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User ID: 347



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User ID: 347

There’s a reason why it’s called the Standard Social Science Model. Genetics is assumed to play no role in behaviour, contra all evidence in nature. This is what the best and brightest at Ivy League institutions believe, deeply, and they will brook no disagreement, which is automatically assumed to be racist, sexist, transphobic, etc

There’s this myth of progress, that we humans are getting smarter and better al the time. Rationalists fall hard for this type of belief, yet they ignore all the signs of societal decay everywhere. The effective altruists are even worse - they misunderstand where the true threats to societal progress stand “ooooh its malaria! It’s HIV! 🤓” the quokkas in the end discredit themselves both in their foolish and naive attempts to improve things and their shrinking cowardice at pointing out obvious truths

You must be new to the IQ literature. Research shows high IQ is correlated with fiscal conservativism and that republicans have higher iqs than dems.


Indeed given the demographics involved this is hardly surprising. Sucks to suck, for sure

Since the military has made gays openly serving a policy, how has their organization been doing? Have gays been rushing the fill the recruitment numbers? Or are they in a crisis to find anyone who even cares to join their organization?

Maybe there is a reason for this fence that has existed for thousands of years. Or you think you know better than all your ancestors?

It’s not “anything LGBT”, but it is gender ideology. Do we really need kids instructed in how to use dildos in sex Ed class? The dems of Chicago seem to think so 🤷🏻‍♂️

If you have to reach back 40 years then no, they aren’t “known for that”. That’s before the lifespan of your average woke millennial

Yeah that’s a hell of a look for a movement “our community lets it’s men paw at any pretty girl working as a secretary, what of it?”

Yeah, good luck with that defence, just fight back!

Republicans aren’t known for forcing speech codes around dubious notions of “harm”, so yea, they should vote R, I’m surprised people don’t realize they are the libertarian team. At worst they might draft a law that states school children shouldn’t be taught america is the worst country on earth that they should defile and shit on at every opportunity

Everyone is pro eugenics. Just ask them if a brother and sister should be allowed to copulate and bear children

Taleb doesn’t have any skin in the game when it comes to IQ so we can safely discard his opinions

We have no comparisons to other books released at a similar time.

Ah so you didn’t bother reading the article. Cool.

The original Thrawn Trilogy sold 15 million as of 2014. And then, after the Star Wars Extended Universe was jettisoned by Disney and Kathleen Kennedy, it went on to sell five million more copies. A new boxed set of the original Thrawn Trilogy released in May 2022 has sold 13,031 copies by itself.

My buddies who are uncut, overall, wish they had been.

I seriously doubt this, given how easy it is to get this done as an adult. Maybe they’re just trying to spare the feelings of their cut friends who have no recourse. Cognitive dissonance does strange things and once you realize you have zero ability to get something it suddenly makes you okay with having a chunk of your genitals missing.

Nobody I know remembers being circumcised, but uncut buddies have an uphill battle getting laid.

Speaking as an uncut guy with >40 partners in their history, el oh el.

“Fuck America, racist ass country, I won’t be proud of it”


Nothing too surprising in the reaction given this type of anti patriotism is so in vogue with some groups these days. I think jarjarjedi explained this best

Husbands? The rank and file maybe, but a large majority of the thought leaders were shrewish spinsters

Like, what figures were they expecting?

I guess you missed the part where the previous expanded universe series sold TENS OF MILLIONS of copies.

And no, selling a few thousand books isn’t “very good”. Like, cmon.

alleged billion dollar marketing campaign

“Alleged”. This isn’t a law court, this is just a fact.

Then you’re not very experienced with them. They excel at education to the point where they are 7x more representative in elite colleges than whites are, and that’s AFTER affirmative action caps their numbers, they have far less crime than whites as well. Genetics vs environment aside, it’s undeniable Their behaviour is very different from European

I’m reminded of Jordan Peterson Vice interview where the interview is just aghast when he questions whether men and women can actually work together in a shared environment. He’s looking more and more correct by the day. Maybe we can’t.

Maybe, but I doubt it’s about ease. Prostitution exists after all, if they were really wanting to try it.

There’s no rational reason to be targeting women for their bags specifically. He could easily just grab them from a luggage store. Your really bending over backwards to give this person the benefit of the doubt - why?

As far as I’m aware this is one of only two high ranking government officials with a trans identity (it could be more but these are the only two I think that are visible). And already one has been outed for sexual deviancy. Not a great base rate, and very bad optics if you’re seeking greater trans acceptance

China being self sufficient on food? Okay I can safely dismiss you as knowing nothing about China. They import close to 80 percent of their food and their strategic grain reserves are mostly spoiled thanks to corruption (a major problem across their entire economy, government and military much like Russia). China is just as vulnerable as Taiwan and would get absolutely destroyed by a blockade due to total dependency on food and energy imports

IMNAL but how do constitutional rights apply to illegal immigrants?

This incident might then divide the whole office along racial lines

??? Racial?

I don’t see how local pride events have influence in other locales - this sounds like an argument for a “pride bus” simile to a “freedom bus” in civil rights era

Side note; Is it really two percent? it seems that must be an exaggeration that they arrive to by counting non binary types as trans.

If China could get those machines they would have done so already. The fact they still only have very low tech abilities today speaks volumes

China is at multiple tipping points already and won’t be a major world force in a decade thanks to major demographic changes. It’s just math, no need to argue

Why does it matter what the majority do? They already have the infrastructure set up for LNG, Germany doesn’t. Once it’s set up it will still cost far more than using a pipeline.

That’s great and all that they manage to eke out that much energy from renewables, why isn’t it 100%? Because my information isn’t outdated. Germany is still a cloudy place without much wind compared to many other places.

Progress is being made on storage but it won’t be made quick enough by winter. Gas prices are still going to be eye watering and the worlds 4th largest economy is likely to go into recession

Black swan? Inflation was entirely predictable - right wing economists and even just common sense lay people were screaming warnings about the trillions of money printing that was going on for years. What was the response? Memes about “heh money printer go brrrr”.

Yeah, the administration has no excuse for forgetting basic rules about money and inflation. This could have been entirely avoided