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joined 2022 November 04 06:09:22 UTC


User ID: 1792



0 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 November 04 06:09:22 UTC


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User ID: 1792

The problem of WNs isn't that there are many Jews in positions of power. It's that Whites in similar positions have no agency, qua Whites.

I wholeheartedly agree, any alternative solutions then? As it stands it seems like any (gentile) white person in the West with even a semblance of racial consciousness is basically dissident by definition. Converting to Judaism or trying to run back to my grandparents home country in Eastern Europe seem like the only viable options, but both seem incredibly foreign compared to my upbringing. I guess there’s always the Orthodox Church as well.

My girlfriend and I have discussed this before, and I’ll probably give this a shot. Though most of the groups I’ve looked into seem to have substantially older regulars than myself. Honestly I wish there were adult fraternities around to join, does anyone have any experience with Freemasons?

Yes, I’ve had jobs at two previous companies prior to this that were in person. Unfortunately none of the people at either were especially sociable either, my first company felt like working in a library at times it was so quiet. Compounding this is that I don’t want to commute any longer as I hated how much of my day it consumed, and I don’t want my choice of where to live being tied to extreme urban centers if I don’t have to. I’ll keep your suggestion in mind as I’ve had similar thoughts before though. Sometimes I debate switching to more of a sales engineer type role since the majority of the job there is socializing in some form, though I worry about my technical skills atrophying as well.

Does anyone have recommendations on finding real life social groups of like-minded people? As a remote programmer my job is pretty antisocial. I’ve been doing Muay Thai for a few months to supplement bodybuilding but forging friendships there is slow going. I’m agnostic and consider myself basically a Platonist, but I’m open to Christianity and have done some cursory church-shopping, but frankly most of the ones near me seem hyper-progressive, while I’m on the other end of that scale, and it has me doubting if I’d be joining for the right reasons. I’m open to basically anything, meetups, conferences, political organizations, Toastmasters, whatever. I’ve done theater and school choir in the past as well so I’m open to whatever, any suggestions appreciated.