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Hamas themselves kidnapped the Israelis on purpose and broadcast the acts worldwide. It's Hamas's own war propaganda; it's just being shown to a less sympathetic audience.

Israel did not intentionally bury children under rubble.

Is that "because of the bombs" or "because Hamas uses hospitals as human shields for military bases"?

I'm not sure whether this is a troll or not, but given how some people worry about weird things, in the event it's actually real: Anything political that doesn't directly and immediately affect you on a personal level is something that you should be concerned about only to a limited degree.

Nuclear war or invasion by Russia could literally get you killed tomorrow. White replacement can't.

Whichever conflict, whichever atrocity, it will always pay for partisans of whichever side to go start going "actually it was the other guys who did it!

This conflict started with one side publically committing atrocities on social media, so forgive me for not treating the two sides as equally likely to commit atrocities.

Strongly agree about there not being enough toplevels and post length not being an ideal filter, strongly disagree about 'ideological adherence' (they let the holocaust deniers and white nationalists keep posting.)

If you are a moderator and you want to wage the culture war while pretending not to, letting the holocaust deniers and white nationalists through is useful, because they have no chance of convincing anyone--but if you let through an ordinary conservative, they might actually convince people.

As a bonus, you get to associate normal non-leftist views with Holocaust deniers and white nationalists because those groups disproportionally are permitted to post such views.

By that reasoning it's fine to bar him from taking part in any job whose name starts with the letters Q through Z. After all, even with that restriction there are many jobs he could take.

But it's totally arbitrary. Why do we have an interest in preventing someone from taking some jobs just because they refuse to put themselves in physical danger by going to Russia?

In the Xth best world, the media would stop signal-boosting all the evil cardiologists. Assuming that this actually happened as described, there's a difference between a non-representative person and a representative one. Rejoicing in the death of innocents is official activity of Hamas and common among Gazans. Signal-boosting the extremists on the other side to make it look like both sides do this equally is media deception.

Also note that "former X" is a variety of "not actually X".

If I tell someone shooting heroin that it's killing them and they need to stop, they can decide that actually I just hate them, and if they insist on doing so I certainly can't stop them

There are certainly circumstances where someone telling people this would be mainly motivated by contempt of heroin users, and where it would be correct to infer hostility. Furthermore, society has norms of religious tolerance that it does not have around heroin tolerance, and by proclaiming that your outgroup is going to suffer, you are violating norms that you are not for heroin users.

Christians positing the existence of Hell neither breaks your leg nor picks your pocket

I'm pretty sure you're quoting Jefferson out of context here.

Also, notice that actually saying "I hate you and you should die" neither breaks your leg nor picks your pocket. By your reasoning not only is loudly talking about your outgroup's suffering not hostile, literal direct hatred isn't hostile either.

Once again, some apparent white nationalist has noticed that lots of elite are left-wing and assumed that's because they're Jewish rather than because the elite are like that.

About the only thing that could make the Holocaust not be real is if the entire world isn't real and I'm just a brain in a jar. Otherwise, "evidence" when the probability is 100% with the evidence and also 100% without the evidence is not really evidence in any meaningful sense.

I think you are being disingenuous here and not speaking plainly. Your argument only makes sense if there's sufficient doubt about the Holocaust that "evidence" against it could actually mean anything.

This post is a Gish gallop.

Had you heard of "the holy Baruch Goldstein, who gave his life for the Jewish people, the Torah, and the nation of Israel" by shooting up a crowded mosque with an assault rifle, killing 29 and wounding 125, whose grave was subsequently made into a shrine by his fellow settlers?

From your own link:

The international community and the Israeli government condemned the massacre. Israel arrested followers of Meir Kahane, criminalized the Kach movement and affiliated movements as terrorist, forbidding certain Israeli settlers to enter Palestinian towns, and demanding that those settlers turn in their army-issued rifles

But refuting every claim you posted would take too much time and effort--that's how a Gish gallop works.

Except that the "approval" part is only half of it.

In the real world, proclaiming that nonbelievers go to Hell is hostile to nonbelievers. Yes, they want other believers to approve of the hostility, but describing that as wanting to garner approval leaves out the important part.

"People of color" still includes Asians, who the left often wants to exclude.

This seems to be a troll. It's a new poster, whose first post is a top-level post, about a topic that Sneerclub loves to hate us for, using the terminology "HBD" which indicates familiarity with us, "asking questions" in a way designed to get charitable responses that can be quoted out of context.

The response which says "I am as racist and White supremacist as any can be", also from a new poster, seems to be the troll's ally. Come on, guys. Do you think anyone who actually had such opinions would come out and say it like that, knowing how people would react?

(Edit: Misread the posting history, they are not new posters.)

but honestly in this scenario I am going to start wondering why they want the power that badly.

Probably for the same reason they'd want a job that starts with the letters Q through Z: because you need to have a job to live, and you're better off when a big chunk of the possible jobs aren't automatically barred from you in advance. Expecting someone to go to Russia to be jailed or drafted, before you'd hire them, is unreasonable.

This reasoning essentially amounts to "Hitler treated Jews like enemies. So we should never treat anyone like enemies."

Whether a comparison to disease is appropriate is true or false on the object level; a blanket condemnation makes no sense. You're also glossing over the difference between comparing an ethnic group to a disease, and comparing a military/terrorist oprganization to a disease.

I've often asked people not to steelman attacks.

I never expected I'd have to say it about literal physical attacks.

There is no norm that believing in hell is an attack on your outgroup.

Believing that your outgroup is going to Hell is not the same as loudly proclaiming in public that your outgroup is going to Hell, just like loudly proclaiming "your children are ugly and your toupee sucks".

If you hate me and want me to die, that has direct implications in this life, and while it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket, it has a strong correlation to both happening shortly.

This is also true for other types of hostility. If you yell in public that I'm going to Hell, that has a strong correlation to doing bad things to me.

We Christians put up with all sorts of social bullshit already. Maybe you Atheists can try putting up with some bullshit as well.

"As well"? What? You're talking as if people who are not Christian have never put up with bullshit related to religious beliefs and this is the first time. This is absurd. You are not engaged in some sort of glorious table-turning where Christians "put up with bullshit" from everyone else and suddenly you get a chance to do it back.

She's metaphorically choosing to leave God, not Narnia. And people in real life don't "choose to leave" God in the same way that one might choose to leave a place. They certainly don't "choose to leave" God in any way resembling denying the existence of a place.

Narnia is something that's all around you that you can't deny without being arrogant or insane. And if you leave it, you are doing so knowingly. Believers wish that God was like this and make metaphors that imply it, but he isn't.

There are Holocaust museums and memorials in many places that really have nothing much to do with the Holocaust

They are inhabited by relatives of people who died in the Holocaust. That's not "nothing much to do with".

If you go to places where lots of Ukrainian-Americans live, you will in fact find Ukrainian museums. It's not as if only Jews build museums.

Sega is adapting Comix Zone into a movie. The old Sega Genesis game.

Comix Zone will revolve around "a jaded comic book creator and a young, queer writer of color who, when sucked into the final issue of his popular series, must put aside their differences to stop a dangerous supervillain from sowing complete destruction — and in the process wittily explore the ever-evolving power of storytelling itself."

No link, but it's on IGN and is easy to Google.

I first heard about this on a Sega podcast and the hosts didn't even think it was worth commenting on the young queer of color part.

This probably wouldn't be good anyway, but the shoehorned culture war element doesn't make me optimistic, either.

If either side was in each others position they would be extreme ultranationalists/hardcore identitarian tribalists as they are now.

You are making this up.

Why not?

Because it's inherently engaging with the series on a very superficial level.

Is it possible that they're a fan of the series anyway? Sure, but it's not the way to bet.

People with 85 IQ cannot learn to be high IQ. People with "85 IQ in social skills" can, so IQ is not really a good way to describe it.

Also, society is not happy with shaming people for actually having 85 IQ.

The only people who'd care about this, ignoring the lizardman constant, would be some members of the old left who think anything the US does overseas is bad and that the FBI is always bad anyway. Yes, it has Twitter cooperating with the FBI, but they're cooperating with the FBI to do the kinds of things that are actually the government's job to do. There's a big difference between the FBI doing this and the FBI using Twitter to interfere with domestic politics.