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joined 2023 January 24 02:53:28 UTC


User ID: 2122



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 January 24 02:53:28 UTC


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User ID: 2122

If the West does all it has done thus far to support Ukraine, it would seem likely it would be predisposed to also do the same things to help Finland

One contrary point here is that previously, the majority in Finland just didn't want to be part of NATO, whereas in Ukraine the situation was more complicated. If Putin had invaded Finland in Feb 2022, I would have been equally outraged but perhaps less willing to help a country that had decided in advance it didn't want my help.

Now things have changed. Finland has applied to join NATO. If a rogue NATO member is now going to veto that for a bad reason, that's not Finland's fault. I would urge Finland not to back down on the free speech issue. This puts some pressure on Turkey.

Bug in the sign-up page using Firefox on Android.

Text editing in the Username field behaves erratically. eg. I typed "solved" and then pressed backspace 5 times. Here are the actual results:






Expected results:







  • A few other erratic behaviours, but backspace was the most consistently wrong.

  • Fairly easy to work around. Just takes a bit more time to get it saying what you want it to say. I went ahead and created this account with no other problems.

  • Presumably the JavaScript that validates what I'm typing is somehow responsible.

  • Encountered both before and after a reboot of my phone.

  • Not reproducible in Chrome.

  • New phone, latest Android, Firefox up to date.

  • I didn't experiment with the other fields on the sign up page.

How society treats people mostly doesn't depend on whether they're a man or a woman, because that mostly doesn't matter. Where it does matter (prisons, sports, changing rooms, healthcare, etc.), it's almost entirely an issue of sex, not any of these new conceptions of gender.

Consider proposition 3 - that it is immoral not to replace sex with some conception(s) of gender, in the above contexts.

Perhaps the biggest sense in which I'm "gender critical" is that I'm critical of proposition 3.

The thing you have a problem with is that they are transgender.

This doesn't seem correct. I have a problem with people who push proposition 3. Most of those people are cisgender. Some of the people on 'my side' are transgender. (For all I know it could be a silent majority of transgender people who are on 'my side'.)

Another bug. In the formatting of code blocks.

10 PRINT "Hello World"

20 GOTO 10

In the preview, these 2 lines show up 'together', but when I submit this comment and it appears on the main page, there is a whole empty line between them. (Enough space for another line of BASIC!)

Regarding numbers, here's an example. The census in England and Wales gave the same number of "trans men" as "trans women". 48,000 of each.


I refused to answer that census question as it was wrong. I don't "identify with" a "gender". I don't have a "gender identity". The fact that I'm a man is simply a fact. Like the fact that I'm NN[1] years old.

[1] - Personally identifying information withheld because the movement making insane demands on behalf of this group of "oppressed people" (according to Scott) controls government, media, academia, the charitable sector, the corporate sector, the tech monopolies, etc and thus has the power to ruin the lives of anyone disagreeing with those insane demands. And the spite to use that power, gleefully, at every opportunity.

Regarding male vs female and man vs woman, I agree, it's a mess.

I have always been very reluctant to have a change in the definition of man & woman imposed on me. I didn't used to think about male & female much. It was only after reading articles like this that I realised screwing with those words is even worse.

So of course, that's exactly what the politicians in my country have done. Here, you can allegedly change your sex, by going through a legal process. I guess that's what they call a legal fiction.

I feel like "gender critical" is confusing terminology, in that it really is transgender critical

I don't agree, though I'm confused because there are so many definitions of "gender".

The ideologies that sprung up around this word, in living memory, have various implications that I and others disagree with. Only one of these implications is proposition 1 - that it's actually possible to be a woman in a male body.

Whereas I and many others have no problem with proposition 2 - that some people with male bodies really wish they were women, and will behave in ways more typical of women where doing so causes no harm to others (in the usual classical liberal sense).

I am 100% accepting of proposition 2, so the only aspect in which I am "transgender critical" is in the gender aspect. I'm critical of those ideologies around "gender" that endorse proposition 1, and have other implications I don't like.

Doesn't seem accurate for the UK.

but they've been supplanted by a newer generation of populists that appear to increasingly take a page out of America's right-wing playbook by uniting with moslems against the LGBT crowd.

Any examples / articles / links?

Thanks for this post, @TheBookOfAllan, interesting topic & good analysis.

The only flaws I'm aware of have already been corrected in the excellent reply by @Amadan.

Regarding the Troubled Blood misinformation, you may be blameless, as it was spread by some allegedly journalistic outlets. If anyone's interested, the incident was covered as part of at least one free episode of the Blocked & Reported podcast. (Katie Herzog has read the book.)

And to elaborate on the Rowling charity thing, the only "ban" I'm aware of was her recently opening the only female-only crisis shelter in a city that already had at least one mixed-sex crisis shelter. (Mixed-sex in the sense that it claims to be women-only but uses a John Money / Judith Butler type definition of "women".)