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20 followers   follows 1 user  
joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC

Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905



20 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 07 00:56:43 UTC


Writes at https://anarchonomicon.substack.com/

Writes weird Twitter Threads @FromKulak

Rides motorcycles... poorly.


Winner of Motte Post of the Year 2019


User ID: 905

When Jews stop being 20% of Harvard grads they can stop being 20% of the conversation.

It's absurd to think that a group of people that over-represented in elite circles and receiving more foreign aid than any other country on earth would not be a major point of discussion.

Do you hold any other ethno-identity interest group to this standard? Or is this an issolated demand for rigour?

Did you ask Black Lives Matter, Ukrainian Nationalists, Zionists, or Quebecois Nationalists to narrowly define Blackness, Ukrainianness, Jewishness, or what it means to be quebecois?

THE ENTIRE POINT of ethno-nationalism is that the core of the ethnos gets to define and redefine and redefine again the meaning of the ethnos so as to advance their interests the exact same way the wokes redefine "oppression"

"How do you define whiteness? What about all the edge cases?"

You define it exactly the way that maximally benefits the core white ethnos that no one contests is white, and then you redefine as new more precise definitions come about that can more readily benefit the core of the ethnos.

This isn't hard. Ethno-tribalism is the OLDEST ideology in human history.

To the extent White Nationalists won't answer you it's because they know the game is to play 20 questions and keep digging down til we're debating the definition of the word "is" when no Irish nationalist, black nationalist, or Polish Nationalist was ever held to this game of defining exact haplogroups. Everyone knows what a pole is, everyone knows who an Irish person is, everyone knows what a white person is... To the extent someone was an edge case it was on THEM to show profound unyielding loyalty to the cause to prove that they were truly part of the group, not on the group to come up with narrow definitions that escape every exception.

"How do we know this won't be applied perniciously or cruelly? How do we know you will be consistent at all?"

You don't. That's what sovereignty means, he who decides the exception. Just as the Supreme Court gets to torture the meaning of words to contort your rights whichever way they feel fit, and mixed race and jewish millionaires get to torture the meaning of "oppression" to grant themselves more and more privileges and punish dissent even harder, the white nationalists will define and redefine white however they choose whenever they choose so as to protect the core of the ethnos and advance the interest of unambiguously white people.

The only way marginal cases can protect themselves from being redefined as "NOT WHITE" and deported is to continuously make themselves assets to the white ethnos, the exact same way on the left white "Allies" have to constantly be the most fanatical advancers of the cause or be attacked and destroyed.

"how do you define white?"

Whichever way maximally benefits blonde haired, blue-eyed people of north european descent at that exact moment.

Quite literally millions of Black parents have had kids arrested, killed, wounded, or who killed or wounded others in their gun offenses... and not even legally held guns.

meanwhile they do this to one white family, with not even a hint that this would ever be applied evenly to a black parents who do the same.

Pure anarcho-tyrrany and ethnic hatred of the flyover Amerikaner.

Taking your children to a gun range is GOOD parenting in a country with more guns than people and high homocide rates.

Do you want your kids to be raped and murdered for want of any ability to defend themselves from black crime?