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I feel suddenly and deliberately attacked.

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joined 2022 December 02 11:29:04 UTC
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I feel suddenly and deliberately attacked.

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They'd basically be in the same boat as a cis girl who starts puberty around that time, and if they maintain that same hormone level into old age, they'd be in the same boat as a cis woman who starts HRT at menopause.

the majority of people who don't go through their natal puberty, will be infertile.

To be clear, that's an effect of HRT (cross-sex hormones), not puberty blockers.

Not to mention the problems with inability to orgasm.

There's no evidence for that. Even trans women who start puberty blockers early are as likely as cis women to be able to orgasm.

if they were on puberty blockers, they can't orgasm.

That's a myth. The only basis for it is the word of one or two individuals, who, as far as I can tell, have never offered any evidence to support it. And there are multiple studies (not to mention countless anecdotes) contradicting it.

The m:f ratio of clinically relevant autism is cited as something like 3~4:1

Autism is more prevalent among trans people, by a factor of about 4:1 on top of that.

Among the mtf tech people I know (and I know quite about 3 in person, two of them well), none strike me as obviously autistic, and the two I said I know well actually were what I would describe as alpha nerds with above-average smoothness and social intelligence, though there's obviously a more complex selection effect there.

"Obviously autistic" doesn't necessarily mean much, since autistic people without cognitive disabilities tend to have learned ways to compensate for or hide the things that would normally make their autism obvious ("masking") by the time they reach adulthood.

Did you know either of those people before they transitioned? Because one of the things I noticed, as an autistic trans woman myself, was that estrogen makes it a lot easier to understand and care about what other people are thinking. So I wonder if maybe they were just so competent at masking already that adding hormones pushed them into "above-average social intelligence" territory.

FWIW, it isn't even true that starting medical transition early on results in an inability to orgasm or a lack of sexual function. Even trans women who start puberty blockers so early that they don't have enough skin to use for a penile inversion vaginoplasty are still as likely as cis women to report being able to orgasm, after vaginoplasty using an alternative technique.

It sounds like you are a homosexual transsexual (HSTS) to use Blanchard's typology, which means you are quite different from autogynephiles like Contrapoints. I don't think your experiences are typical of trans-identified males in general.

Nah. Under Blanchard's typology, this would absolutely disqualify her from being classified as HSTS:

I'm not even gay (I used to be 50-50 bisexual prior to transitioning, now it's about 95-5 in favor of men).

HSTS is defined as being exclusively attracted to men; anyone who started out as a heterosexual, bisexual, or even asexual man could only be classified as AGP.

Personally I don't think that transgender people are particularly good at faking their sex. Natalie Wynn still strikes me as a male despite the enormous amount of effort she puts into passing. Other people are even less succesfull.

Kind of ironic to see this in the same comment as strict Blanchardianism. As the theory goes, HSTS are able to pass much more convincingly and effortlessly.

The side effects aren't side effects of HRT, per se, but rather effects of lifetime estrogen exposure. For example, women who start menopause later than average have a higher risk of breast cancer than women who don't - and so do women who go on HRT after menopause. In both cases, the risk comes from an extra X years of exposure to estrogen.

And indeed, those risks exist for trans women too. But someone who transitions as an adult will almost certainly have less lifetime exposure to estrogen than the average cis woman.