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I feel suddenly and deliberately attacked.

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joined 2022 December 02 11:29:04 UTC
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User ID: 1950


I feel suddenly and deliberately attacked.

0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 December 02 11:29:04 UTC


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User ID: 1950

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What common statistical phenomenon?

Simpson's Paradox, I think, or maybe more specifically the variation known as Yule's Association Paradox. As explained here, "It is typical of spurious correlations between variables with a common cause, that is, variables that are dependent unconditionally (α(D)≠0) but independent given the values of the common cause (α(Di)=0). For example, sleeping in one’s clothes is correlated with having a headache the next morning. However, once we stratify the data according to the levels of alcohol intake on the previous night, the association vanishes: given the same level of drunkenness, people who undress before going to bed will have the same headache, ceteris paribus, as those who kept their clothes on."

In this case, I contend you're seeing a spurious correlation between being prescribed GnRH agonists and persisting in one's gender identity, which will vanish if you stratify the data according to the common cause, i.e., having gender dysphoria that's obvious/severe enough to convince the doctors involved in the study to prescribe GnRH agonists.

100% diagnosis accuracy rate? I'd be shocked if most doctors could diagnose anything short of a broken arm 100% accurately.

Agreed. Luckily, that's not at all what I'm suggesting; in fact, it almost couldn't be further from it.

What I'm suggesting is that if you're seeing a 100% correlation between being prescribed GnRH agonists and persisting in one's gender identity, that suggests the doctors in your study have set such a high threshold for prescribing that they're failing to diagnose a lot of patients whose dysphoria isn't obvious/severe enough to qualify for treatment. They've eliminated false positives at the cost of cranking up the false negative rate.

Not just anecdotal, and not just "may be less-than-fully realized". I believe Marci Bowers' words were "has never experienced an orgasm".

Specifically: "Every single child who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2 (9 - 11 years old) has never experienced orgasm."

She means they've never experienced orgasm prior to going on blockers, right? Surely she doesn't think anyone is staying at Tanner stage 2 forever.

Transgenderism is for life, and it is unprecedented money maker for big pharma and big medicine.

This is a little hard to believe, because the "for life" parts (i.e., hormones) are generic medications and they're dirt cheap.