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User ID: 2071



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User ID: 2071

She wrote an essay called "Why I am now a Christian" (https://unherd.com/2023/11/why-i-am-now-a-christian/) and left out any argument as to why Christianity is true, so it's natural to conclude that the truth-value of Christianity was not an important factor in why she is Christian.(And she references the title in the beginning of the article, so it's not just one of those stupid headline writer things.)

As it happens, I don't suspect she's lying. She just seems to think "I am Christian" means "Christianity is useful", which is just another form of the common practice of confusing what is nice to believe with what is actually true. This practice is seen all the time, including in both sides of the Christian-Atheist debate. It's not a lie, but it's sloppy logic around what Christianity actually is, so I concur with OP's use of scare quotes in reference to her "conversion" at least based on the best available information to me.

As it also happens, I am not Christian, but I believe Christianity is useful and probably even load-bearing for the USA.

I had the impression, but never checked, that Planned Parenthood still refers (maybe officially, maybe not) patients to out of state abortions in states like Texas. My google-fu is not providing an answer one way or another on that, but, if true, that would provide a non-revenge motivation.