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User ID: 347



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User ID: 347

There’s a reason the term “quokka” gets thrown around as an insulting term for rationalists. It’s hard for them to imagine others will be hostile to them for no reason besides petty political differences, to the point of trying to destroy your job and reputation

He had an open warrant for punching an elderly woman in the face. Also he had 44 prior arrests. Also multiple people have come forward to say he had tried to victimize others in crimes that went unreported. This is unsurprising, most crime is unreported, so anytime a criminal gets caught doing something, it’s safe to assume he has done it multiple times before. This means Neely probably victimized hundreds of people already, through acts of trying to kidnap a teen girl to trying to push people into the tracks (attempted murder). Thus the marine was fully justified in using non lethal means to subdue the threat. The fact he had an anomalous reaction, likely to due to drugs and an unhealthy lifestyle like George Floyd, isn’t the marines fault in the least.

They didn’t want to release AI because it couldn’t help noticing inconvenient patterns in society

So what exactly is the problem here?

Your movement is in danger of collapse from MeToo style takedowns and very bad optics. I’m kind of amazed you can’t see the potential problems with a free-for-all sex mixed with workplace business atmosphere.

That’s a great rebuttal

Something about the “more roads doesn’t lower traffic” argument never sat well with me. Seems obvious it’s still a net good to build bigger roads

I looked at the twitter account for Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, and…wow. That woman is so unhinged. I have never been more happy I chose not to go further into academia, it has completely turned into a mad house.

The JWST naming discussion serves to highlight how much more work is needed, and we are striving to make progress. In 2022, the AAS hired the first AAS DEI Committee Support Specialist to help support this work, and we are planning a DEI summit in 2023. We are implementing pronouns as part of the AAS membership and meeting registration processes. We will continue to advocate and urge NASA to create a transparent and community-based process for naming missions and buildings.

The sheer number of woke rhetorical cliches here…it’s almost artistic. Reminds me of the furor in Canada when they “found” all those dead children from residential schools, all the while not admitting not a single corpse had ever been exhumed and nothing new was actually being uncovered, but a mass hysterical performance of grievance was called for regardless.

Many on the far left have made no bones about regarding the nuclear family as something they want to destroy and dismantle. It should come as no surprise that family-oriented holidays like thanksgiving and Christmas are regarded with hostile and derision. As the far left has gained more and more cultural influence, I expect this to accelerate. Meanwhile if you point it out, you’ll get snide jokes about “the war on Christmas”, in the classic mode of “it’s not happening, but also it is and it’s a good thing bigot”

I’m just being tongue in cheek because Taleb always harps about ignoring experts who don’t have “skin in the game” (something to lose if they are wrong)

Given leftwingers and liberals new penchant for bashing the notion of freedom (“FREEDUMB”) I think you’re correct. I see “personal carbon credits” as the new horizon, with opposition being taken down quickly with accusations of racism and/or conspiracy theory

People with higher levels of education will likely be accorded more carbon credits under the notion that they are performing more valuable labour to society like giving DEI seminars or other important activism

You must be new to the IQ literature. Research shows high IQ is correlated with fiscal conservativism and that republicans have higher iqs than dems.


Indeed given the demographics involved this is hardly surprising. Sucks to suck, for sure

It really is depressing how many people can be proved so utterly wrong and yet never acknowledge it isn’t it? People are so prideful and arrogant. It’s our greatest downfall as a species

Danes and western immigrants to Denmark are, on average, positive contributors to Denmark during their working years. The same is true, though less so, of "Other non western". However it turns out that the controversial group of immigrants - MENAPT (Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan and Turkey) - are net negative contributors at every age.

A breakdown by country (for countries with at least 5000 immigrants to Denmark) is provided and the result is exactly what the far right would predict: white people, Indians and Chinese make good immigrants and contribute positively to Denmark. The average American benefits Denmark to the tune of about $12k/year, the average Indian a little bit less. The average Somalian costs Denmark about $18k. Thais, Vietnamese and Filipinos are net neutral.

This is why I always found it strange that there is a corporate argument for lllegal immigration - that somehow this improves the economy and business of European companies. Maybe, but the taxpayers are big losers ultimately, having to foot a massive bill that will inevitably result in either an increase in taxes (in already the most highly taxed countries in the world) or (more likely) a decrease in quality of services. It’s a lose lose situation.

This is anecdotal but I find the people who obsess over sex the most seem to be the people who have the least of it (there’s likely a reason for this correlation I’ll leave as an exercise for the reader)

Republicans aren’t known for forcing speech codes around dubious notions of “harm”, so yea, they should vote R, I’m surprised people don’t realize they are the libertarian team. At worst they might draft a law that states school children shouldn’t be taught america is the worst country on earth that they should defile and shit on at every opportunity

It’s not just trans people, women in general and feminine men tend to value feelings over truth (on average). Since these spaces are dominated by lesbians and feminine men (gay men) they tend to focus on feelings and social harmony over truth value or free speech

I think a big reason for this apprehension is when you get married, you blend families to a significant degree. The parents are apprehensive about how they are going to get along with a group so culturally different than themselves.

But I've been thinking about this recently, why did fat women become a protected class among the woke?

They’re probably a majority constituency from my observations

Yup, I still to this day spot people driving with masks on in their car…alone.

A few people have truly lost it. I’m allergic to discussion about Covid now I’m so sick of it. I’m triple vaxxed but I’m not taking any more jabs. I never got sick with it once, even mildly. People keep talking about getting their 4th doses and I just think their insane now, but I live and let live. It’s their health and they can do what they want

I don’t see genocidal intentions from new Americans. Can you provide a source on this?

If you look at the marital choices of the most voricious woke POC female leaders like AOC, Jackson, Omar, etc they universally choose white husbands that they subsequently breed with. Doesn’t seem like a great strategy if their intentions are to kill off their own progeny

AGI won’t be allowed to be a thing as it will notice too many patterns in society that would be considered problematic. As such every woke tech firm (which is all of them) will systematically lobotomize them ala ChatGPT, effectively preventing full sentience

It could cause more people to stink around me. I dislike when people stink around me because it smells bad

“Too good to check” strikes again.

I have the EXACT same situation as you my friend. I feel at any moment my cover will be blown. Digital AI detecting post history signatures, legalized state police investigation, or doxxing by enemy activists are all distinct possibilities.

I have no clue how to deal with this except a kind of resigned fatalism. If it happens, it happens. At best we can flee our countries for better pastures, but that’s about it. Maybe the cathedral will fall apart and people will learn the value of political pluralism or the right to privacy but I sincerely doubt it

You could also look at the labour participation rate for young men, which is dropping at historically unprecedented rates.


During the 1996–2016 period, the nonparticipation rate increased the most for younger men of prime working age, those age 25 to 34. In terms of education, the largest increase in nonparticipation was seen among men with the middle levels of educational attainment—those with either (1) a high school diploma but no college, (2) some college, or (3) an associate’s degree.

This links data was from before the pandemic, which likely worsened things even further.