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joined 2023 January 26 22:08:24 UTC


User ID: 2130



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User ID: 2130

A lot of stuff helps with alcohol, and saffron does not have enough high-quality evidence. There was no control group in the trial.

The effects of ADHD medication are very noticeable, so I wonder what people who have actually tried saffron instead of ritalin say.

I see this as a lost battle. There is nothing I can do to stop an army of journalists from constantly changing the definitions of words. Now it will be an army of journalists armed with chatGPT.

Embrace "-ism" or bend the knee.

I don't think it's really possible to significantly increase mental stamina, but you can learn to manage it better and adapt to a certain extent to specific tasks. This can also be a simple matter of motivation.

By the way, for me, exercise seems to draw from the same mental pool as mental tasks, so I have to train far from failure if i want to do anything productive after my workout.