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joined 2022 September 05 01:37:00 UTC


User ID: 347



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User ID: 347

Parent influence isn’t limited. Just take the phone and unplug the internet.

Boom, dysphoria cured

I’m sure some already do but good luck enforcing mandatory internet and smartphones for everyone. They cant even keep potholes filled in my city

And what if she watches stuff on her friend's phone? Or she just picks it up from them?

For most of these types of teens the problem is they don’t even have irl friends. Most of this social contagion is spread online amongst the terminally online and desperately lonely

The school stuff could conceivably happen. Live somewhere conservative? Check in with teachers and pay attention to what’s going on at school, attend the meetings etc

I’m not saying stop resisting their propaganda and social engineering, I’m just giving some basic and helpful tips.

Why would anyone go through circumcision as an adult? There's no fucking way I'm having elective penis surgery, even if there were a couple of women who wouldn't go down on me for it.

So you’d rather force it on unconsenting babies? Seems kind of a strange contradiction. At least with adults you can get anesthesia, unlike infants.

It’s not a sensitive subject for me personally I just had to point out how skewed your perspective is.

Ezra Miller

It’s important to realize the evidence for long Covid is pretty weak and limited to severe cases where hospitalization occurred and is likely secondary to delirium. Your chances of long Covid are very very low given your description

Yup, I still to this day spot people driving with masks on in their car…alone.

A few people have truly lost it. I’m allergic to discussion about Covid now I’m so sick of it. I’m triple vaxxed but I’m not taking any more jabs. I never got sick with it once, even mildly. People keep talking about getting their 4th doses and I just think their insane now, but I live and let live. It’s their health and they can do what they want

It really is depressing how many people can be proved so utterly wrong and yet never acknowledge it isn’t it? People are so prideful and arrogant. It’s our greatest downfall as a species

I’m sure this kind of denial is adaptive in the business or employment sphere but there should be a limit when it comes to personal intimate relationships. If you have a close relationship with someone who refuses to admit their wrong doing even when it’s negatively afffected you, you might want to consider whether this person is abusing you in some way

So are we going to talk about the bombshell news about social media companies collaborating with federal agencies to police all information or what?

I would give you my take but I’m very unsurprised. Glad that this information is now official however. If they thought they couldn’t control information before, they’ve completely destroyed any lingering trust now. Everything is now suspicious.


Sorry I thought I checked thoroughly but I missed it

Anyone else suspect that Apple and Google are going to collude to kill Twitter by removing it from their app stores? Apple is already deleting their accounts on twitter. Seems like they are setting the stage. The Cathedral cannot tolerate a competitor to their stranglehold on social media it seems

Not that a few didn't run with that narrative in the absence of evidence anyways.

The one that inspired “stop Asian hate” comes to mind. They had zero evidence it was hate motivated but that did nothing to stop the fake media outrage

The only way Apple and Google ban Twitter is if it devolves substantially, becoming filled with slurs and "hate speech," and I don't think Musk will let that happen.

A lot of press is already setting the narrative that this is indeed happening, that moderation is failing. I’m on twitter and I don’t see it at all, although “trending hashtags” have become much more right wing lately

I’m long past expecting consistency from blue tribe. If their power is threatened they will lash out with considerable force

Many on the far left have made no bones about regarding the nuclear family as something they want to destroy and dismantle. It should come as no surprise that family-oriented holidays like thanksgiving and Christmas are regarded with hostile and derision. As the far left has gained more and more cultural influence, I expect this to accelerate. Meanwhile if you point it out, you’ll get snide jokes about “the war on Christmas”, in the classic mode of “it’s not happening, but also it is and it’s a good thing bigot”

Maybe for parents and kids, but grandparent is a bit of a stretch

Yup all the conservative teens i know go by they/them, very common

Garlic, vitamin D, and zinc are your best bets. Maybe increase your intake if beta glucans and probiotics as well

Pepto shouldn’t have acetaminophen in it afaik

It was only a small matter of time before things degenerated to the point where it was necessary to either import immigrants to make up for the collapsing birth rate

As an aside this is a total bollocks position. Most immigrants that go to the uk are family reunification migrants which means they are mostly middle aged or elderly and since most migrants don’t have that many kids anyway, the net effect is a wash on fertility. It just leads to more entitlement spending, resulting in net negative gdp growth

In 1945 90 percent of the British were opposed to immigration. Now a slight majority support it. It’s possible for attitudes to change

Seems like many of the migrant communities in the UK hate each intensely though.

Then just have anti immigration code left. It’s not as if that’s impossible. You can make a leftist case for being anti immigration.


According to the Annual Population Survey, in 2019 there were an estimated 9.4 million foreign-born people living in the UK. Of these, an estimated four million said that the main reason they originally moved to the UK was to join or accompany a family member. This means that 45% of all the foreign-born in the UK are family migrants, equivalent to 6% of the UK’s population of 66 million.

Looks like I was slightly off. It’s roughly half of all foreigners are chain migrants