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Lipstick on a guitar

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joined 2022 September 05 13:52:36 UTC
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User ID: 573


Lipstick on a guitar

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 13:52:36 UTC


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User ID: 573

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The crud of your point has seemingly little to do with my thoughts.

War - it takes war.

And the longer Israel diddles, the longer the suffering before the cleansing spirit of war.

I wish war was never invented. I wish it were obsolete now. But it was, and it isn't.

even just advocating for the nuclear genocide of the Arab world is enough to permanently destroy your credibility when it comes to condemning racists or white nationalists, who are in many cases less extreme in their policy recommendations.

I think we should be a bit more clear here: until they are happy and secure.

They are not secure because the people around them want them dead. The people around them constantly kill them, want to kill them, pray to kill them, hope to kill them, etc

Sam Harris, whom is now insufferable, has said (ish) that we should listen to what people tell us they believe.

People have trouble believing other people are so absurdly different that they could actually believe X Y or Z ... Smoke evidence be damned.

' we should kill our own people easier so some perpetually online dudes and fake politicians don't get mad at us ' isn't sound warfare strategy.

Israel should bomb every single possible target that holds terrorists or terrorists adjacent merchandise and see what happens after a year.

it basically evaporates any amount of good will I had for them

I don't understand a lot of things in life - and thoughts like these rank among the top.

Israel is surrounded by people's who all basically want them destroyed. One group decided to invade them and kill (1000, 1200?) of them and take hostages. Said people store munitions in hospitals and schools.

By every conceivable human metric that isn't of the last 50 years, Israel has the absolute human right to completely glaze everything around them until they are happy and secure.

But they don't. They hold back. Always. For decades.

And you're upset they blew up a hospital ... Or didn't.

I feel that a part of the disconnect you specifically are having is when you call teachers teachers instead of government agents. Maybe you've never thought about them in that manner, or maybe you think that's silly, or possibly even unhinged. But the poster you're responding to calls then government agents in this context for a reason.

They already do it with abortion.

How's this now?

Wow you really got shit on here

I thought it was a lovely and passionate write up and all the negativity shows the worst this place can give

Well I'm almost 40 and didn't sleep with my first white woman until I was 35 or so. I can't speak for the UK, nor can I speak for most of America outside of South Florida, but here at least most black / white interracial couples just seem like normal middle or lower middle class people. I've never met any like the you three you described but I don't have an overly large social circle.

White guys with black wives (whether American or Islander) is common here. So much so that I've never heard it exclaimed about at all. Sure I've heard people be derogatory but people are derogatory about everything. It always had to do with not liking one of the couple and not about who they were with.

I no longer have any interest in black American women however. Still, everyone should be seen as an individual so who knows what I'll do in my 40's.

I'd like to know more about Uriah's theory

I'm in a literary rut waiting for enough time to pass to reach Malazan again ... What's LitRPG?

I thought telegram is a messaging app like Whatsapp

I know who EY is - he could also be this wild anon poster from mma.tv ...

It was an anon forum that I posted on from '03 until 5-6 years back ... So no I can't. It was just an aside.

I really cherish Russ and Econ Talk and get frustrated when I read the description or listen to the first few minutes and have to skip the episode, as was the case today.

I have no idea who EY is except that I think he was a conspiracy crank who posted on mma.tv for a long time - I think they're the same poster but I don't really have proof and there's nothing linking them aside from the EY thing ... And I guess it doesn't really matter. mma.tv eventually deteriorated to a white nationalist ultra weirdly right wing shit hole in the same manner that most of my favorite niche forums deteriorated to the left.

I just am fully tired of AI doomerism. It has fully failed to convince me of anything it has ever said and at this point I just want to hear about the cool and awesome future - not some bullshit about paperclips and complete civilizational destruction.

Are you saying that every single person who went through male puberty can beat any woman, including top-level female athlete?


I love sports and I love women's mma but otherwise I have zero interest in women's sports.

I do, however, care about living in reality and living in a world that acknowledges some truths.

One of those truths is someone who went through male puberty will always, in every single case, have a competitive advantage over a woman.

I don't even really care that some weightlifting record has been broken or some high school girls might lose a scholarship. If anything, I think it's funny.

I just care that people are pretending about the realities of this situation.