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anarcho-heretic, formerly DO_FLETCHING

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joined 2022 September 06 03:50:34 UTC

The user formerly known as DO_FLETCHING.


User ID: 806


anarcho-heretic, formerly DO_FLETCHING

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 03:50:34 UTC


The user formerly known as DO_FLETCHING.


User ID: 806

I've also been working through P3R, though I've been interrupting my routine a bit to make some progress in TOTK as well. I'm mid-September in Persona, just pushed to the first border floor in Tziah. I've previously played a bit of Portable, which I kinda bounced off of once I reached Arqa and got roflstomped, and FES, which I played through to the Priestess fight like a week before Reload was announced.

It's kinda funny that 5 (or 5 Royal specifically I suppose) is the best Persona game mechanically (in my mind anyway), but that as I play backwards through the older games I feel like the PThieves are the least interesting characters. I feel like 3 and 4 have the group dynamics nailed down better. Plus Koromaru > Sparkly Bishie Teddie > Teddie >>>>>>>>> Morgana, you can't change my mind on the animal/mascot party member tier list. I am very grateful that they brought Baton Pass Shift over from 5, not having it in Golden was a bit of a learning curve. It doesn't feel like as much of a crutch as it could be in 5, but that could just be that I got gud somewhere along the line.

Hmmm I don't really have a direction here. Anyway, I've seen some out-of-context clips of later game fights (Jin) that seem to happen in January, so hopefully I'll have enough time slots to max Yukari/Fuuka/Mitsuru and all that. Still need one more Academics rank to even start Mitsuru though.

Romance picks per game, first playthrough:

  • 5: Makoto
  • 5R: Hifumi
  • 4G: Yukiko
  • 3R: Yuko

My partner says I have a type. She might be onto something.

I'd like to see The Answer in P3R, I've heard it's great. Maybe when if they release FeMC.

I enjoyed Scott McCloud's The Sculptor quite a lot. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea but it made me feel things.

So, I agree that Royal is easier than OG - but I'm also aware that when I played OG I was completely blind and very inefficient. Like, I never maxed Kawakami because I thought (incorrectly, from half-remembered information I'd read about Persona 3) that maxing a social link would require romancing them if they were romanceable and I was skeeved out. Going into Royal I knew what a colossal mistake that was so I maxed her ASAP and having those extra night timeslots back definitely made a difference. I was also more confident in my ability to stretch my resources to complete an entire palace in one shot, though again, Royal does have systems that make that more viable earlier in the game. I actually think the biggest relaxation in difficulty was the Mementos modifiers you get from Jose. I spent a real-time afternoon in there farming stamps and running over shadows with Ryuji's instakill and completely broke the late-game difficulty curve. (Speaking of which, don't miss talking to Jose after you collect all his stamps. I missed an achievement there.)

I don't entirely agree with you on dialogue bloat, but I do think that Yoshizawa's introduction scene in the casino was gratuitous and flow-breaking. Plus, if you think about it, how the heck did she know how to get there? Showtime attack unlocks do feel a little contrived I guess. This might just be down to personal taste. I do think that the more I play P5 the less I like Morgana.

I liked the new semester, I feel like it's a better resolution than the OG ending (mostly). There's a particular unlock in it that I believe is potentially missable if you don't hit certain dialog flags in the Justice confidant beforehand though.

I don't disagree but I'd like to register that drivers in my particular region of the Midwest drive like they want to kill everybody, including themselves. I have two grocery stores practically two blocks away but I'm not walking it if I can avoid it. I don't have a sidewalk for most of it and I'd have to cross an intersection that's constantly handling traffic from the freeway exit.

The thing that really kills me is that the town is actively working on updating road infrastructure, but they didn't put a sidewalk in when they added two more lanes to the road.

It is all on his wikipedia page even.

tl;dr, "not an argument".

Argumentum ad Wikipedium is not sufficient support for any point, especially around political figures. Have you ever interacted with the users who actually edit those pages on the regular? A charitable description would be "opinionated control freak with a lot of free time". Any information you get from them beyond the object level "thing happened" is suspect, and even the object level descriptions are often maximally uncharitable or tactically out of context.

The dude probably wouldn't even be able to articulate his views in a satisfying way. I'm sure you could beat him in a debate.

Could you? You're welcome to re-watch the VP debates against Kaine and Harris. Or I suppose you'd be watching them for the first time, since it sounds like you haven't seen Pence debate before.

I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on Anthony Bourdain, you've got me curious.

I think you've got a wire crossed: Yuko is the sports club manager, Yukari definitely isn't my type. 😛

Good to know about Mitsuru's time frame, that makes me feel better about putting off Academics. My partner is probably gonna be a bit annoyed that it's so far into the game though, she's been simping for Mitsuru since Anime Expo.

Re. P5, I just think there's not much by way of group chemistry, though I could just be biased by how much Morgana makes me cringe. I didn't have this problem on my first playthrough of OG 5, but it started to grate on ng+ and especially after I played 4. I don't even mind Ann and Ryuji being dumb since at least the other team members mostly counterbalance them. Those two meatheads are perfect for each other.

I have never heard any of these names before. Unless the Hotz you refer to is George Hotz, but I only know his name because of the PS3 reverse engineering suit.

New Reddit has followers, it's had them for years. Following someone is approximately equivalent to Old Reddit's friend feature, though I think you can only see your own follower count or it may have a privacy toggle somewhere. If you pull up /r/friends on old reddit you'll get a feed of posts from people you've added as a friend, and since that doesn't require the other person to accept a friend request, it's functionally a follow.


What is medical weed like as compared to the kind you can get on the streets? is it harder or does it make you sleepier?

tl;dr: they're the same weed.

Longer: The effects depend on the strain. Ratios of THC:CBD in prescriptions appear to be up to the doctor's discretion rather than legally mandated, and in some states medical weed is taxed less (or not at all) compared to recreational purchases from the dispensary.

Street weed isn't always homegrown, you'll often find that someone in a legal state sourced your flower/cartridge/edible from a dispensary. Before recreational weed was legal in my state, my dealer got their supply from a friend with a medical card in California. I've also bought from a friend who grew it in their garden. The point is that "medical" and "recreational" and "street" are largely just rule-based distinctions about how you got it, with the additional qualifier that dispensary weed has some assurance that you're actually getting the weed you want.

Sourcing street weed (or drugs in general) tends to be a matter of "knowing a guy who knows a guy" and who'll vouch for you not being a snitch. I met my dealer via my roommate, who I drank with regularly on a dry campus. Something something #networking.

Obvious caveat: my perspective is US based, I'm not familiar with international weed legalities. I've also stuck to dispensary weed once it was legalized in my area because convenience.

Yes, and it's a stupid context because it's meta. Apparently I missed that there's some meme of "men spend a lot of time thinking about the Roman Empire", so last night when I mentioned to my girlfriend that there's this ramen place across the city that I keep thinking about daily, she said "so it's like your Roman Empire?" So I got the quick rundown on the meme from her, said she missed a great Ramen Empire pun, and said that if she actually asked me the Roman Empire question, my answer would be around once a week. Which is apparently the exact stereotype, heh.

She said she never bothered to ask it because she's seen my bookshelf with How Rome Fell on it. I might be a little basic.

My girlfriend's basically been living at her computer playing Stardew all week. Works out for me since I'm hogging the couch playing Persona 3 Reload, and if she were in any vicinity of the living room there'd be spoilers abound. Buuuuuuut I think the timeline of her actually getting around to P3R after I finish it has been delayed by a few months.

I guess that gives me some time for when the DLC comes out.

So I've recently rediscovered Processing, a programming environment that bills itself as a "programming sketchbook". Which I think is pretty apt, it's basically a Java environment that lets you skip over the boring boilerplate bits and get right to the interesting bits of drawing shapes and graphics on screen, fast. And I mean fast, the shortcut bar has two buttons, play (run your sketch) and stop the running sketch. There's stepping controls if you're in debug mode, but I haven't really bothered with debugging - I've just been doing rapid iterations on generating and displaying a grid-based map based on RuneScape's dungeoneering dungeons.

God I love it. I've actually been doing hobby programming regularly, I thought my job had burned me out of wanting to develop on my own time. Turns out I needed more creative expression than "make thing go work" script modding and tools, apparently.

At the moment I have one niggling annoyance with it: the IDE's theming options are terrible. The default theme is a perfectly acceptable light mode, but all of the other themes are either garish multicolor gradients, look like poop, or have terrible contrast - particularly the themes intended to have a dark mode look and feel. And the process for creating custom themes is poorly documented and there were breaking changes in theming between Processing 3 and Processing 4 and the only decent Monokai theme I can find was made for 3 and nobody seems to have a straightforward method to convert themes to the newer version.

Maybe the annoyance is more than just a niggle. Anyway. It's been a good few weeks for my hobbies.

You public menace.

Edit: never actually tried posting an image attachment here before, seems a bit clunky.

I just want to push back against the "everything is falling, we are doomed" mindset. There were probably many people in the 1988 Soviet Union who felt the same way about having to recite communist bullshit in order to get any kind of decent job, and were depressed about raising their kids in a system so pervaded by corruption and irrational dogma. A few years later, the Soviet system collapsed.

I feel like this is self-defeating reasoning. Concerns of "Everything is falling, we are doomed" are not solved by "wait for societal collapse", they're validated. If the outcomes are "let the current spiral continue into societal collapse" or "wait for societal collapse to end the spiral", you're basically making an argument for accelerationism, but would that actually solve anything? I don't know how closely the institutional structures of Lysenkoism map onto our social structures but could a collapse actually affect our modern, decentralized online Lysenkoism?

Am I making sense?

I have a 7800 XT I can point at it I guess. I could do with a tldr on how to use hashcat though.

I haven't really had enough downtime to read something long, so I've been listening to audiobooks recently on my commute. I finished The Martian a few weeks ago, then picked up the Rob Inglis narration of The Fellowship of the Ring, which I'm getting close to finishing (left off today just as the party left Lothlorien). I'd never read The Martian before and the last time I read LOTR was around 2008.

The Martian was great, solid recommend. No book review or anything, I'm just happy to be fitting fiction I haven't been algorithm'd into back into my life.

Has anyone read any of Yahtzee Croshaw's books? I have Differently Morphous on audiobook but haven't really prioritized it yet. Just wondering if anyone has any favorites (or dis-favorites I guess).

or that everyone working on the Artemis Program keeps using verbiage that strongly implies that we have no idea how a ton of this is supposed to work.

Hey, I buy that. I work on a semi-mothballed flight sim that's evolved into C from a puddle of Fortran. Getting the damn thing to work on a machine from this decade is a daily struggle, and that's just on the technical end of things. Technical and logistics headaches in aerospace make perfect sense to me.

Yes (suit) and no (haven't had a funeral or an in-person interview in a few years). I'd like to dress sharp more often but don't really have cause to, so I wear a lot of button-down shirts since the minimal effort still feels nice. I have a few ties I wouldn't mind pulling out, but I'm terrible at tying them so I don't bother - not enough time in the mornings to give a damn.