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joined 2022 October 07 10:42:11 UTC
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User ID: 1512



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 October 07 10:42:11 UTC


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User ID: 1512

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Always freeze your dependencies to ensure your system is reproducible and won't randomly break when deployed.

Consider reading Effective Python 2nd edition for an overview of Python's features, though as other commenters have pointed out, you probably don't want to use every feature of Python at once.

Use @dataclass for simple data.

If it turns out that that she rates you as highly as you rate her, why not go with her?

I tend to get winter depression but also don't deal well with super-humid tropical weather. So if it was more practical I would like to live in one hemisphere in the summer and the other hemisphere (or a semi-tropical location) the other half of the year, avoiding winter entirely.