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joined 2022 September 11 05:54:07 UTC
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User ID: 1124



0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 11 05:54:07 UTC


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User ID: 1124

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Any updates?

She also mentioned offhand that her dead husband helped her with transition, but yeah, attention was given to dead husband rather than trans topic.

It reminds me of calls for Donald Trump to disavow white supremacists. He recognized that the criticism would swing the same whether he accepted the premise or denied all wrongdoing.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=RGrHF-su9v8 President Trump Condemning White Supremacy Compilation

Can you elaborate on what things in society would just break down if

the real name of someone posting under an alias

the prior legal names of someone

Were published?

The former