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User ID: 347


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User ID: 347

He self identified within a meme format, sort of like all his other offensive and private tweets, but older people probably won’t get that like you said

Fuck it, why not? They’re a minority right? What’s kind of crazy about this though is that Jews by and large did not vote for Trump, despite Oct 7 and all the fallout of that. But in an accelerationist sense maybe this is a good policy, heighten the contradictions and hypocrisy of these programs

Not really the same thing though. As far as conceptual super-weapons are concerned, racist had 100x the power than communist

Yes he did change it later to a pseudonym

This validates all the people who were calling DOGE, Elon, and the GOP Nazis, but at the same time…they already thought they were Nazis and always would think that regardless of what happened.

The question is how this affects the normies who don’t really follow politics or news and aren’t the type to flip out over racism charges. Reading the tweets it sounds like basic internet edgelordism, maybe Indians would be the most likely to take great offense, but they’re a tiny electorate soooo, whatever? Elon defended them earlier and has that Akash kid o his team, so it’s probably a wash

But how does this bring DOGE back? Legal obstruction is the main impediment and remains entirely there

As a related aside - are charges of racism pretty much dead now? Feels like calling Trump a fascist nazi for all of the last 10 years only for him to be re elected by even a higher majority = nobody really cares what leftists think about who is racist anymore, at least in America. The print media are dying, elite opinion is shrinking force in politics.

Yeah not exactly genius level behaviour, although the account was deleted in December but people found the archives. Nothing safe online once you attach your name to it

From what I read it was under a pseudonym

The most optimal game theory agent is the “firm but fair” player who cooperates of others do as well, but defects if others defect. So far the west has been cooperating in the face of wanton defection. Only now are we applying firm but fair. Cue the wailing and gnashing of teeth

Yes and I appreciate its possible to harmonize these ideas if you’re a smart enough individual, but it’s not possible for the general public or a majority of liberals

Maybe a more apt metaphor is replacing aging rowers with cripples or amputees

Wikipedia has changed a lot since then

Cool it with the anti semitic remarks

Isn’t he wanted in most of the free world as a war criminal?

Islam and Communism

That’s seriously stretching the definition of universalist. Both of those ideologies/religions draw pretty sharp distinctions between groups of people, with fairly extreme hostility

Religious warfare between Christians. Christianity has many sects but they’re relatively homogenous compared to all the other religions out there

Of course the next five years showed that liberal, capitalist countries were far superior at fighting total wars than their autocratic contemporaries, and when pushed to the brink were endlessly more evolutionarily fit.

Yeah but having America on your side is basically cheating, isn’t it? A massive country with immense resources surrounded by oceans, and founded explicitly as a liberal nation? What if America never existed, or was a much smaller nation the size of say, New Zealand? Then we would all be saying the same thing except it would be fascism (or communism) which is the most “evolutionary fit” ideology

Yes liberalism is dying and for reasons that won’t come as a shock to anyone who has spent a good deal of time here.

There are certain principles of liberalism that are fraught with tension with realities on the ground. Specifically, liberals believe in a psychic unity of man, that all human beings are tabula rasas upon which magic dirt renders them their behaviour and social-economic functioning. This, paired with the idea that whites are inherently guilty and owe a debt to BIPOC that can never, ever be repaid, borders are therefore deemed hindrances and oppressive. Unlimited migration is the inevitable conclusion of the above, and since Caplan-esque Dubai policies are anathema to liberals, we get utility monster sub groups that are net-tax negative, coming in and bleeding the liberal welfare state dry (as an aside, it still amazes me that people think immigration is a solution to social security pension problems. It’s like throwing gasoline on the fire!). Only those deemed “far right” seem capable of the basic solution of enforcing borders and deportations, with the notable exception of Denmark, which may be the only way liberalism survives.

(What do you mottezins think? Is it possible that we all follow the danish model of strict outgrouping of foreigners? Or will that remain taboo among the centrists and liberals?)

I also see HBD as basically a time bomb waiting to explode. The advances in population genetics and cognitive neuroscience are going forward at an astounding rate. Everyone here already knows what I mean, and it’s only a matter of time before data and research seeps its way further into public consciousness, which it definitely can do faster now that right wingers are winning the war for social media platforms. We have accounts like cremiux and I/O basically churning out nonstop data supporting HBD at a rapid clip to an audience of millions, something previously completely unthinkable. All that remains is for the public to “get woke” to the IQ question, and it’s a matter of when, not if, that will happen. Maybe one way out is a Gattaca-style future only with publicly available embryo dna engineering for IQ.

It’s 72 percent in recent years for exogamy among the non orthodox so that social pressure is rapidly waning. at that rate in two generations they no longer effectively exist, they’re essentially white like any other group at least genetically. You’ll only have Orthodox Jews left to hate on at that point.

Only 9 percent of American Jews are orthodox although with their birth rate it will expand very rapidly

Columbus was an exaggerated evil. Most of what went badly happened under other men’s watch. He certainly is not guilty of genocide. This sort of blood libel from the left is why Trump won (again)

Re: confederate generals - I could very well say the same thing about the Indian leaders that are today honoured. Why should we? They were bloodlustful savages that tortured children and POWs, and engaged in actual genocide against each other constantly …. And were our enemies! But leftists can’t seem to see why that should stop them from venerating them. Curious indeed

All he has to do is enforce penalties on employers and they’ll self deport

American stocks are more and more overvalued relative to earnings. This can change is AI boom actually materializes into….something. But it hasn’t, except allowing more efficient coding monkeys and cheating on college essays

Thanks for reminding me that Dobbs happened. Everyone predicted it would be a disaster for the GOP Then they still won. Amazing

event their current level of endogamy given their small population pool relative to the population is proof of very strong social pressure for endogamy.


Jason Barnett was a 60 year old who got 4 years for being photographed with his feet on Nancy pelosis desk

Thomas J Patterson was a cop in off duty who got 7 years for basically the same thing as Barnett, being photographed in the capitol, ie trespassing