@Jim's banner p




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joined 2022 September 04 21:53:40 UTC
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User ID: 185



0 followers   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:53:40 UTC


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User ID: 185

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a convincing simulation of a Reddit NPC

How low is the bar for a “Reddit NPC”? Reddit is a big place, so it’s hard to know what this means without looking at specific subreddits.

Oh you’re right! I didn’t notice that tiny dot on mobile but see it now. Exacellent! Thank you!

EDIT: this is actually already there. It’s the tiny dot in top left corner of each message. Click it and it hides. =-)

Feature request: in Reddit there was a way to hide comments and then all the replies to that comment would hide as well. I used this to keep track of threads I was done reading by hiding them. Not sure how useful others found this, but I’m missing it hugely here. If by chance that could be added it would be amazing. Thank you in any case mod and dev team for putting this place together.


Can anyone see this message ?