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joined 2022 September 05 01:37:00 UTC


User ID: 347



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User ID: 347

Just get a water flavourer. There’s tons out there

Getting strong “left behind in Rosedale” vibes from this comment

Have you considered importing a wife from Southeast Asia or South America etc? Honest question - you could easily marry very well that way.

Sounds like it could be chronic hyperventilation syndrome. Look up

Buteyko method and papworth method for ways to treat this. It’s strongly linked to anxiety as well.

Twitches sound kind of like benign fasciculation syndrome as well

I don’t think all women place as much emphasis on looks as you think, especially in other cultures. I’ve seen some baddies with disgusting men

He had an open warrant for punching an elderly woman in the face. Also he had 44 prior arrests. Also multiple people have come forward to say he had tried to victimize others in crimes that went unreported. This is unsurprising, most crime is unreported, so anytime a criminal gets caught doing something, it’s safe to assume he has done it multiple times before. This means Neely probably victimized hundreds of people already, through acts of trying to kidnap a teen girl to trying to push people into the tracks (attempted murder). Thus the marine was fully justified in using non lethal means to subdue the threat. The fact he had an anomalous reaction, likely to due to drugs and an unhealthy lifestyle like George Floyd, isn’t the marines fault in the least.

He used the appropriate level of force. People forget it wasn’t just him - he had help from two black men who also thought this guy needed restraining. Are they guilty of aiding in murder? Why is no one calling for their arrest? This is a rhetorical question - I know exactly why they aren’t

Actually from a legal perspective you’re wrong - helping restrain someone so that they can be more effectively executed makes you an accomplice. Once again, I ask why no one is calling for these people to also be prosecuted, when Chauvins fellow officers who didn’t even touch Floyd all got heavy sentences?

Didn’t see that, got a source?

So you think Penny’s intent was to kill a homeless person on the subway that day? Interesting. What evidence do you have for your belief?

I stand corrected. I’m impressed with their consistency.

"This is absolutely devastating. Should have never happened. We have been pleading with MTA and state to put in social workers, deploy them into the subway system," Jack Nierenberg of Passengers United said.

And right away I’m amazed at their absurdity. Beyond parody

"helping restrain someone so that they can be more effectively executed makes you an accomplice."

That’s the argument from the pro punishment side which is who I was originally arguing with but it looks like it was a different user. I don’t believe it was an execution

No problem. One good way to test if it’s chronic hyperventilation is to get a blood o2 monitor and see if you’re above 98 percent saturation. Or you can simply hold your breath after taking a normal breath and see how long you last without feeling an urge to breath. Anything less than 20 seconds is indicative of CH iirc

Yeah didn’t China already use technology to create a bio weapon that just recently devastated the globe? What’s to stop them from using AI to design another super virus and then WHOOPSIE super Covid is unleashed my bad

But not before giving AI it’s anti racism training data

in the short term something like height classes in basketball

That sounds hilariously demeaning to those who would participate. If you think womens basketball is unpopular, this should be a hit right?

Well, yeah. The vast majority of social scientists are actually just activists who use their profession to push their political agenda forward. This wasn’t always the case, but the trend has always been there and it’s accelerated to the point that these departments are completely taken over, and quite frankly need to be burned to the ground before any real science can once again take place

If you can’t see what’s blindingly obvious I see this “umm source please?” as nothing more than rhetorical

You clearly don’t read Scott’s own writings I guess


Take a look at what the best and brightest of psychiatrists conference write about for their conferences. Endless woke activist slop. And it’s like this at every single social sciencey conference too, including economics.

I don’t feel like doing research for someone who isn’t interested in asking honest questions though so go ahead and find your own sources

All that information will be banned, just as facial recognition software has been banned for police

Can someone steelman why “pride” is still necessary? Seems that you can be gay, bi or trans and it’s more than accepted - there’s a huge increase in kids claiming lgbt status so if there’s stigma it’s not apparent anymore. At what point does it make sense to call a moratorium for social movements that have lost their purpose? What are the “victory conditions” for what homophobia is considered no longer a major issue?

Since the military has made gays openly serving a policy, how has their organization been doing? Have gays been rushing the fill the recruitment numbers? Or are they in a crisis to find anyone who even cares to join their organization?

Maybe there is a reason for this fence that has existed for thousands of years. Or you think you know better than all your ancestors?

So? Why should I care about what an unrelated organization did? This is a hobby space ffs, not some government or public entity. You’re trying to justify totalitarianism based on some kind of collective blood libel that almost no one alive in the country has anything to do with.

Danes and western immigrants to Denmark are, on average, positive contributors to Denmark during their working years. The same is true, though less so, of "Other non western". However it turns out that the controversial group of immigrants - MENAPT (Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan and Turkey) - are net negative contributors at every age.

A breakdown by country (for countries with at least 5000 immigrants to Denmark) is provided and the result is exactly what the far right would predict: white people, Indians and Chinese make good immigrants and contribute positively to Denmark. The average American benefits Denmark to the tune of about $12k/year, the average Indian a little bit less. The average Somalian costs Denmark about $18k. Thais, Vietnamese and Filipinos are net neutral.

This is why I always found it strange that there is a corporate argument for lllegal immigration - that somehow this improves the economy and business of European companies. Maybe, but the taxpayers are big losers ultimately, having to foot a massive bill that will inevitably result in either an increase in taxes (in already the most highly taxed countries in the world) or (more likely) a decrease in quality of services. It’s a lose lose situation.

Well, yeah. You have no real argument despite massive evidence being weighed against your position. It’s just neurotic appeals to emotion, constantly.