@JTarrou's banner p




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joined 2022 September 04 22:02:51 UTC



User ID: 196



8 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:02:51 UTC




User ID: 196

You're right, but time preference and discipline are not randomly distributed, and half the population will be in the bottom half of it anyway.

To the degree that the behavior of those with poor decision making skills, short time horizons, impulse control problems etc. should be controlled, the question becomes then at what level of society to accomplish this control, and what are the upsides and downsides of each?

Gossip is relatively low stakes, but can lead to larger consequences, and isn't that reliable.

Mass public shaming campaigns ala DARE tend to be ineffective at best and counterproductive (DEI) at worst.

Institutional norms are good if you can keep them, a sort of sub-legal process of who gets to have what sort of job, or any job at all. Lots of problems with due process and hypersensitivity to public pressure campaigns, which do work on corporations better than teenagers.

Or you could just sort of build it into the legal structure, don't actually ban the behavior just barrage it with legal inconveniences like smokers or gun owners.

But ultimately, every society has a lot of people who are not going to do the pro-social thing reliably in large enough numbers unless their behavior is..... controlled is a strange word. Perhaps "averaged control" is better. Some people always swim against the current, and some amount of that is good.

The real rules of every society are always enforced. How well they work and on what percentage of the population fluctuates widely.