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User ID: 347



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User ID: 347

Black swan? Inflation was entirely predictable - right wing economists and even just common sense lay people were screaming warnings about the trillions of money printing that was going on for years. What was the response? Memes about “heh money printer go brrrr”.

Yeah, the administration has no excuse for forgetting basic rules about money and inflation. This could have been entirely avoided

It’s not “anything LGBT”, but it is gender ideology. Do we really need kids instructed in how to use dildos in sex Ed class? The dems of Chicago seem to think so 🤷🏻‍♂️

If you have to reach back 40 years then no, they aren’t “known for that”. That’s before the lifespan of your average woke millennial

So the Lancet commissions most recent report seems to finally acknowledge that the lab leak hypothesis is both legitimate and calls for action to prevent any future lab leaks


Of note they also state that the lab leak could have occurred in America, not China. Is this due to CCP influence within the Lancet? Or is this legitimate possibility? My intuition is that it’s the former. I’m glad they are at least finally admitting that the evidence exists for it.

Funny. I’m a regular /r/MawInstallation participant, and I’ve mostly heard good things about the High Republic.

Yeah, Redditors don’t really reflect the true fan base for, well, anything anymore. surprised someone still thinks that, especially in this space.

The follow-up to this condemnation of the rollout is…an argument that the first book was actually successful.

Successful? It merely is the best selling of the bunch, which is….not high praise given the pathetic numbers on display:

Maybe 2021 wasn’t the best time to release half a dozen books.

Yeah, why would the middle of a pandemic when everyone is stuck at home be a bad time to sell books?

According to the fans, yes, Zahn “did it right”. Money talks. Shit walks.

  • If the tits aren’t out, she can’t be a good Jedi, hmm?

Judging by the fact no one knows who this character is, yes. Correct.

Er, third-rate talent operating on a budget.

Lol, Disney is operating “on a budget”. Yeah, a billion dollar marketing budget.

This article has made you really angry. Why? Did you enjoy the new Star Wars and it’s abject commercial and cultural failure feel invalidating to you?

This incident might then divide the whole office along racial lines

??? Racial?

I don’t see how local pride events have influence in other locales - this sounds like an argument for a “pride bus” simile to a “freedom bus” in civil rights era

It’s funny how you go into depth on why it’s rational to believe that old white people may have racial motivations but black people apparently have none? Strange case you’re building here

In light of this interesting evidence what other mental illnesses might have a sociogenic component?

China being self sufficient on food? Okay I can safely dismiss you as knowing nothing about China. They import close to 80 percent of their food and their strategic grain reserves are mostly spoiled thanks to corruption (a major problem across their entire economy, government and military much like Russia). China is just as vulnerable as Taiwan and would get absolutely destroyed by a blockade due to total dependency on food and energy imports

Thanks for going through the data, I thought something smelled fishy about doglatines post.

Boomers and gen x males suicide rates are dropping and that’s also interesting. I guess when your economic status has never been higher, and you’re thriving and flush with cash looking forward to retirement, life feels pretty good, even if you left society a burning wreck for the youngins

We have no comparisons to other books released at a similar time.

Ah so you didn’t bother reading the article. Cool.

The original Thrawn Trilogy sold 15 million as of 2014. And then, after the Star Wars Extended Universe was jettisoned by Disney and Kathleen Kennedy, it went on to sell five million more copies. A new boxed set of the original Thrawn Trilogy released in May 2022 has sold 13,031 copies by itself.

Well, yeah. The vast majority of social scientists are actually just activists who use their profession to push their political agenda forward. This wasn’t always the case, but the trend has always been there and it’s accelerated to the point that these departments are completely taken over, and quite frankly need to be burned to the ground before any real science can once again take place

Actually from a legal perspective you’re wrong - helping restrain someone so that they can be more effectively executed makes you an accomplice. Once again, I ask why no one is calling for these people to also be prosecuted, when Chauvins fellow officers who didn’t even touch Floyd all got heavy sentences?

As many have said before me in other contexts, if someone has predicted inflation for years, then they haven't predicted anything. It's like Marxists constantly predicting that revolution is coming.

They were only predicting it for the last couple of years, and to be fair it was eminently predictable - you print money recklessly and you cut supply then you get inflation. It’s pretty basic stuff.

Given that drop in consumption and the concomitant risk of recession, anti-recessionary money policy was the correct move.

Aren’t we now in a recession? One we can’t print our way out of due to aforementioned inflation? Seems it wasn’t the right move after all.

The whole thing is cringe inducing. How any one imagines a wealthy famous person can be oppressed for being about as dusky as a northern Italian is beyond me

It’s not just trans people, women in general and feminine men tend to value feelings over truth (on average). Since these spaces are dominated by lesbians and feminine men (gay men) they tend to focus on feelings and social harmony over truth value or free speech

Parent influence isn’t limited. Just take the phone and unplug the internet.

Boom, dysphoria cured

For some reason I have trouble pasting copied text on my mobile device. Any tips or solutions?

It turns out they mostly don't want to be stuck in racial ghettos and seen as seperate from the majority.

You sure about that?

Does the Australian police collect racial crime stats by any chance?

It’s basically a subtype of body dysmorphia. How do we treat that? Surgery is contra indicated, that should give you some idea

AGI won’t be allowed to be a thing as it will notice too many patterns in society that would be considered problematic. As such every woke tech firm (which is all of them) will systematically lobotomize them ala ChatGPT, effectively preventing full sentience

You must be new to the IQ literature. Research shows high IQ is correlated with fiscal conservativism and that republicans have higher iqs than dems.


Indeed given the demographics involved this is hardly surprising. Sucks to suck, for sure

How about gender dysphoria?

Many on the far left have made no bones about regarding the nuclear family as something they want to destroy and dismantle. It should come as no surprise that family-oriented holidays like thanksgiving and Christmas are regarded with hostile and derision. As the far left has gained more and more cultural influence, I expect this to accelerate. Meanwhile if you point it out, you’ll get snide jokes about “the war on Christmas”, in the classic mode of “it’s not happening, but also it is and it’s a good thing bigot”

Funny how you can literally traffic and kidnap women and still have plenty of work in Hollywood, yet you say something criticizing a certain group and that’s a bridge too far eh?

IMNAL but how do constitutional rights apply to illegal immigrants?