which I don't think is a fair representation of what happened but nevertheless) when you don't allow any contradiction of Trumpian orthodoxy.

ridiculous excuse

How is this a 'ridiculous' excuse? The road network as it is today only exists thanks to the government, why should it then not be able to regulate who can drive, and how they can do it, on the roads they are largely responsible for? I for one am glad to be free (or freer than I otherwise would be) from a drunkard killing me in his car, all so that a few cranks can delude themselves about how much liberty they have.