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User ID: 347



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User ID: 347


Apparently there’s been a big drop in conservative support for gay marriage, all in the space of a year.

I think this says a lot, mainly because it’s a point I see brought up by a lot of the blackpillers in this community “look, look - even conservatives support gay marriage now, there’s no stopping progressivism”.

Well, what now? Apparently the left has pushed too hard and too fast and it’s turning the GOP away. Being LGBT isn’t seen as some harmless thing anymore, especially when it seems being “tolerant” means accepting gay drag nuns on crucifixes. The parodies are no longer a parody, and grooming children to accept gender ideology seems rife in schools even in deep red states.

Recently I read about a Muslim city in america voting to ban the pride flag. This is just one example of the incoming shift and realignment being forced by progressive extremism becoming more forcibly mainstream

I’ve sometimes heard that the left wing takeover of corporate America is a hollow one - they don’t REALLY cars about minorities, just look at umm their Middle East twitter accounts! They care about $$$ and aren’t true believers

I found an interesting counter point recently.


This is what a corporation that has no idea what their audience is about, but does in fact know clearly what it’s ideology is about.

I’ll summarize the link but you really should read it for yourself, it’s astounding how bad Disney gets the Star Wars franchise: for instance, the books need to be (in addition to all the old touchstones of diversity etc) ANTI WAR. And then there’s the characters, who are somehow all androgynous.

The sales figures reflect an enormous lack of interest of enthusiasm. But it doesn’t matter for Disney - they get to spread the Good Word of gender ideology and anti fascism/anti traditionalism.

Anyone else suspect that Apple and Google are going to collude to kill Twitter by removing it from their app stores? Apple is already deleting their accounts on twitter. Seems like they are setting the stage. The Cathedral cannot tolerate a competitor to their stranglehold on social media it seems

Can someone steelman why “pride” is still necessary? Seems that you can be gay, bi or trans and it’s more than accepted - there’s a huge increase in kids claiming lgbt status so if there’s stigma it’s not apparent anymore. At what point does it make sense to call a moratorium for social movements that have lost their purpose? What are the “victory conditions” for what homophobia is considered no longer a major issue?

Given leftwingers and liberals new penchant for bashing the notion of freedom (“FREEDUMB”) I think you’re correct. I see “personal carbon credits” as the new horizon, with opposition being taken down quickly with accusations of racism and/or conspiracy theory

People with higher levels of education will likely be accorded more carbon credits under the notion that they are performing more valuable labour to society like giving DEI seminars or other important activism

Abortion is still legal in the majority of states

You think the GOP hates black principals? Wha

Gays can’t work for charities either?

I’m not sure what your arguing here. Do most millennials think republicans are the worst version MSNBC portrays them as? That’s depressing but would explain a lot

LNG is the most expensive way to move gas. That alone will massively increase prices for Germany. Renewables were always a joke for Germany as well, they don’t get enough wind or sunlight for them to work and battery tech is still not close enough to compensate. Insulation helps residential homes keep warm, but that’s it, and how many are able to afford it? I don’t quite understand your optimism here. Time will tell

Republicans aren’t known for forcing speech codes around dubious notions of “harm”, so yea, they should vote R, I’m surprised people don’t realize they are the libertarian team. At worst they might draft a law that states school children shouldn’t be taught america is the worst country on earth that they should defile and shit on at every opportunity

Does anyone else find it interesting that despite going through a momentous era of nation wide protests through BLM, Covid lockdown protests, etc. there’s been very little in the way of protest music produced by the culture? This may just be the function of my being mid 30s and being out of touch, but unlike the 1960s-70s which produced some amazing protest music (bob dylan, Nina Simone, Beatles, etc) there’s been…nothing of any note these days. Feels like a cultural wasteland tbh

Is this the youth being a much smaller generation now? Is music too corporate now? Or are the youth simply more conformist and love authority?

He had an open warrant for punching an elderly woman in the face. Also he had 44 prior arrests. Also multiple people have come forward to say he had tried to victimize others in crimes that went unreported. This is unsurprising, most crime is unreported, so anytime a criminal gets caught doing something, it’s safe to assume he has done it multiple times before. This means Neely probably victimized hundreds of people already, through acts of trying to kidnap a teen girl to trying to push people into the tracks (attempted murder). Thus the marine was fully justified in using non lethal means to subdue the threat. The fact he had an anomalous reaction, likely to due to drugs and an unhealthy lifestyle like George Floyd, isn’t the marines fault in the least.

You’re wasting your time, people on the motte are very blackpilled and demoralized to the point they can’t see a win as a win.

I can provide citations but most data supports the idea that the vast majority of lesbians have had sex with men. This is in sharp contrast to gay men who generally only sleep with men, ever, suggesting true lesbianism is exceedingly rare

As far as I’m aware this is one of only two high ranking government officials with a trans identity (it could be more but these are the only two I think that are visible). And already one has been outed for sexual deviancy. Not a great base rate, and very bad optics if you’re seeking greater trans acceptance

Reading Sotomayors and Jackson’s dissents all I can think is: “this is an excellent example of why affirmative action needs to be banned”

He used the appropriate level of force. People forget it wasn’t just him - he had help from two black men who also thought this guy needed restraining. Are they guilty of aiding in murder? Why is no one calling for their arrest? This is a rhetorical question - I know exactly why they aren’t

So are we going to talk about the bombshell news about social media companies collaborating with federal agencies to police all information or what?

I would give you my take but I’m very unsurprised. Glad that this information is now official however. If they thought they couldn’t control information before, they’ve completely destroyed any lingering trust now. Everything is now suspicious.


It’s crazy how many white-looking people I see calling themselves indigenous in places like Canada and Australia. They use their dubious identity to claim prestigious roles and awards, like - have you no shame? And is anybody else seeing this shit? Like can you not see how pale this person is? Some of them even have blue eyes ffs

We need genetic testing for this sort of thing going forward. Native ancestry of 50 percent or greater or no dice

There’s no rational reason to be targeting women for their bags specifically. He could easily just grab them from a luggage store. Your really bending over backwards to give this person the benefit of the doubt - why?

That’s a great rebuttal

Something about the “more roads doesn’t lower traffic” argument never sat well with me. Seems obvious it’s still a net good to build bigger roads

In 1945 90 percent of the British were opposed to immigration. Now a slight majority support it. It’s possible for attitudes to change

From your EEOC link:

Use of tests and other selection procedures can also violate the federal anti-discrimination laws if they disproportionately exclude people in a particular group by race, sex, or another covered basis, unless the employer can justify the test or procedure under the law.

This effectively makes it illegal to use IQ tests since by their very nature they will discriminate based on race.

“Oh but you just have to justify the test under the law!” Great! Give me just one example of a company successfully doing so, after being sued. Remember. The process is the punishment, therefore sometimes the is can be technically allowed in practicality they are illegal - which is how leftist lawfare works

Since the military has made gays openly serving a policy, how has their organization been doing? Have gays been rushing the fill the recruitment numbers? Or are they in a crisis to find anyone who even cares to join their organization?

Maybe there is a reason for this fence that has existed for thousands of years. Or you think you know better than all your ancestors?

I see it more as anti-status quo bias and being prone to anti hierarchy bias. Who benefits from wokeness? Anyone who is lower on the socioeconomic totem pole. You can also benefit as a straight white male by showing wokeness, since it makes you seem generous and humble (although obviously there is a limit where too much wokeness damages you)

Everyone is pro eugenics. Just ask them if a brother and sister should be allowed to copulate and bear children

How many “competent well adjusted infertile” couples are there, really?

Iirc there’s a ratio of about 20 families per child waiting for adoption