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joined 2022 September 05 01:37:00 UTC


User ID: 347



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User ID: 347

Ezra Miller

Why would anyone go through circumcision as an adult? There's no fucking way I'm having elective penis surgery, even if there were a couple of women who wouldn't go down on me for it.

So you’d rather force it on unconsenting babies? Seems kind of a strange contradiction. At least with adults you can get anesthesia, unlike infants.

It’s not a sensitive subject for me personally I just had to point out how skewed your perspective is.

I’m sure some already do but good luck enforcing mandatory internet and smartphones for everyone. They cant even keep potholes filled in my city

I’m using chrome on my iPhone 12. For whatever reason when I double click so I can paste, the little “paste” option bubble never pops up. I have no idea why, could just be a glitch on my end

For some reason I have trouble pasting copied text on my mobile device. Any tips or solutions?

Spinach has some calcium iirc

What makes Russia such a bad influence on the world is not it’s “Russianness”, it’s the fact it’s a post communist state. All communist states are quite frankly very evil in their behaviour towards their own citizens and others. It is therefore communism that clearly must be crushed worldwide if what we seek it a more peaceful world

I thought the Lebanese were heavily into organized crime in Australia?

Well wouldn’t an increased tax burden eventually translate to increased corporate taxes? At some point they must see this also goes against their interests

He’s unlikable, yes, but that doesn’t make him wrong

All that information will be banned, just as facial recognition software has been banned for police

Just get a water flavourer. There’s tons out there

Good to see the police doing a good job putting down a criminal. They need the PR

Trump waved a rainbow flag. Shapiro has never denied climate change, just that it isn’t an emergency. Mexican caravans do exist and come across the border and are worse than ever, why is that upsetting to find out for a millennial? Do millennials think borders are oppression?

Abortion is still legal in the majority of states

You think the GOP hates black principals? Wha

Gays can’t work for charities either?

I’m not sure what your arguing here. Do most millennials think republicans are the worst version MSNBC portrays them as? That’s depressing but would explain a lot

As many have said before me in other contexts, if someone has predicted inflation for years, then they haven't predicted anything. It's like Marxists constantly predicting that revolution is coming.

They were only predicting it for the last couple of years, and to be fair it was eminently predictable - you print money recklessly and you cut supply then you get inflation. It’s pretty basic stuff.

Given that drop in consumption and the concomitant risk of recession, anti-recessionary money policy was the correct move.

Aren’t we now in a recession? One we can’t print our way out of due to aforementioned inflation? Seems it wasn’t the right move after all.

Patriot act isn’t about aesthetics or speech codes, but yeah like I said they might change some schooling practices (though I highly doubt they would do so in a place like California). A lot of what your mentioning though is 2000s era Deep South republicans, and the party isn’t a monolith

It’s possible that Covid does damage that takes 6 months to a year to see manifest. It’s also possible that there’s an interaction between vaccination and Covid, whereby having both damages you in a similar way.

Yup all the conservative teens i know go by they/them, very common

It’s likely the blandness of potatoes that makes it work. It’s similar to the shangri la diet. Your effectively de coupling flavour from satiety, which means you can make better food choices far more easily with no negative cravings

There are cognitive benefits. Your language speaking fluency is directly related to your reading. The more yoU read; the better your verbal skills, which can reap huge social benefits

I hope you’re right! Perhaps I’m being too harsh

Thanks for going through the data, I thought something smelled fishy about doglatines post.

Boomers and gen x males suicide rates are dropping and that’s also interesting. I guess when your economic status has never been higher, and you’re thriving and flush with cash looking forward to retirement, life feels pretty good, even if you left society a burning wreck for the youngins

Didn’t LePenne come in second in the most recent elections? With a serious chance as well? Seems like this just boosted her odds

He at least had the good sense to feel ashamed of it