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joined 2022 September 04 19:42:42 UTC


User ID: 119



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User ID: 119

People will get back alley abortions, their family, friends, and neighbours will cover them. You'd see a rise in Infant Sudden Death Syndrome, and babies being given up for adoption.

You can't force people into being parents, or at least not so overtly. You need to convince them by making it more high status, virtuous, convenient, and cheap.

Almost certainly cherrypicked, but sam a. has been sharing videos of people's prompts on X.






Some of 'em are bad, some are decent. Still an improvement over what came before.

In light of this, the idea that there is something bad about 20% of men sleeping with 80% of the women seems a bit contradictory. Isn't that just evolution in action?

You minsunderstand the point of eugenics. It's not to promote what is most evolutionary advantagious. That requires no action and no ideology. The point to improve the next generation in acordance to out values. That generally means we want them to be healthier, happier, selfless, and more intelligent. That is why people didn't want poor (which are generally lower IQ), or criminals to have children, and is the reason for the Nobel sperm bank.

That said, ofc people use this kind of thing to argue their own genes and children are great. People are universally biased towards themselves. That applies for both eugenics and intersectionality.

Singapore and Korea? They're not welfare states, are amongst the richest places on Earth, and have the lowest fertility in the world.

The problem is the middle road between patriarchy and equiality. Either don't give women access education and work, or equalize social expectations and have husbands to take an equal share of chores, housework, childcare, etc.

The middle ground puts too much stress on women, and pushes the most agentic out of the country.

I've had those moments occasionally, when I was younger. Now my daydreams are filled with AGI.

It's not about literally one women, or how many women commit violence im absolute terms. Per capita, men commit more violent crimes.

If you want to argue that there are a lot of female masterminds that have male minions commititng crimes on their behalf, that still implicates at least an equal number of men and women, besides being pure conjecture.

It's sad, and off-putting as someone who likes CS and programming, but needs must. There is a need for programmers, so supply emerges. We can't expect most profession to be filled by the passionate, the wants and needs of people are not aligned.

A hopefully working link: https://i.redd.it/1mlmfcn816f81.jpg

Human populations don't (only) cluster genetically based on skin color. Race is a bad, lossy, over used heuristic. Grab a group of 130+ IQ Serbs, or Arabs, or Nigerians, and you'd have a much performance along most metrics we value. Indians in the US e.g.

Fuck Sam Harris, all my homies listen to the Bailey.

On a more serious note; why like random archaeology videos about how to make stone tools? Predictive coding -> the system optimizes for (besides good predictions) for interesting stuff (ie. unpredictable). Otherwise, you could stare at paint drying (or the sky as the case may be for our ancestors) until hunger/thirst/horny strikes.