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joined 2022 September 17 19:51:04 UTC


User ID: 1243



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 17 19:51:04 UTC


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User ID: 1243

I first came across across Trace by reading his "Tracing Woodgrains: A parable on losing faith" post on /r/exmormon. I was the typical /r/atheism convert during my early 20's and had read/watched just about every inspirational, thought provoking, quotable thing the internet had generated in regards to losing ones faith. But Trace's summary of the Xenocide girl brought me to tears. As well as his follow up to how it compared to his own faith journey. I have read out loud or shared that post to many family members and friends as it genuinely changed the way I frame belief and unbelief. Since then he oddly kept showing up in the places I frequent. I was surprised when I saw his posts on /r/theMotte and even more surprised when the above discussed podcast I listen to said he was being added to the team. I never scroll past a thing he has written and look forward to any future paths he takes.